UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by Gaybutton »

shamahan wrote:A couple of years ago there was an article of scientists I believe from NASA who argued that the possible contact
with another civilization could be fatal for Earthlings.
I don't know about NASA, but I know Stephen Hawking believes that. I don't. They're going to travel all that way and then destroy us? Why would they do that? If we ever discover life elsewhere, we're going to study it and if it shows signs of high level intelligence, we're going to try to communicate with it. Destroying it wouldn't even be on the agenda under any circumstances, would it? The only reason we would ever have of trying to destroy life on another planet would be in self defense if we're attacked.

Besides, aliens wouldn't need to destroy life on this planet. We seem to be doing a pretty good job of that ourselves. Even if aliens managed to figure out how to build spacecraft to get them here, that doesn't necessarily mean they've also developed weapons that are any better than ours.

I think some people have seen too many science fiction movies. And it's science fiction. Science fact is a little different. Our research scientists study other planets to try to discover and learn. I don't know of any that are hoping to find intelligent life elsewhere and then destroy it, enslave it, or do anything else harmful to it. They want to learn from it. Why would intelligent aliens want to be any different?

Maybe one of these days we'll find out.
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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by Alex »

Gaybutton wrote:
shamahan wrote:A couple of years ago there was an article of scientists I believe from NASA who argued that the possible contact
with another civilization could be fatal for Earthlings.
I don't know about NASA, but I know Stephen Hawking believes that. I don't. They're going to travel all that way and then destroy us? Why would they do that? If we ever discover life elsewhere, we're going to study it and if it shows signs of high level intelligence, we're going to try to communicate with it. Destroying it wouldn't even be on the agenda under any circumstances, would it? The only reason we would ever have of trying to destroy life on another planet would be in self defense if we're attacked.
I think shamahan answered the 'Why would they do that?' question already, and quite convincingly: Their reason for coming here would probably be exploiting Earth's natural resources, not a desire to communicate with us or befriend us. So if we stand between them and the resources they want, then what?

Considering mankind's own track record in that particular regard (when discovering foreign lands on Earth, and then colonizing them), this theory has a lot of appeal to me. The so-called 'civilized' powers didn't mind squashing the locals (they were just poor and uneducated brown people, after all) when they didn't go along with their plans of greatness.
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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by Gaybutton »

Alex wrote:
Gaybutton wrote:Why would they do that?
I think shamahan answered the 'Why would they do that?' question already, and quite convincingly
Maybe it convinces you, but it doesn't even remotely convince me. It also makes no sense to me. Why the assumption that aliens, coming from a completely different kind of existence than we have, would come here with human attitudes at all, let alone the same kinds of attitudes exhibited by human warlords? That makes zero sense to me. Even if they have already been here, as the lights in the sky sightings have convinced some people, then if they are hostile why haven't they already attacked? What are they waiting for?

It is also well known, even by earthbound scientists, that many planets have the same kinds of resources found here on Earth. Why even bother going to a planet that would have to first be conquered instead of going to an uninhabited planet that can offer the same kinds of resources where they can exploit them all they want, completely unencumbered by anything or anyone at all? Again, just because they can get here, I see no reason to assume they would also have the capability to conquer us, or at least not without a hell of a fight.

To me, all these theories about the existence of aliens visiting Earth and all these ideas about if Aliens do ever find their way to Earth, they would be hostile, are all nothing more than crackpot ideas that just don't make any sense.

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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by Alex »

Gaybutton wrote:if they are hostile why haven't they already attacked? What are they waiting for?
I'm not one of those who believe that alien visitors already have been here (or could have attacked).

You're right, everything that can be conjured up about potential visitors' attitudes or objectives is just an assumption.

As far as resources are concerned, let's make another assumption and go with the recent Oblivion movie: Water! They might not easily find that anywhere else.
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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by Gaybutton »

Alex wrote:Water! That might not easily find that anywhere else.
Why not? For the sake of argument, suppose something happened to their water and now they need to find enough water elsewhere to replenish it. Let's further suppose the only place in the entire universe feasible for them to get it would be our own solar system. Why would they even need to bother with Earth? Water is not uncommon in our solar system. Most comets are made mainly of water ice. The Ort Cloud contains billions of comets. The rings of Saturn are made mostly of water ice. Given that, what would they need with Earth's water? They'd have to be nuts in the first place to even want our water. They travel God knows how many light years to get here, only to take a planet full of polluted water? I'd hope these aliens would be smarter than that . . .

