Cambodian Capers Part 2 Phnom Penh

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Cambodian Capers Part 2 Phnom Penh

Post by funtop »

Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the very positive replies to the Siem Reap posting.

Here is the second instalment.

I left MENs resort at just before 9am and was taken virtually around the corner by tuk tuk to where the mini bus was waiting. I waited for about 5 minutes with one other younger farong and a number of Cambodians and all our bags were then loaded into the back and we were allocated seats inside. Bottles of water and buns in boxes with the a picture of the mini-bus printed on it were then handed out and off we went.

The road to Phnom Penh was not too bad although a bit bumpy at times and I am glad I had booked the mini-bus and not the coach as our driver drove quite fast overtaking most other transport on route. After about an hour and a half into the journey we stopped at a cafe in a small town. I initially resisted the urge to buy anything to eat but when I was told we would be there for half an hour I decided to buy a cake and a drink. The prices were cheaper than Siem Reap and I did not fancy the free bun I had been given as it looked savoury rather than sweet.

We then set off again on the highway passing many paddy fields, small huts and villages. We had to slow down once for an accident though the occasional police checkpoints did not seem to concern the driver's speed. We eventually arrived in Phnom Penh around 1.30pm and as we got out of the mini-bus were all besieged by tuk tuk drivers.

As mentioned in the Siem Reap posting I have previously written a short article about not being sure where to stay so I initially opted for the Flamingo Hotel which primarily attracts foreigners wishing to bed bar girls. My reasoning behind this was a good report from “Suzie” on the Sticky Rice gay website and a few minor bad reviews of the Manor House. Having said that my views were warming more towards the Manor House as the owner of MENs said that many guests coming from there gave glowing reports.

The tuk tuk driver then set off and I immediately noticed a big difference between Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. Firstly the traffic was about 10 times busier and secondly I had to put my sunglasses on, not for the sun, but for all the dust that got into my eyes and what little hair I have left. I eventually got to the Flamingo which was situated bang in the middle of the Phnom Penh seedy night life area with the famous Walkabout bar, Howies, Black Cat Bar, Heart of Darkness and others all close by. When I got out of the tuk tuk I was again besieged by about 5 different tuk tuk drivers all parked opposite the hotel touting for business. They all offered to take to to the various tourist sights and wanted my custom.

The hotel itself appeared a little shabby but then I was only paying $24 a night which included breakfast and there was no overnight fee. I had previously e-mailed the manager just to make sure it was ok to bring back gay guests and told there would be no problem.
I was shown to my room and got a bit of a shock as to the small size of it and basic bathroom but I had been spoiled and paid twice the price at MENs. Having said that the room was clean, had a fan, air conditioning and tv and so I thought would suit my purposes. I had asked for a quiet room but I was located at the front corner of the building and noticed it was quite noisy with the traffic and the constantly talking and shouting tuk tuk drivers.

I showered and decided to look around the Riverfront area of Phnom Penh in the mid afternoon. With so many tuk tuk drivers all wanting my attention and most saying they will be my driver throughout the holiday I decided to try to use a different driver each time so they could all share my money.
Initially they did not like the idea but when I stuck to it over the next couple of days they all appreciated it saying “My turn next sir”. I just had to try to remember who I had already used.

Another thing to mention is that there are literally 1000's of moto's. Guys on motorcycles and mopeds all willing to take you around the city. In fact virtually everyone on there way to work or just sat on one chatting with friends will ask if you want a moto. I had a few rides on them but you take your life in your hands and most cannot speak english and haven't a clue where they are taking you.

The Riverfront was quite pleasant with a walkway along the Mekong and many foreigner orientated hotels, restaurants and cafes. While I was there I saw the famous Wat Phnom elephant walking along the main street being fed bread and other food from the shopkeepers. At the risk of being politically incorrect my 'Rough Guide to Cambodia' guide book says it's name is “Sam Bo” and no I'm not a racist.

Anyway enough of the tourist bit I'm sure you are all waiting to hear my other exploits. I got back to the hotel, and thought I would walk to see where the Blue Chilli Bar was, as on the map it appeared to be only around the corner. Some 15 minutes later in the late afternoon heat I could not find the place although I was sure I was in the correct street. Anyway I gave up and returned to the hotel, showered and tried without much success to sleep. At about 9pm I used a tuk tuk driver to take me to the Blue Chilli Bar. It was in the same street but why I could not find it was because the place was closed and the shutters had hidden it from view. It would normally have been at most a 5 minute walk, if that, and I noticed the crafty tuk tuk driver drove around the block a couple of times so he could ask for his $2.

