Gay Bashing Victim Seeks Justice

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Gay Bashing Victim Seeks Justice

Post by Gaybutton »

Victim in anti-gay video beating speaks out in Atlanta

By Moni Basu, CNN
Wed February 8, 2012

Atlanta (CNN) -- The victim of a vicious beating by a gang of men shouting anti-gay slurs said Wednesday that he wants his attackers to face justice.

Brandon White, 20, spoke out for the first time at a news conference in Atlanta. He said he should never have to worry about being assaulted just because he is a gay man.

"If a straight person can walk to the store, I should be able to do the same thing," he said. "I could have died that day. They are monsters."

A video circulated online shows three men punching and kicking White after he stepped out of the JVC Grocery and Deli in southwest Atlanta's Pittsburgh neighborhood. The men, believed to be members of a gang called Jack City, yelled: "No f----ts in Jack City."

The store's surveillance video shows White, dressed in a purple shirt and black jeans with a cell phone to his left ear, exit the store along with another man. As soon as they step outside, White is accosted by his attackers.

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Re: Gay Bashing Victim Seeks Justice

Post by bao-bao »

It's been a number of years, and I didn't get it quite as bad as that guy did, but the clip sure brought back some disturbing memories. I wouldn't shed a tear if they paid a very high price for this, and I don't mean being jailed where the other ignorant low-life would hail them as heroes.
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Re: Gay Bashing Victim Seeks Justice

Post by Gaybutton »

bao-bao wrote:I didn't get it quite as bad as that guy did
What happened?
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Re: Gay Bashing Victim Seeks Justice

Post by bao-bao »

I'd rather not open the whole can of worms, but it involved being chased - one guy with about a meter of a 2x4 with nails driven through it to make a weapon, me finally turning to fight back and someone's head beaten on the sidewalk until it cracked open - and it wasn't mine. Back in my drinking days. In all truth I can say there are far better reasons to hold onto a guy's ears.
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Re: Gay Bashing Victim Seeks Justice

Post by Gaybutton »

Not only are thugs who do such things pieces of garbage, but they're also stupid enough to make videos of their actions and even more stupid to actually post them on the Internet. This isn't the first time these kinds of idiots have posted their own actions. I love it when it turns out they virtually caught themselves. I doubt it will be long before the others involved will also be caught. I'm waiting for their mothers to make the usual public statements all about how they've always been "such good boys."

Police Arrest Suspect in Videotaped Beating of Gay Man

By Moni Basu, CNN
Sat February 11, 2012

Atlanta (CNN) -- One of three suspects in a videotaped beating of a gay man has been arrested, Atlanta police said Saturday.

Christopher Cain, 18, was taken into custody around midnight and charged with aggravated assault and robbery, said a statement from police spokesman Carlos Campos.

Three men were seen in the video shouting anti-gay slurs as they beat, punched and kicked Brandon White, 20. Police have identified two other suspects but they have not yet been arrested nor have their names been released.

White was attacked February 4 outside a convenience store in a working class neighborhood in southwest Atlanta.

Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed doubled to $10,000 a reward for information leading to arrests.

Meanwhile Saturday, community leaders and neighborhood residents rallied outside the convenience store in support of White.

"When you see something going wrong, you must do what you're doing here today,' said U.S. Rep. John Lewis.

Full story: ... index.html
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