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Re: UFOs

Post by windwalker »

I do intend to watch these episodes for a good laugh if they are anything else like previous "speculations" and not "science". What I had viewed previously was pure nonsense.

Re: UFOs

Post by Jomtienbob »

I am up to the third of six, and since they are discussing events as far back as 14000 years ago, I would say there is a good deal of speculation along with scientific methodology being discussed here. And yes, a lot of questions about man's history are asked, and left unanswered.
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Re: UFOs

Post by RichLB »

I finally made it through all six of the episodes. I admit that some of the speculative questions raised border on the absurd, but there were some interesting questions asked. Among them was why the Egyptians, Mayans, and other ancient civilizations made their pyramids out of blocks 40 to 100 tons when smaller blocks would work just as well, why were Iknaton's and Tutenkamon's heads always depected as elongated (along with King Tut's actual skull), how could a map have existed in ancient times that showed the land mass beneath the ice in Antartica when we modern men just discovered it ourselves recently, and others. The answers to these question are certainly open to speculation, but the questions themselves befuddle me.

Re: UFOs

Post by windwalker »

What befuddles me is how anyone could give credence to the presentation on the History Channel regarding Ancient Aliens and UFOs. The questions that are proposed are nonsense and the answers are absurd; ie, ask a stupid question and get a stupid answer. Fortunately the History Channel did, in some cases, present the truth regarding some aspects of the UFO/Alien claims.
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Re: UFOs

Post by Gaybutton »

windwalker wrote:What befuddles me is how anyone could give credence to the presentation on the History Channel regarding Ancient Aliens and UFOs.
I've started watching the program too. Personally, I like the questions much better than the answers. They're asking many of the same questions I've always wondered about. The fact is there are many questions being brought out that even modern science and archeology cannot yet answer. But that doesn't cause me to leap to the conclusion that the only answer is aliens.

There are plenty of questions that seem mind boggling. The pyramids, for example. How did they do that? Why did they do that? Why the pyramid shape? Why the sizes? Why were the blocks so large, some weighing hundreds of tons? How did they quarry them? How did they move them? Why were the construction sites located miles away from the quarries? How did they manage to cut and put the blocks in place so precisely that, according to the program, not even a razor blade can fit between many of them even today, thousands of years of erosion later? Why are there pyramids in other parts of the world, some right on the same latitude line as the Egyptian pyramids? Why were those particular locations chosen as the sites on which to build them?

I also like the Nazca lines, those gigantic images that, so they say, cannot be depicted from the ground, but only from high above the ground. They have Erich von Danekin saying the only explanation is they had to have been made for aliens and that's the only plausible explanation. I don't necessarily see it his way. Who else but aliens could have looked down on the images? My responding question would be what about their gods? As far as I know, most religions, modern and ancient, have their God or gods living "up there." So, it seems perfectly logical to me to have built images for their deities to look down upon. But going down the middle of of the images are the long, flat "runways." The program brings out that some of these were cut right from the tops of mountains and extend for miles. They ask where is the debris from the construction? They say there is none to be found anywhere, so what happened to it? Why were these things built in the first place? How could Stone Age tribes have accomplished it? Why would they even want to? Somebody had to be the first person to come up with the idea of building these things. That idea sure caught on.

It really is difficult to try understanding how and why they did these things. When you think of the planning that must have been involved, how could they have done that? When you think of the numbers of people who must have been involved with the actual work, my question would be who was left to farm, along with providing the food and water that would have been necessary? Even sanitary facilities. These people had to have had somewhere to relieve themselves. I have yet to see any programs that show the discovery of where the fossilized turds are. Does alien involvement really explain it? Did these people perhaps have capabilities and technology far beyond what we give them credit for today?

Maybe I haven't seen enough of these programs yet to get an explanation for another question I have. If it was aliens, why would aliens who managed to find us in the first place, travel all the way here from wherever they came from, and then once they got here would want to inspire or maybe even force the people to build pyramids, Nazca lines, etc, and then, after it was all done, say bye-bye and disappear? I fail to see what purpose that would have served for aliens. Just think, now that astronomers are beginning to find that there may be many inhabited worlds out there, then maybe those same aliens are visiting them too and building pyramids all over the universe.

The program brings out many more questions I enjoy thinking about (usually when I'm home alone and the power goes out). I'd love to know the answers too, but I'm not ready to accept the idea that it just had to be aliens. To me, that's the same thing as primitive people who couldn't understand many aspects of the world creating their gods. They couldn't figure it out, so the easy thing to do was to create gods. Now they needed no further explanation. Today we have all these things about ancient construction that we can't understand, so instead of creating gods to explain it, we create aliens. That's the way I see it.

I wish I could be convinced that aliens really were responsible for helping those people do those things. I also wish, if there is any truth to it, they would come back and start helping us. We can use all the help we can get . . .