The bar itself was in a darkened street set back and had tables and chairs on the front pavement. There were a couple of Cambodian straight bars near it but it was not near the main night life area. There were quite a few nice young Cambodian boys sat at the tables laughing and talking. All appeared to me to be 18 and over, in fact I would say most were 20-21. The bar area was an open space with bar stools and some settees arranged against the walls and a small though long bar set against one side. I sat on one of the bar stools by the bar and ordered a drink. I was welcomed by the cute barman and also the manager, whose name I think was Soccer, apologies if I have got it wrong. A number of boys then started walking past me smiling and making it obvious they wanted my attention and no doubt money later on. I asked the manager about the Glory Hole show which I had read was held on a floating boat or The Pontoon as it is called and he said it was on later that evening.

One guy came up to me and started talking, he was very good looking but not my type, being older and slightly more manly than my preferred choice. Maybe I'm being picky but I wanted to wait till I got to the Pontoon. I did however buy him a drink and started talking to him. His english was not brilliant but he said he only came to the bar 2 days a week and on the other days was at school. He asked if I was going to the Glory Hole and could I give him a lift. We carried on talking but I made it known to him that he could come in a tuk tuk with me but I may choose another guy and he said it was ok.

I then engaged in conversation with another older guy who was I think Chinese. His english was excellent and it became obvious he was not a money boy but a richer and more intellectual type who was gay and enjoyed the occasional night out. He started to give me the low-down on the scene and on some of the boys. He said “You are a hunter for boys” and I said “Sometimes”. When I told him I was a top he said he did not know if the guy I was with was a bottom or not but pointed out another guy in the bar. He said his married friend who is a top had said he had been with that boy and it was the best sex he had ever had. Well of course I thought that was the boy for me. Although he was not the slim or small type I decided my strict rule could maybe be broken on this occasion.

Before I had chance to speak to this boy he suddenly walked off with a large group of the other boys and they all got into tuk tuks on route to the Pontoon. I finished my drink and followed them with my part-time friend. The trip to the Pontoon was about 10 minutes and of course took us to the river front. It was dark and I could just about make out the shadow of a large boat moored to the jetty. We went onto a long walkway and walked onto the Pontoon and into the disco part. The interior was just like a normal club come disco with a dance floor surrounded by seats, sofas, tables and a bar at one end. Loud hip hop type music was blasting out and my friend directed me to sit in front of a large fan, he had obviously been here before.
The place was crowded with a mix mainly of young gay guys, all over 18, a few lady boys and some girls. All the cute guys were on the dance floor bopping around and having a great time. I looked around and guess what, could not see my intended date for the night. I again told my friend that I was after another guy and he said it was ok. I bought him a drink and sat and watched the boys. A number that had been in the Blue Chilli Bar came over and chatted with me and my friend.

The show then started which was not too bad and consisted of some lady boys and gay guys doing various dance routines to selected dance music and lasted for about 30 minutes. Those lady boys look better than the real thing and they have the longest legs I have ever seen. After the show finished the music started up again so I did a couple of laps of the club desperately trying to find that boy. Sods law but he must have gone or was hiding as I could not see him anywhere. I was then in a dilemma as to make my part time friend full time or look for another. I was slightly tired from my road journey so I opted to take my part time back to the hotel. We first got the tuk tuk back to the Blue Chilli Bar where his moto was parked and he followed me in the tuk tuk back to the hotel.

At the hotel we walked in and the night receptionist handed me my room key and glanced at the boy. He did not ask for any ID or say anything and we went to my room. This also happened the following night but it is fair to say that the boys I was with were not and did not look under-age.

We both showered and had a little heavy petting but it went no further than that. I presumed he was either a top or did not want to do anything. It was a bad choice especially as he was not really my type although he did have a nice toned body. I do not know if it was me but I noticed his eyes were reddened and glazed so maybe he was on drugs? After trying to do what I wanted I gave up and told him to go. I had only been with him for about half an hour but just knew it was not going to work.
I gave him $25 but maybe should have given him $20 or less, who knows.
When he left it was about 1.15am and it was fairly quiet though I could hear the sound of karaoke singing nearby. I struggled to get to sleep only to be awoken at 5.30am with the sound of traffic and the tuk tuk drivers talking.

