FAA funding ends at midnight; almost 4,000 to be furloughed

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FAA funding ends at midnight; almost 4,000 to be furloughed

Post by Gaybutton »

I suppose it's not bad enough that the President and Congress look as if they're going to let the USA go into default, the effects of which already seem to be having an impact on the exchange rates, but now Congress is failing to provide funding for the Federal Aviation Administration and thousands of employees are going to find themselves jobless as of midnight tonight, along with thousands more who have peripheral jobs.

It's almost as if the politicians are willing to play politics to the point that they could throw the USA into a depression, possibly the entire world. I notice none of this will affect their own jobs and income. At least not yet. I already intend to vote against any politicians I can who are involved in this ridiculous stonewalling and hopefully be joined by plenty of other voters who will throw them right out of office in the next election. I'm no fan of George Bush, but in my opinion things have gone way beyond laying all these problems at his doorstep.

I guess I'm as fickle as many voters. A few weeks ago when Obama authorized the raid that killed Bin Laden, I gained a whole new respect for him. But the way things are going with these very serious economic problems, as it stands now the only way he would get my vote again would be if I consider his opponent to be even worse. I hope our politicians aren't leading us right into economic disaster, but it's getting to a point at which I'm wondering if it's going to take a miracle for them to get this worked out in time.

I shudder to think where the exchange rate will go, and how quickly it will get there, if they don't reach an agreement - and fast, not to mention the number of people who will end up in the unemployment line. Many American expats living in Thailand are totally dependent on their Social Security as their sole source of income. I can only imagine the anxiety they must be going through right now and what problems they will face if there is going to be a long wait before they receive their checks again.

FAA funding ends at midnight; almost 4,000 at FAA to be furloughed

By Carol Cratty, CNN Senior Producer
July 22, 2011

Washington (CNN) -- Almost 4,000 Federal Aviation Administration workers are facing furloughs after Congress adjourned Friday without passing a measure to reauthorize the agency's funding, according to the Transportation Department. A $2.5 billion program providing grants for airport construction projects also will shut down, and thousands of construction jobs could be jeopardized.

In a news release, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said he was disappointed that lawmakers did not pass a reauthorization and that funding is set to run out at midnight Friday. "Because of their inaction, states and airports won't be able to work on their construction projects, and too many people will have to go without a paycheck," he said. "This is no way to run the best aviation system in the world."

Full story: http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/07/22/faa.fu ... index.html
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Re: FAA funding ends at midnight; almost 4,000 to be furloug

Post by Captain Kirk »

I think the problem here is the system itself. The US people elect a government then fill the other house with their opponents. Elect a government then allow them to get on with it. If the country doesnt like what they do then change it next time but to get a bill that both parties agree on is always going to cause difficulties. I still think they are basically playing chicken and someone will fold before the deadline. Whats left..about nine days is it?

Re: FAA funding ends at midnight; almost 4,000 to be furloug

Post by Jomtienbob »

Clinton had a divided government, however the Republican leadership was willing to compromise and make a deal which was good for America, resulting in a balanced budget, with projections of such going 10 years into the future.

Bush comes along and squanders this by unfunded prescription drug program, two unfunded wars, and huge tax cuts for the rich. Though the economy doubled in size from 1992-2007, all of the benefit went to the wealthiest Americans, while the middle class was eviscerated.

Obama has been trying to find a partner to compromise with, however all he gets is my way or the highway. Mitch McConnell, has said that his major goal is to make Obama a one term president, and he and his compatriots do not care how much damage they do to the economy. Game plan is to destroy it now and blame Obama.

The Christian Right believes give us God Guns Gays and stop access to abortion, and we will follow you anywhere. I just hope the rest of America thinks different this year.

With the Citizens United case allowing uncontrolled political expenditures by the uber rich, I fear for the next election.

Nothing less than the heart and soul of the United States will be at stake.
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Re: FAA funding ends at midnight; almost 4,000 to be furloug

Post by Captain Kirk »

See there was a time when the rich wanted to be multi millionaires with a couple of large houses and a few expensive cars. Now they hanker after being billionaires with their own private jet.
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