Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

Another scary leak from the now-former British Ambassador to Washington. The Iran deal was killed by Trump only because it was negotiated by Obama. It was an act of diplomatic vandalism. As if that is not bad enough, given the considerable tension now surrounding that part of the world,
the White House did not have a "day-to-day" strategy of what to do following withdrawal from the deal . . .

the administration is set upon an act of diplomatic vandalism, seemingly for ideological and personality reasons - it was Obama's deal.
Commentators on CNN today did not quite agree. They pointed out that every Republican candidate in the race for the 2016 had said they would trap the deal and negotiate a better one.

That Trump can single-handedly tear up a long-term deal negotiated by several nations including his pals who run China and Russia is, in my view, hugely serious. That he had no plan for what would happen after that act of vandalism apart from a naive belief that sanctions would bring Iran to its knees begging for a new deal is a disgrace. It's like Bush Jnr. all over again. Let's topple Saddam Husein but, sorry folks, we have no plan about what to do thereafter! Democracy will flourish and the Middle East will be saved! What a load of B/S!

Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

"American Carnage: A Masterful Must-Read"

That is the heading in today's Guardian newspaper. It refers to a new book by Tim Alberta of Politico which is described as "a compelling, alarming and scoop-heavy history of the fall of the party of Lincoln."
Tim Alberta, Politico’s chief political correspondent, has written a masterful must-read. Across 600-plus pages, he chronicles more than a decade of transformation and turmoil within what was once but is no longer the party of Abraham Lincoln . . .

Like the deity on the sixth day of creation, Donald Trump has recast the Republican party in his own image. Aggrieved and belligerent is the new normal. The soul of the party has migrated from the sun belt to the Bible belt, from the suburbs to rural America, from a message suffused with upward arc to one brimming with resentment . . .

American Carnage records Karl Rove, Bush’s political brain, branding Palin “vacuous” and evidencing a Republican tropism toward “wanting people who would throw bombs and blow things up”. While Trump was the “ultimate expression” of that impulse, Rove says, Palin was an “early warning bell” . . .

Alberta’s storytelling is bolstered by his access to powers that be and were. Trump, Ryan and John Boehner, another ex-speaker, all go on the record. American Carnage is filled with scoop. It is an exercise in a pulling back the curtain, not breathlessness.

For example, Alberta lets us know the fix was in at Fox News for Trump during the Republican primaries, in a manner akin to the Democratic National Committee putting its thumb on the scales for Clinton. Ted Cruz, Texas’ grating junior senator, never had a real chance with the network built by the late Roger Ailes.

One Fox staffer told Cruz: “We’re not allowed to say anything positive about you on the air.” Or, as Cruz put it after Ailes’ death in 2017: “I think it was Roger’s dying wish to elect Donald Trump president.” Alberta lets us know that Ailes believed Barack Obama “really was a Muslim who really had been born outside the United States”. ... epublicans
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

Trump makes things even worse, and his supporters apparently think it's great. And the Republican cowards in Congress let him just get away with it.

If this is the kind of president Americans want, I'm glad I live halfway around the world.

Talk about an "I Don't Get It" list!


Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by gera »

Gaybutton wrote: Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:53 am
I am sorry for not being politically correct but 4 Marxist bitches on display may very well help to reelect Trump. The whole Trump tactics is to portray Democrats as moving towards Marxist wing of the party. I hope that Democrats choose somebody on moderate side (like Mayor Pete).
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

gera wrote: Thu Jul 18, 2019 1:05 pm 4 Marxist bitches on display

Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by gera »

Sorry 3 on display and one more on my mind
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

gera wrote: Thu Jul 18, 2019 1:27 pm Sorry 3 on display and one more on my mind
Ok, I'll bite. What makes you say they are Marxists?
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

If Trump is telling the truth about what happened and how it happened, this is one time I would agree with him.


Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

I am a little surprised that you agree with him. History is littered with such similar incidents.We know now that Defence Secretary Robert McNamara, several higher-ups in the Navy and others deliberately lied to the President and to Congress about the USS Maddox and the US Turner Joy being shot at twice by Vietnamese boats in the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964.

Navy Commander James Stockdale, who had overseen the air defense of Maddox two days before and was flying recognizance over the Gulf of Tonkin on August 4th, cast doubt on whether there was indeed an attack that day, noting, “Our destroyers were just shooting at phantom targets… There were no [North Vietnamese] boats there… There was nothing there but black water and American firepower.” Thus, on the basis of lies, Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and gave Johnson the powers to radically expand operations against North Vietnam.

With Pompeio and regime change hawk Bolton advising Trump, I would treat his words with a vast amount of scepticism. ... solution-1
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