Mystical Experiences

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Mystical Experiences

Post by RichLB »

I'm curious if anyone here has ever directly experienced the unexplainable. In another thread the topic centered on ghosts, but I've never seen one. But, every Thai I've known insists they exist and many have seen them. That's made me wonder if my Western expectations about what defines reality might actually be altering my perceptions of what exists and what doesn't. Lots of people report they've run into children with imaginary invisible playmates, poltergeists, ghosts, after death experiences, etc. I haven't. Then there are all those Catholic "miracles", the Buddhist kid who has neither eaten nor taken any water for months on end while being observed by villagers and TV cameras, the Seattle kid who proved to the Tibeten monks that he was the next Dalai Lama, UFOs, alien visitations, and so on.

What I was curious about is if anyone here has ever personally experienced anything like this. I haven't and not sure I'd want to, but has anyone else?
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Re: Mystical Experiences

Post by lvdkeyes »

Let me start off by saying that I don't believe in ghosts or the supernatural, but I have had two unexplained instances. Both occurred in the same apartment where I lived many years ago in Chicago. The first one was when my roommates and I were painting our living room. We had moved all the furniture to the center of the room and had taken the shades from the lamps to get more light. We all sat on the sofa in the center of the room to take a break. I noticed a shadow on the wall that resembled a man's head. He had a crew cut and a very angular nose. We just laughed it off. Then when we were going back to painting, no one had moved from where we had been sitting, but the shadow was gone. Weird!

The other was when I came home from work about midnight and couldn't get into the apartment because the latch was closed on both the front and back doors. After banging on the door and getting no response I crawled out the window on the landing between the first and second floor and climbed up to a window and into the apartment. Both latches were closed which could only be done from the inside. There was no one in the apartment. The next day I asked my roommates who had been playing jokes and told them what happened. They all very seriously denied playing jokes and thought I was making it all up. Very weird!

Re: Mystical Experiences

Post by thaiworthy »

RichLB wrote: . . . imaginary invisible playmates . . .
If they are attractive Thai boys, i have those every night! :mrgreen:

An interesting subject, but how many people would freely admit to a mystical experience if they truly had one? Not just merely unexplainable, as in the lvdkeyes scenario above, but downright, incredibly bizarre. There are varying degrees of weirdness attached to recounting experiences with the unexplainable. Especially here online, when you consider that many might know you personally. A person could get a reputation. When i was a kid, I sometimes had deja vu, but not lately. I think I would be a little reluctant to report having seen a ghost or experiencing a close encounter. Lest the men in the white coats might suddenly and mysteriously appear. :o
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Re: Mystical Experiences

Post by Gaybutton »

thaiworthy wrote:A person could get a reputation.
Like what? Everybody I've ever met has had something weird happen that nobody could explain, including me and probably including those men in white coats. Besides, all you have to do is read the boards to see that there are plenty of good candidates for spending time in a rubber room - and they don't need this kind of experience to put them there . . .

You want an unexplainable mystical experience that I'll bet plenty of us have had? How about the disappearing Thai boy experience? How many here have been looking at a boy, talking with a boy, or whatever, and then you turn your head for about two seconds. When you look again the boy has completely disappeared. How do they do that?

With a little imagination, you can even create weird experiences for others. I give you George Carlin:

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Re: Mystical Experiences

Post by lvdkeyes »

With regards to the disappearing boy, the answer is simple-----------he was a ghost.
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