By the way, if you truly believe humans could not have been capable of doing these things without help from aliens, I suggest having a look at the following web site (and I've been to Coral Castle several times. There is much more to it and it's far more incredible than the web site or video brings out, and yet there it is. It's one of the most extraordinary places I've ever seen). http://coralcastle.com

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Re: UFOs

Post by RichLB »

Gaybutton wrote:They couldn't figure it out, so the easy thing to do was to create gods. Now they needed no further explanation.
I'm not so sure that the ancients created sky born gods to explain phenomena they didn't understand. Given that ancient people were generally most influenced by nature and attributed mystical powers to earthly creatures, I think it is OUR interpretation that their concentration of heavenly entities were their gods. Another unanswered question, in that case, is why did they move from earthly gods which had a form they could see to possibly invisible ones that were not replicated in their reality - and why were these skyborn gods worshiped cross culturally?

windwalker wrote:What befuddles me is how anyone could give credence to the presentation on the History Channel regarding Ancient Aliens and UFOs. The questions that are proposed are nonsense and the answers are absurd; ie, ask a stupid question and get a stupid answer. Fortunately the History Channel did, in some cases, present the truth regarding some aspects of the UFO/Alien claims.
I'd be interested in reading your support for that contention. Different from you, the questions are confounding to me. If you have any explanations for the issues raised I'd welcome an opportunity to be enlightened.
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Re: UFOs

Post by Gaybutton »

RichLB wrote:and why were these skyborn gods worshiped cross culturally?
I don't know, but I don't think it has anything to do with aliens. Long before the pyramids or anything else being attributed to the presence of aliens people were worshiping skyborn gods, but nobody is saying aliens appeared and had anything to do with those cultures. Even today when people think of God, they think of Him being "up there." I don't know the origin of that kind of worship.
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Re: UFOs

Post by RichLB »

Gaybutton wrote: Long before the pyramids or anything else being attributed to the presence of aliens people were worshiping skyborn gods, but nobody is saying aliens appeared and had anything to do with those cultures. Even today when people think of God, they think of Him being "up there." I don't know the origin of that kind of worship.
I don't think that's true. In fact, even the Egyptians - before Iknaton - worshiped earth born entities. It was Iknaton (he of the elongated head) that threw out all the old earthly gods and replaced them with what we interpret as the Sun God. Other civilizations made a similar transition for reasons which have never been explained. Our God, supposedly omnipresent, is likely to be attributed as "up there" as a hold over from historic perspectives.
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Re: UFOs

Post by Gaybutton »

RichLB wrote:Our God, supposedly omnipresent, is likely to be attributed as "up there" as a hold over from historic perspectives.
And that causes you to believe aliens dropped by? Did you read my post about Coral Castle and watch the video? I've been there and have seen it for myself - several times. It's less than an hour's drive from where I lived. He did much more than the video shows. It's just unbelievable. If anyone asked me what the single most incredible thing I've ever personally witnessed is, I wouldn't hesitate to say Coral Castle.

Nobody can figure out how he did it. The video shows only the tip of the iceberg. You don't think aliens showed up and personally helped him to the exclusion of everyone else on the planet, do you? If he did it all by himself with only basic junk tools, all of which are still on display, then for me it isn't much of a reach to suppose the ancients somehow figured out how to do the same thing. Their tools were probably even better quality than Leedskalnin's.

Nobody knows how Leedskalnin did it. It seems impossible, yet he did do it and it's all right there for anyone to see. Nobody seems to know how the ancients did it, but Leedskalnin's Coral Castle proves one thing to me - however they did it, the presence and assistance of aliens was not required.

And Leedskalnin not only did it, but he did it by himself - alone - moving coral rocks that weighed tons and placing them with the same precision as had been done on the pyramids. There was never even evidence of winches, pulleys, A-frames, or anything else. He did all of it by hand with simple tools. I'd much rather see programs trying to figure out how he, the Egyptians, and other cultures managed to do it instead of programs trying to convince people that aliens were here and helped them build these structures.

To my mind, Leedskalnin makes nonsense out of Erich von Danekin's assertions, along with the other assertions, that it had to be aliens and there is no other explanation. If he were alive today, it wouldn't surprise me if he watched these programs and had himself a good laugh.
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Re: UFOs

Post by RichLB »

Gaybutton wrote: To my mind, Leedskalnin makes nonsense out of Erich von Danekin's assertions, along with the other assertions, that it had to be aliens and there is no other explanation. If he were alive today, it wouldn't surprise me if he watched these programs and had himself a good laugh.
Wouldn't it be more logical to argue that Leedskalnin's accomplishments support Von Danekin's theory that unknown methods are used to move objects of extraordinary weight? If true, then we are left with wondering how ancients from all over the world (and Leedskalnin) learned of this method while the secret has eluded modern science. I doubt it was pure chance.
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