I had breakfast at the hotel which just passable and then spent a bit of a gory day first visiting the Genocide Museum or S21 as it is known where 1000's of Cambodians were tortured by the Khmer Rouge and secondly to the Killing Fields were many more 1000's were put to death in mass pits. It was a sobering and thought provoking visit making me think how lucky I was.

That evening was a Friday so there was a show to be seen at the Blue Chilli Bar at 10.30pm. When I got there I chatted with Chinese intellectual who introduced me to his farang friend who happened to be staying at the Manor House Hotel. I had initially decided against staying there as I was unsure about their overnight visitors policy and that they catered for both straight and gay guests. The farang however assured me that although it was quite expensive, it was about $48 a night low season, he regularly stayed there and had no issues at all about bringing boys back so long as they had a photo ID. He said as long as they had proper ID no questions were asked and the gay guests always outnumbered the straight ones who were open-minded anyway for staying in an advertised gay and straight guest house. I then decided after this night was over I would switch hotels.

The Blue Chilli Bar had a large tv screen at the back of the place and there were loud music videos playing. I stood near that part of the bar as the place was much more crowded than it had been on the previous night. My friend from that night could not be seen and another shorter more stocky guy started to chat. I did not fancy him but bought him a drink just for some initial company. My god could he talk, he never shut up and in the end became quite annoying. The place was now packed with a mix of foreigners of both sexes and lots of very nice Cambodian guys of different ages, probably about 100 people in all I would guess.

The actual 'show' takes place on the top or the thin narrow bar and is accessed by a chair. I suddenly saw my dud friend from the night before enter the bar with another guy. He immediately came up to me and said about his accompanying friend “He my brother, I leave for show”. Well this other guy was quite cute but certainly did not look like the other guy although his english was excellent. I then bought him a drink although it was difficult trying to converse as the talkative guy kept butting in.

The show then started with a lady boy clambering, (maybe that's the wrong word), gracefully assailing, the bar top and proceeding to mime to an old Cambodian love song while waving an oversized fan about. This followed with more up to date music numbers from lady boys in different styles of clothes. Then the music became up tempo and two guys came onto the bar top wearing the skimpiest and tightest of white shorts, gyrating to the music. My jaw suddenly dropped as one of the two was my dud date. He looked totally different and very tempting and all the farangs were going wild and trying to grab him. He did a couple more numbers and the show was finished off with another lady boy and boy number. The last song was quite unintentionally hilarious as the music record or whatever kept jamming and the 2 were left standing there not knowing what to do.

The talkative friend then continued from where he had left off but he did say something of interest. He told me the so called brother was in fact the other guys boyfriend. The dancing dud guy then came over and started putting his hands all over me which I quite enjoyed as although I had no intention of bringing him back to the hotel that evening all the other farangs were green with envy so I lapped it up for a couple of minutes.

Then as if by magic the bar was virtually empty with all the crowd disappearing into the night. Although the show was a bit naff it seemed to attract a lot of people so maybe there is not much else to do in Phnom Penh.

The talkative guy and the dud guy then started arguing over me. It did not come to blows but I thought it may do so I told them both that neither would be accompanying back to the hotel. The parted and sat both sulking and staring at each other in different parts of the bar. Yet again I was in another dilemma. The good sex guy was nowhere to be seen and the the very few available guys left in the bar were not my type. Other than to cop off with one of the lady boys I decided to leave the Blue Chilli Bar and try my luck at the Heart of Darkness.

This was located just around the corner from the Flamingo and was like a typical slightly upmarket disco. Everyone was frisked before they went in and there was loud music playing inside. It was quite dark inside and very packed with a mixed crowd of all sorts, farangs, Chinese, Cambodians, some dancing some chatting and lots of single girls looking for customers. There were some guys both together and one there own but I do not know if they were gay or not. I had one drink there but it did not appear to me to be a gay watering hole so I decided to leave and call it a night.
I then returned to the Flamingo alone and I wished I had contacted my previous Siem Reap friend that afternoon and not been so greedy. Never mind nothing ventured nothing gained though. At least you will know this is a true report and not some fantasy dreamt up. It was now about 11.30pm and I struggled again to get to sleep because of the noise outside.