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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by Alex »

Great points, GB, but it was actually the cute picture you posted that convinced me to change my mind!
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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by Gaybutton »

Alex wrote:Great points, GB, but it was actually the cute picture you posted that convinced me to change my mind!
I hope the aliens travel with money. Bottled water isn't free . . .

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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by xiandarkthorne »

I am truly curious why nobody has mentioned ONE other possibility yet - that the aliens from far, faaaar away landed here long ago, developed humans much the same as we have developed various species of cattle, goats, chickens, pigs and ducks over the years...with the same purpose in mind.

If they lived far away enough, that might explain the long time difference between visits, and the way we have been carrying on polluting our world and our bodies, perhaps they are debating whether it would still be worthwhile serving us up.

I suppose if they thought it would, the first ones to end up as alien snacks would be the most tender members of humanity who've lived the cleanest lives. Don't we choose our gourmet treats the same way?

Hhmmm...another very good reason to be a dirty old man, don't you think?

I shudder to think what would happen if they ended up thinking we haven't been worth their effort...just think what we do to those cows,pigs, chickens etc. we don't consider fit to stuff down our gullets! :mrgreen:
I'm too old to be an enfant terrible so I'll just have to settle for being an irrrrrrrascible old fart! My Blog is here http://xiandarkthorne.blogspot.com/

Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by shamahan »

Gaybutton wrote:Why would they do that?

To me, all these theories about if Aliens do ever find their way to Earth, they would be hostile, are all nothing more than crackpot ideas that just don't make any sense.
I think you totally missed the point of my post. Are you hostile to rain worms? Probably not. Those aliens who potentially may be capable to visit the Earth
should be so advanced technologically that visiting Earth to make contact makes absolutely no sense to them. The only possible reason for such a visit is if the Earth has something unique they desperately need. In this case, the presence of humans would be a nuisance for them at best (think about movie Avatar).

Chances are the Earth has nothing unique and therefore those advanced aliens who are capable to visit has no reason to do that.

Do not forget that the very fact of visit could have a profound effect on mankind (even if they do not reveal any specific information). For once, it will prove that very long distance space travel is possible (which is essentially contradicts the prevailing local theories).
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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by Gaybutton »

shamahan wrote:Those aliens who potentially may be capable to visit the Earth
should be so advanced technologically that visiting Earth to make contact makes absolutely no sense to them. The only possible reason for such a visit is if the Earth has something unique they desperately need.
I disagree with that part of your argument. It would be of profound importance to our own science if the existence of life, any life, even if it is as simple as bacteria, is found on Mars or if it can be proved that life once existed on Mars, but is now extinct.

Look what we've gone through and spent just in the attempt to find it. I fail to see why there should be an assumption that being far more technologically advanced would mean there is no interest in communication. I think if aliens took the time and trouble to find us and get here, communication would be exactly what interests them, no matter how much further advanced they are.

I also disagree with the idea that the only possible reason to visit earth is to find something they need. What happened to an interest in learning and discovery? Scientists are hoping for a manned mission to Mars. Why? Astronauts who would go there would have to spend 8 months in space just getting there, not to mention another 8 months getting back and the amount of time they would spend on Mars. Are we trying to do this because we believe there is something on Mars that we need? I don't think so. I think we're doing it because we want to expand our knowledge of the universe and eventually be able to travel to and explore other places in the universe even if it takes us tens of thousands of years to develop the capability of actually doing it. Are we working toward that goal because we're looking for something to take? I think the Holy Grail for us would be not only discovering life elsewhere, but discovering intelligent life elsewhere and establishing communication. I don't see why there should be an assumption that aliens wouldn't be trying to do the same thing.

Again, my question is if aliens have already been here, as many seem to believe, then if they came because they wanted to take something why didn't they take it? As far as I can tell, if aliens really have been here, then they came to teach how to build the pyramids, make crop circles, create gigantic images visible only from space, shine lights at us, and try to remain secretive about making their presence known. If they wanted to keep their existence a secret, if any alien spacecraft really crashed on Earth, then these aliens with all their technological superiority did nothing to try to retrieve it. I don't know - maybe I'm missing something, but I don't believe any of it and I've seen nothing that convinces me that any of this alien visitation stuff is even remotely credible.
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