US Supreme Court to Move to the Right

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Re: US Supreme Court to Move to the Right

Post by Gaybutton »

firecat69 wrote:And don't bother telling me you visit for a week or 2 every year
I won't because I don't. I haven't been to the USA in close to 6 years and I have no intention of going back at all.

However, since getting off topic and onto this tangent has nothing to do with the Supreme Court, I'm not going to get into a debate about what I do and don't know about gay life in the USA. You get to win that debate, no contest.

Now, let's get back to the Supreme Court.

Re: US Supreme Court to Move to the Right

Post by firecat69 »

There is noting to debate . Trump will get his pick and we will see changes in certain areas . I have some trust in the Chief Justice that he will not allow settled law that has existed for years to be changed and will join the Minority when he has to , as he did with Obamacare.
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Re: US Supreme Court to Move to the Right

Post by Gaybutton »

firecat69 wrote:I have some trust in the Chief Justice that he will not allow settled law that has existed for years to be changed
What do you think will happen, if anything, to Roe vs Wade? According to what I'm reading in the media, that is a major concern.

Re: US Supreme Court to Move to the Right

Post by firecat69 »

I understand it is a Major Concern and should be but I still think Chief Justice will vote with the Liberals . I watched his confirmation hearing carefully and he was questioned over and over again on his opinions about settled law. Now if Trump gets another one for a total of 3 then the world as we know it will come to an end.
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Re: US Supreme Court to Move to the Right

Post by Gaybutton »

firecat69 wrote: if Trump gets another one for a total of 3 then the world as we know it will come to an end.
That's what worries me. Also, while it is likely the Chief Justice will vote to uphold previous rulings, there is no guarantee he will do so. That also worries me.

I've been reading news reports saying as many as three more justices could be replaced before the Trump administration is over. You can imagine what kinds of people Trump would nominate.

Re: US Supreme Court to Move to the Right

Post by firecat69 »

Certainly glad that unlike many of my friends I have no children and grandchildren . I do think Democracy is in peril and anyone who thinks not only has to watch the stooges in the House Hearings yesterday.

Re: US Supreme Court to Move to the Right

Post by fountainhall »

Jeffrey Tubin on CNN has made a very pertinent point about the appointment of new justices. When the framers wrote the Constitution, the average life expectancy of males was around 36 and few men expected to live much beyond early 60s. So appointees to the Court would not be expected to live for very long. The framers could never, ever have anticipated a situation when life expectancy would more than double and someone appointed to the Court might be expected to "reign" for 30 and more years.

Is this not similar to the Constitution's provisions re the right to bear arms. Does anyone really believe the framers could envision automatic assault weapons of war as equating to reloadable muskets?

And yet some people absolutely swear by the wisdom of the framers and those who penned the early Amendments!

Re: US Supreme Court to Move to the Right

Post by firecat69 »

A really interesting point . Of course if the Dems had done their job it would have been Hillary making all these appointments and I would have quite liked the longevity. Now we are going to have to spend the next 3 months listening to women cry about Abortion rights when if they had gotten off their asses and voted, Trump would be going bankrupt or being poisoned by the Russians.
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Re: US Supreme Court to Move to the Right

Post by Gaybutton »

firecat69 wrote:if they had gotten off their asses and voted, Trump would be going bankrupt or being poisoned by the Russians.
Many very bitter lessons have been learned as a result of the election. It's hard to complain about election results, and the consequences that follow, if you don't vote in it.

Even if from now until the next Presidential election the Democrats win every election in a landslide, I can't even begin to guess how long it will take to undo the damage Trump has caused and I doubt many of us will live long enough to see it.

Only 2 years, 3 months, and 23 days to go until the next Presidential election. And how much more damage can the Trump administration do during the interim? I fear one hell of a lot.

And imagine if Trump gets reelected. Talk about being up Shit Creek without a paddle. In that case we'll be up Shit Creek without even the boat . . .

Re: US Supreme Court to Move to the Right

Post by fountainhall »

Gaybutton wrote:Only 2 years, 3 months, and 23 days to go until the next Presidential election. And how much more damage can the Trump administration do during the interim? I fear one hell of a lot.
Would it not help if the Democrats showed any sign of really getting their act finally together and coming up with a candidate who could really give Trump a run for his - and his multi-billionaire backers' - money? I don't see any leadership!
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