The following morning I telephoned my friend and he agreed to see me that evening in the Blue Chilli Bar, “But you go with me, not other boys”. We arranged to meet at 8pm. During the day I switched hotels to the Manor House, and when I got there wished I had paid the extra and stayed all 4 nights at the place.

It is situated in a reasonably quiet residential area with very nice cafes nearby and although there was some building work going on during the day it was quiet at night. It is basically a large house with 10 letting rooms but very tastefully decorated and had a relaxing quiet feeling through out. I was greeted by Greg, a New Zealander and the owner, and given a choice of a standard or deluxe room. I chose the deluxe which had a larger bathroom as well as fan, air-conditioning, nice comfy bed and pleasant décor. It was around $48 a night.
The interior of the place was very clean and cooled from the hot outside and it had a swimming pool and small outside bar area where drinks and breakfast were served.
You had to remove your shoes before entering and it was like a relaxing oasis in the middle of Phnom Penh, definitely recommended despite my previous concerns.
Greg verified what the farang had said about overnight guests and said the few guys that had written comments complaining had basically tried to bring back under-age guests (one was in the company of a young girl who must have been no older than 12 and the other with a boy of questionable age who had no ID).
As long as your friend has a proper photo ID showing he is over 18 then they are more than welcome.

That afternoon I visited a couple of the markets and then typed up some of my Siem Reap report. All work and no play for me and just for your benefit, ha-ha.

I got to the Blue Chilli Bar at 8pm and guess what, my friend was not there. I had contacted him on his mobile via Skype on my laptop and did not have a mobile. Stupidly I had also left his mobile number in the hotel so I could not ask the manager to phone him. I waited till 8.20pm when he did eventually arrive. Guess what, a minute later the good sex boy walked into the bar, just my luck. Well I could not afford to take the risk with the so called good sex boy as I just knew it would probably end in disaster so I stuck to my promise and spent the night with my little Siem Reap friend. He was a delight and I thought the cutest guy there but maybe after all my disappointments I was just glad to have some comfort.

The dud boy turned up for his third night, (I thought he only came 2 nights a week and the rest at school) and he ignored us. After an hour my friend recommended we go to a Cambodian gay place called The Classic. It has a large disco and show and is primarily visited by Cambodians although there would be no problem if a farang went there on his own. I noticed a few other farangs but all were in the company of other Cambodians so whether or not you would be able to pick a friend up there I am not quite sure.

The Classic is located some distance away from the Blue Chilli Bar and when we entered my friend took me to a bar stool and table located by a raised walkway in front of a large stage. There were waiters coming and going to the tables with drinks and most were vacated by gay Cambodian couples. For about half an hour individual singers came onto the stage and sung a variety of Cambodian modern songs. This was followed by the show which lasted 45 minutes which I actually enjoyed. It was a mixture of lady boys, but real stunner's, and cute boys doing different dances to songs. Some were old sad songs, some were modern and raunchy, and others were comedy routines. After the show a noisy disco started up and all the cuties got onto the dance floor to strut their stuff. My friend declined the invitation to dance, (on his own, not with me of course). We then returned to the hotel for some fun with him excelling himself even more, followed by a close and warm overnight stay.

In the morning my friend went back to his aunts, with whom he stays when in Phnom Penh, and we agreed to meet a couple of hours later. This was good for me as I was able to have breakfast at the hotel, which was basic but more than adequate, do my absolutions, and check my e-mails.

We met up again and Greg the owner gave a wry smile when he saw him but later said they did have regular boys visiting with different customers although allegedly my guy was not one of them.(I bet he says that to all the guests, what a diplomat).
It was now late morning and at my friend's suggestion went to a place out of town called Soben. It is really only visited by Cambodians and is a small lake surrounded by manicured gardens full of flowers and statues and very romantic. On the edge of the lake were lots of small bamboo huts on stilts with mats spread out and we selected one to sit close next to each other and relax looking at the water and the peacocks that were wandering about. It was nice to get away from the hectic Phnom Penh traffic and noise and we ordered a Cambodian meal of fish, chicken and rice and some soft drinks and spent a slow couple of hours chilling out and chatting. Just the perfect place to bring a boyfriend or lover.

