US Senate Blocks Gun Control Legislation

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US Senate Blocks Gun Control Legislation

Post by Gaybutton »

This is the latest on my "I Don't Get It" list. Today the US Senate blocked the bipartisan legislation that would have strengthened background check requirements before another nut case could go out and buy a gun, or a multitude of guns. Obviously that legislation would be unable to completely put a stop to mass shootings, murders, criminals possessing and carrying guns, but it certainly would have made it much more difficult for them to obtain guns.

I think a perfect allegory to this sort of head-in-the-sand attitude is illustrated in none other than the movie "Jaws." Despite the shark attacks and people killed, the mayor of the town is in denial that a serious problem exists - until a little boy is attacked and killed by the monster shark in full view of everyone on the beach. Even then, he still doesn't want to accept any responsibility for his failure to act before it was too late by saying to the police chief, "My kids were on that beach too."

Do the senators responsible for blocking the legislation have any children in schools - where in today's USA a parent can no longer feel assured that when he sends his child to school in the morning, that child will return home alive at the end of the day? Are their kids on that beach too?

I wonder what those senators would say if some psycho walks into their children's school and slaughters their sons and daughters or walks into a movie theater and kills their children who were trying to enjoy a movie.

I think President Obama said it best during his remarks following the senate block when he said, "Who are we here to represent?"

The following is the full reaction to the block. I also thought it would be good to include what comedians George Carlin and Chris Rock had to say, years ago, and yet their remarks are still just as timely today.

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Re: US Senate Blocks Gun Control Legislation

Post by Alex »

Gaybutton wrote:This is the latest on my "I Don't Get It" list.
Now I feel fairly confident to guesstimate that you're not a Texan, then. :lol:
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