The Movie about the Cave Rescue

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The Movie about the Cave Rescue

Post by fountainhall »

Oh dear! More on that film that has been discussed and whose producers are already sniffing around the cave!

Forget Spielberg. Forget Ron Howard. Think Gawd Almighty! This one is under consideration by a Christian production company who made the movie "God's Not Dead". Of that movie released 4 years ago and made intentionally for the faith audience, even the critic of the National Catholic Reporter said this -
It is a contrived, implausible Sunday school lesson. I think God, whom people seem to think needs defending, deserves better from the artistic community.
The Canberra Times critic wrote -
This is awful filmmaking, from trite writing of one-dimensional characters to even triter (which spell-check is telling me is not a word) dialogue
And The Guardian critic summed up his ultra brief review with these words -
Ban this sick filth.
I hope someone in the Thai government will now ban these people from the Kingdom.
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Re: The Movie about the Cave Rescue

Post by Gaybutton »

fountainhall wrote:I hope someone in the Thai government will now ban these people from the Kingdom.
If there is money to be made, I doubt Thailand would ban them, although I'm with you. I too would hope Thailand would refuse a garbage movie to be made from this incident. If these people really do make such a movie, my personal solution will be refusing to watch it.

Re: The Movie about the Cave Rescue

Post by fountainhall »

What I object to in the strongest possible way is that whilst faith clearly played a major part in keeping the boys in such an amazing state of physical and mental health, it was their Buddhist faith. Christianity had nothing to do with it. I fully accept that some in the international team will have been motivated by their Christian principles and I admire them immensely for that. But I just happen to believe that it is downright wrong for a dedicated Christian faith-based organisation to zoom in so quickly with the possible intent of capitalising on and profiting from this drama for the purposes of its own proselytising mission.
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Re: The Movie about the Cave Rescue

Post by Captain Swing »

I read this earlier, but I don't give it a whole lot of weight: they're "in talks." You and I could discuss making a movie and say we're "in talks." I did wonder how and why a company known for "Christian-themed" films would make a movie in which almost all the principal figures are Buddhist. I also wonder how they, or anyone, will make a movie in which almost all the action takes place in cramped cave passages---in the pitch dark. I'm sure a movie will eventually be made by someone--probably someone none if us ever heard of--but I'd almost bet it will be a dismal failure at the box office. If nothing else, by the time a movie is made and released the public's interest will have moved on to something else (if we're lucky, the impeachment)

Re: The Movie about the Cave Rescue

Post by fountainhall »

According to the Bangkok Post, Discovery Channel has already got a documentary almost ready and it will air "Operation Thai Cave Rescue" tomorrow morning at 09:00 am Bangkok time. Yet the Nation has conflicting information saying that it will be broadcast tonight on the Discovery and Science Channels in the USA, adding "TrueVisions said its Discovery Channel (562) will show the documentary on July 23 at 8:55pm and on July 29 at 9:50pm."

Another website in the USA says this -
SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) - The first documentary feature chronicling the rescue of Thailand's Wild Boar soccer team will air on the Discovery Channel in just a few days.

According to Entertainment Weekly, "Operation Thai Cave Rescue" will air Friday, July 13 at 7 p.m. local time on Discovery Channel.

The hourlong special will air again on Saturday, July 14 at 7 p.m. local time on Science Channel. ... 1294475576

The programming page on Discovery Asia's website is no help at all. It has nothing whatever about the documentary on its schedules tomorrow or on June 23! Which makes me wonder - since this was an Asian miracle, why is it that Asia has to wait a full 10 days after its airing in the USA? That seems a disgrace.

Does anyone have any further information?
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Re: The Movie about the Cave Rescue

Post by Captain Swing »

fountainhall wrote:Discovery Channel has already got a documentary almost ready and it will air "Operation Thai Cave Rescue"
I just watched this show on the Discovery Channel in the US. Thank you for announcing it; I might well have missed it otherwise. I thought it was well done. There were no real "scoops," not much we didn't already know, but it was well organized and well edited, with some good graphics and film we hadn't seen before. There were a few instances when I wanted to pull my hair out because the facts offered up were directly contrary to facts offered up by other sources, but I've come to expect that. I think the actual, definitive account of what the actual escape from the cave was like remains elusive and maybe always will be. But it certainly was not one iota less horrifying or less difficult than we've come to believe.
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Re: The Movie about the Cave Rescue

Post by Gaybutton »

If they do make a movie, I hope John Williams does the music . . .

Re: The Movie about the Cave Rescue

Post by fountainhall »

I fear that is unlikely to happen, if only because John Williams is now 86 and in failing health. If he were to compose a score for the movie, I hope it would be more along the lines of Schindler's List than those for the triumphal Star Wars, Superman and similar movies.

My own view, were I ever to be asked (!), is that music should play very little part in such a movie. In that cave it must have been as silent as a tomb with only the sound of silence and rushing water for the most part. I reckon natural sounds will convey what it must have felt like far better than any musical score. But then Hollywood is Hollywood! If that Christian company does get its hands on the rights, be prepared for lots of religious music with perhaps Handel's "Hallelujah" chorus ringing fortissimo around the cinema as the iast boys come out! And if it is a Schwarzenegger-type super hero movie, stand by for Wagner's "The Ride of the Valkyries" last used so effectively in Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now.
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Re: The Movie about the Cave Rescue

Post by Dodger »

fountainhall wrote:What I object to in the strongest possible way is that whilst faith clearly played a major part in keeping the boys in such an amazing state of physical and mental health, it was their Buddhist faith.
I'm sure faith played a role, but frankly I wasn't as shocked as some at the physical condition of the boys when they were rescued. I'm saying this because Thai boys are as tough as nails and cannot be compared to boys of a similar age in our western cultures. Especially when you consider that some of the soccer players were Aka Indian mountain boys and the others (non-Indian) resided in the same rough mountain terrain in impoverished villages.

Similar to the boys who reside in Issan, they are used to sleeping on hard floors (sometime directly on concrete), live in dwellings with little or no electricity, have diets of whatever pops up on the land and go for very long periods sitting and doing nothing. This is very similar to what I witnessed a few years back when Thai boys got incarcerated into a Thai prison. They lived in conditions which did not offer too many more comforts than the cave did for the soccer team and to my amazement many walked out of those man-made caves smiling after being incarcerated for years. It would be very unlikely that a boy of a similar age from the West could survive those conditions for that duration.

In my opinion the strength, resilience, ability to stay calm, ability to absorb pain and discomfort, and basic survival skills of a Thai boy are unmatched.

I hope whoever it is that produces the Movie captures this aspect of Thai life and Thai boys in general. That's where the story really has its meat.
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Re: The Movie about the Cave Rescue

Post by colmx »

Dodger wrote: the others (non-Indian) resided in the same rough mountain terrain in impoverished villages.
Looking at some of the bicycles that the boys had tells me that they are not all that impoverished
I would hazard a guess that some of the boys families are definitely more middle class than poor, so I think these guys would have endured the most hardship
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