I could not weigh my friend up as he had an astute business sense in some respects having 3 mobile phones, of which he lent me one, so I could contact him more easily. He was hoping if he could save the money to eventually open a shop and get out of the money boy business. His parents died when he was young and he was looked after by his aunt in Phnom Penh and although he had a brother and sister he had not seen them for about 15 years and did not know where they were. At the Manor House Hotel he pointed to another room that he had stayed in with a farang and said he had worked previously at the Blue Chilli Bar but preferred the Linga.
He also had a very caring side and when I tipped him the first time he said he would give some of it to the boy who had phoned him up on my behalf. After we finished our meal by the lake he insisted on taking the scraps out to the tuk tuk driver as he had not eaten that day. He had a couple of previous relationships, one with a farang, and was obviously looking for a more permanent one to secure his future.

One point of interest was that I asked to look at his ID which showed he was 20 years old although he did look maybe 19. He told me he was actually 22 and that he was advised when he applied for his ID to say he was 20 as he looked younger. I did not quite understand how he did it but he said his school documentation showed he was 22 but more importantly his home documentation showed he was 20 so he used that.
I suppose it could work the other way around, who knows?

That evening was my last in Phnom Penh and we visited the Blue Chilli Bar again.
The 2 days a week dud guy was of course there wrapping his arms around an older German farang. We had a few drinks and then back to the hotel for a quiet intimate evening. He was very subdued and obviously sad as I was about to go. If I am honest so was I but who knows I may visit Cambodia again. I wish him the best of luck.

The Monday morning we said our goodbyes and I gave him a bigger than normal tip for his company. I then packed my bags had breakfast and surfed the web while awaiting the 12pm taxi to take me to Phnom Penh airport. I got to the airport some 3 hours before the plane took off so used the time typing my report under the watchful eyes of the airport police. I am sure they are very open minded.

Phnom Penh was very different from Siem Reap and of the two Siem Reap in my opinion wins hands down. It is much smaller and more geared for tourists while Phnom Penh is more just a big noisy city.

You will see a lot of poverty in Cambodia, though I do not know if it the same in Thailand. There are many kids in rags begging and limbless people as a result of the unexploded mines that are everywhere in the countryside so that may put you off especially if you are sat in a cafe having a meal and they come up to you begging at the table. My friend warned me about walking on my own at night and said that was the main reason why he preferred Siem Reap as he himself would not walk alone after about 10pm. Having said that I did not witness anything myself or have any problems.

As regards forum members making a trip to seek fun I am not sure if it is worth it solely for that but it depends what you are after and if you have the time. My friend said that at the Linga Bar there are probably only about 10 boys working there throughout the year and in the high season some boys will go with 2 customers a day if they can manage it. There should be more at weekends though who just occasionally go for the extra cash.
At the Blue Chilli Bar there were more boys and quite a few gay Cambodians guys who were slightly older so you would have more choice although it was certainly not busy all the time I was there. Again with me preferring cute passive guys my options were much more limited than a vers or bottom farang looking for fun, so some of my duds may have been ok for others.

Apart from my friend all the other boys did not want to kiss or only did so with their teeth closed, if you know what I mean. (No, it is not my bad breath as I gargled liberally with Listerine and let the boys hear me do so). When I asked the boys at the bar about this they said, “In Cambodia only boyfriends kiss, not for customers”, whether this is true I do not know.

I was only there on a short trip and would have liked to have spent more time in both places so this this report is very limited. Again I did not have the time or inclination to visit any of the spa's or massage places in Phnom Penh which apparently get very busy. Also as a newbie I was not accustomed to be as my Chinese friend said “A hunter of boys” so maybe I should have told the boys exactly what I wanted before bringing them back.

I prefer to chat and maybe flirt with a boy first rather than just agree for sex and go back to the hotel. Having my friend for a couple of days was more my scene.

I agree with 'Penguin' that it is the boys themselves that make the holiday, I do not mean bed wise, but their personalities, human traits, warmth and affection which I will always remember.

