Pope Francis on Gays: "Who am I to judge?"

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Pope Francis on Gays: "Who am I to judge?"

Post by Gaybutton »

Pope Francis on gays: "Who am I to judge?"

July 29, 2013

(CBS News) Pope Francis frankly discussed topics that have historically been controversial for the Catholic church aboard his flight back to the Vatican Monday, including homosexuality within the priesthood and the ordination of women as priests.

When questioned on what his response would be upon learning that a cleric was gay, though not sexually active, the Argentinian-born pontiff said he wouldn't judge gay priests and explained, "You can't marginalize these people."

"If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" he said.

The conciliatory comments represented a shift from his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI, who signed a document in 2005 saying that men with deeply rooted homosexual tendencies shouldn't be priest.

However, he insisted that the ban of female priests will remain in tact, telling reporters the question was "definitively" answered by Pope John Paul II.

Asked for comment, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi told CBS News that the pope was "for sure" not just referring to gay priests, but to all gays.

Lombardi said this did not represent a change in church teachings. As Pope Francis pointed out himself in his answer, the church's catechism teaches that gays are to be accepted and welcomed, not discriminated against. Lombardi pointed out that during the press conference the pope specifically confirmed church teachings on abortion and female ordination.

The thing that was different here, Lombardi said, was the pope's attitude which puts mercy, forgiveness and understanding "in the forefront."

Full story: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505263_162- ... -to-judge/
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Re: Pope Francis on Gays: "Who am I to judge?"

Post by Trongpai »

The Catholic Church still has a long way to go in accepting human sexuality in all it's forms as natural, healthy and normal part of being a human. Then move on to full acceptance of women, gays, transgendered and bisexuals as equals. Allow priests to marry and have families. Allow gay priests to marry too.

Still, I guess it's a tiny-tiny baby step in the direction of gay acceptance.

Re: Pope Francis on Gays: "Who am I to judge?"

Post by Jun »

I suppose it would be difficult for him to get up and throw the homophobic doctrine of his predecessor out of the window. Considering there may well be many more conservative types around him, this is a good start.

I believe the world would be a better place if people totally ignored religious leaders & therefore made them irrelevant. However, until that happens, it's good to see the CEO of the biggest religion business of the lot take a small step in the right direction.
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Re: Pope Francis on Gays: "Who am I to judge?"

Post by Gaybutton »

Jun wrote:I believe the world would be a better place if people totally ignored religious leaders & therefore made them irrelevant.
I definitely agree with that. Centuries ago people had to endure the Inquisition, and many were not so lucky. Now, here we are, hundreds of years later, supposedly living in modern times with a more rational and sophisticated lifestyle with an educated and scientific mode of thinking, and yet it still goes on. I don't think many of us will live long enough to see homophobia become extinct, but at least we're moving in the right direction. Unless the world ends up with another Hitler, I believe the day will come when homophobia completely disappears and becomes only a footnote in history. If humanity actually manages to survive long enough, maybe some day gay wedding ceremonies will take place in Catholic churches - officiated by female priests.

"The only good thing ever to have come out of religion was the music."
- George Carlin
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