A poll on President Obama

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How do you feel Barak Obama is doing as President of the United States?

1. Excellent
2. Terrible
3. OK
4. He is so much better than Bush that I think he is OK
Total votes: 99


Re: A poll on President Obama

Post by lexusgs »

I lost a good deal of respect for him when he started 'bashing' BP over the Gulf spill. Scoring political points in such an obvious way is quite distasteful.
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Re: A poll on President Obama

Post by Gaybutton »

I voted for 'OK.' There were such high hopes when he was elected, but so far I just don't see that he has really delivered. Then again, just about anybody would be better than Bush was. I'd vote for Sarah Palin before I'd vote for Bush. Unless things change, depending on who the opposing candidate turns out to be I'm not so sure I would vote for Obama a second time.

Re: A poll on President Obama

Post by Undaunted »

Gaybutton wrote:I voted for 'OK.' There were such high hopes when he was elected, but so far I just don't see that he has really delivered. Then again, just about anybody would be better than Bush was. I'd vote for Sarah Palin before I'd vote for Bush. Unless things change, depending on who the opposing candidate turns out to be I'm not so sure I would vote for Obama a second time.

I voted the same, I was thrilled when he was elected now I am beginning to think that he talked the talk but cannot walk the walk!

Re: A poll on President Obama

Post by gorcum »

I think he is doing ok, But i do not think he, his administration, or the federal reserve bank are addressing the fiscal imbalance in the USA.

Re: A poll on President Obama

Post by patrick »

I think he was elected to make changes and has not done so.He promised to close Gitmo and it never happened and he said last week that he was finishing the war in Iraq but the USA would maintain a large force there for training .Sounds vey like Viet Nam.The november mid terms should see the liberals ousted from many safe seats.As for his re-election,I agree with the other comments ,if the republicans can find a decent candidate it then up for grabs.....

Re: A poll on President Obama

Post by lonelywombat »

surely this is in the wrong forum. What does it have to do with Thailand.
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Re: A poll on President Obama

Post by Gaybutton »

lonelywombat wrote:surely this is in the wrong forum. What does it have to do with Thailand.
That's true, but I'm being a little lenient about those things for the time being until people get used to this board. I could move this thread to the "Everything Else" forum in an instant, but for now I'll leave it in place and hope everyone else will notice and will try to make sure they are posting in the correct forum.

Re: A poll on President Obama

Post by Jun »

I also think Obama is showing a dreadful lack of principles over BP. Basically he's just bashing them because they are an easy target. A foreign company which just had an accident and is very well advanced in cleaning the mess up, at their own expense.

Historically, US companies like of Union Carbide and Occidental Petroleum have have far worse incidents overseas, with a lot less hysteria and political points scoring. From what I see, BP have done a hell of a lot more to clean up after their incident.

Re: A poll on President Obama

Post by Doug »

Gaybutton wrote, "I'd vote for Sarah Palin before I'd vote for Bush."

Here's a Canadian's view of the Alaskan Queen.


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Re: A poll on President Obama

Post by Gaybutton »

kjun12 wrote:Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa. I didn't think about it before posting in the Thailand forum. Won't make this mistake twice.
Don't worry about it. While I would like people to pay attention as to which is the appropriate forum to submit a post, this is only the first week this board has been in existence. It takes a little time for everyone to get used to things around here. The only kind of posts I have not been lenient with have been attack posts. There have already been a few. Those have been dealt with and I don't expect those who wrote the posts to do it again, at least not if they expect to remain on this board. I think maybe a few people forgot that I made it clear that I will not tolerate attack posts of any kind, and they're finding out I meant business. But a post on the wrong forum during the first week is not what I would call a big problem.

Now that a week has gone by and the majority of people likely to quickly register here already have and they've also gotten their feet wet as to how this board works, if a post is on the wrong forum I'll simply move it to the correct forum. So, if anybody writes a post on one forum and the post disappears, look for it on the other forums before you start assuming GB's delete finger is already heavily in action . . .
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