Having off'd 2 boys so far in Pattaya I can say that they are very different from the Cambodian boys. The boys in Pattaya are very much like the place, loud, commercialised and in your face. The Cambodian boys seemed more reserved, keeping their towels on after a shower, playing shy and taking their time before having fun. I have found my first 2 Pattaya boys had no such qualms, not bothering with a towel, putting their tongue in your mouth as soon as we entered the bedroom and teaching me positions I did not know even existed. As they say when asked if they are a bottom “I do everything” Lol.


ps. I will be visiting Chiang Mai in a few days time but believe I may struggle to find passive guys there apart from the places where the Thai's go themselves. Any info will be appreciated.
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Re: Cambodian Capers Part 2 Phnom Penh

Post by Gaybutton »

I did not think you could possibly outdo your Siem Reap report, but this report is incredibly good. I would not even think about going to Cambodia without a hard copy of both reports in my luggage, and I would probably read both of them until I have every word committed to memory.

I have two questions. Those motorbike drivers who offer you rides - are they legitimate taxi drivers and identifiable as such? If not, I would be a little hesitant, especially if I don't know the city, thinking I might be taken to a back alley somewhere and mugged.

My second question: The boy you were trying so hard to find at the Pontoon. Did you ever find him?

Re: Cambodian Capers Part 2 Phnom Penh

Post by penguin »

If there's a GayButton Award For Most Interesting, Informative & Useful Posts then I'd like to nominate funtop. And if there isn't, then can I respectfully suggest that some of you Pattaya residents seek him out while he's there and buy the man a drink. Or three.

Brilliant reports.

Re: Cambodian Capers Part 2 Phnom Penh

Post by funtop »

Hi Gaybutton and Penguin I really appreciate your kind words.

With regards to the motorcycles there are, I think, legitimate ones all over the city, parked up at all the main tourist attractions and main markets, but having said that they do not wear any particular clothing or badges.
When you walk down the street anywhere in Phnom Penh I guarentee that you will be asked if you want a "moto" every 10 yards from people just driving past. I would not worry about being mugged as many farangs are using them all the time apart from in the evening when it may possibly be a bit risky.
In the evenings I always used a tuk tuk driver and for $2 you can get just about anywhere you want in the central city area.
There are the same ones parked out side each hotel so they will get to know you and you can trust them. They all seemed desperate for my custom and will happily wait outside the Blue Chilli or wherever for an hour to all day if necessary just for a few dollars and convey you, and hopefully your new found friend, back to your hotel.

With regards to the "best sex ever" boy I unfortunately never got to know him as the only chance I got to speak to him was when I was in the company of my Siem Reap friend and I thought a boy in the hand is worth 2 in the bar. They both knew each other but I did'nt want to tell my friend of my thoughts for him and I never got to know anymore about him.

I'm in Pattaya for 3 more nights then off to Chaing Mai this Saturday.

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Re: Cambodian Capers Part 2 Phnom Penh

Post by Gaybutton »

penguin wrote:Brilliant reports.
So was yours. You deserve the same award.
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Re: Cambodian Capers Part 2 Phnom Penh

Post by bao-bao »

Very well done, funtop. Both pieces have been saved in my reference folder for MY first trip to Cambodia. Not being one who'd go there seeking company there I especially appreciated the details on the locale. Oh, if only you had some pictures to add to them! *sigh*

Your even-handed viewpoint on more familiar areas will be interesting to read, too. Thanks a lot for sharing!

Re: Cambodian Capers Part 2 Phnom Penh

Post by Nano »

I felt very safe when taking the tuk-tuk in Phnom Penh because the drivers hardly went beyond 40km/hr, and took the corners gently, unlike some frightening experiences in Bangkok. The Khmer drivers appeared to be milder in temperament. And perhaps the motorbikes used to pull the cart were of low-engine capacity. Nevertheless the seating for the cart was rather comfortable. USD1 was sufficient for very short distances. I paid USD5 for a slow & steady ride to the airport.

Re: Cambodian Capers Part 2 Phnom Penh

Post by Ben »

A well written, entertaining and informative report, thank you

Re: Cambodian Capers Part 2 Phnom Penh

Post by Jun »

I must say you have done an excellent report yet again.

As for Cambodian Tuk Tuks, they are definitely more sedate than the Bangkok equivalent & feel safer as a result.
I don't go for motos that often, but being a nervous motorcycle passenger it's necessary to hold the driver closely around the waist. The cuter he is, the more I need to hang on. One one trip back from Blue Chilli, the driver was somewhat aroused, so I should have invited him in.

Re: Cambodian Capers Part 2 Phnom Penh

Post by steveHadders »

Report was spot on - I was in PP aand SR last year, and my experiences were identical. I can also thorughly recommend manor House and Greg - superb!
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