Fox News

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Fox News

Post by RichLB »

On another thread we began talking about Fox News. Several posters commented on their slanted coverage, but I think it'd be fun to begin categorizing their outright lies. I won't start the list in order to give others a chance to point the finger.
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Re: Fox News

Post by Alex »

I like them for providing great entertainment and, occasionally, for their live coverage (last year's tsunami in Japan comes to mind). I do find their "Fair and Balanced" slogan hilarious and I think they know as well as any educated viewer that they're about as far from being fair and balanced as one could be. Having said that, the other cable news programs aren't any better, just biased in another direction. Luckily, I don't need any TV station to tell me what political opinions I should have, so I just selectively watch whatever is interesting or entertaining and laugh off whatever spin or lies are coming my way along with the program.
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Re: Fox News

Post by Gaybutton »

Alex wrote:I do find their "Fair and Balanced" slogan hilarious
For me, the laughter will stop if it turns out their "reporting" significantly contributes to seeing Romney defeat Obama.
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Re: Fox News

Post by RichLB »

I despair at Fox News. I used to watch it just to keep informed about what the other side was thinking, but finally realized that the verb "thinking" was inappropriate. Hearing them report on Congressman Issa's claims about Eric Holder as if they were facts sends me up the wall. And the repeated claims that Obamacare is unconstitutional after a Supreme Court ruling to the contrary is so blatant it's nauseating. The most recent lie from Carl Rove and not corrected was that Obama was celebrating the 4th of July in Paris. The list goes on and the radical right wing viewers continue to lap it up.
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Re: Fox News

Post by Alex »

Gaybutton wrote:
Alex wrote:I do find their "Fair and Balanced" slogan hilarious
For me, the laughter will stop if it turns out their "reporting" significantly contributes to seeing Romney defeat Obama.
Firstly, I don't think so, because I think it's fair to assume that most of the people who watch Fox News are more interested in politics than the average voter and tend to have a clear preference already. One way or another. People who're still undecided aren't usually interested enough to watch Fox News; they rather watch the new Charlie Sheen program. Secondly, if the electorate is THAT uneducated that they will base their decision to vote for Romney on what the aforementioned Karl Rove is saying, for example, then Romney is exactly the president this electorate deserves. Finally, how many viewers do they typically have, about three million?!

Re: Fox News

Post by Jomtienbob »

Just got back from the states, and saw first hand how Fox is successfully bamboozooling a wide range of people.

A 94 year old concentration camp survivor (still lifting heavy weights, healthier looking than too many of us), asked me if Obama was a communist. Nearly half of registered Republicans still believe there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that Sadam had something to do with 9-11, that Global Warming Scares are a scam, that Obama was born in Kenya, or not a citizen because he lived in Indonesia.

Recently, a friend associated with the Log Cabin Republicans sent me a clip alleging that due to Obamacare medicare premiums are scheduled to rise to $250 per month. When I debunked it with a link to, he replied Snopes was funded by Soros. When I sent he the Snopes denial of that he just got nasty and changed the subject.

The Billionaire Boys Club is hard at work electing controllable Republican officeholders. Where possible they will also buy some Democratic ones, just to preserve some influence. They have bought TV News and Radio outlets like Fox, and they buy Professors and entire university research centers for their misinformation.

Is it any wonder why the PT Barnum quote "no one goes broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people", still seems so apropos.

Re: Fox News

Post by bkkguy »

getting a bit old now but still a good read:

fox news killed my mother

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