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Re: UFOs

Post by RichLB »

Ok, GB, at least you provide an answer. There are some problems with your criteria, however. Firstly, the scientific community rarely, if ever, agrees on anything. Even Einstein's Theory of Relativity is still not universally held. There are, however, many in the "scientific community" who have admitted to accepting that UFO's are a fact. What percentage of scientist would be sufficient for you?

The problem with one landing in tact is that many people (some even credible ones - e.g., Bob Lazar) claim that has already happened several times, but the military has confiscated the craft(s) and covered up the incidents. That leaves us with the dilemma of wondering what it is that is being hauled away on those long bed trucks, covered by tarps, from alleged landing sites being secured by cdres of armed troops. Seems a bit of overkill for a downed baloon, to me

And you final criteria of face to face contact is even more difficult to verify than the "craft" themselves. There are people (I'm not one of them) who claim that such contact has already taken place, but only real true believers accept those reports. Would you require the aliens to appear on TV and hold a press conference or come to visit you personally? I doubt you would accept reports from people who claim to have had such contact. I suppose it is possible their reports are valid, but even I am highly skeptical of them.
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Re: UFOs

Post by Gaybutton »

1. The scientific community as a whole certainly does hold with Einstein.

2. I don't know a specific percentage that would convince me, but it would take a hell of a lot more than believe it so far.

3. No, I don't accept claims from people who say they've seen these spacecraft land intact. I'm not interested in what people claim without proof. When the news media headlines it and it's proven to the world on live TV, then I'll believe it.

4. I agree that it's overkill for a downed balloon. It's also overkill to assume the reason for covering it up, if anything even really has been covered up, must be because they don't want people to know about an alien spacecraft. To me, making the leap from weather balloon to alien spacecraft is about as bizarre an assumption as it gets. It sure is convenient that this particular "spacecraft" just happened to crash in an area that allowed for a military cover-up, isn't it? Too bad it didn't come down in the middle of Central Park, where nobody could have covered it up. That would convince me, for sure.

Sorry, but nothing you're saying is in any way convincing.
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Re: UFOs

Post by RichLB »

Gaybutton wrote:1. The scientific community as a whole certainly does hold with Einstein.
Nope, that's why it's called the "Theory" of Relativity and not a "Law". Einstein was dealing with particle physics and the advent of quantum physics has resulted in some alteration of his original idea.
Gaybutton wrote:2. I don't know a specific percentage that would convince me, but it would take a hell of a lot more than believe it so far.
Then we are merely talking percentages. There are several scientists who accept UFO's as fact. The majority, I assume though, still hold it as an open question. I don't think, however, there are any (or maybe only a small percentage) who hold that the phenomena do NOT exist.
Gaybutton wrote: 3. No, I don't accept claims from people who say they've seen these spacecraft land intact. I'm not interested in what people claim without proof. When the news media headlines it and it's proven to the world on live TV, then I'll believe it.
Of course, news media DID report that a UFO landed at Roswell. It was several days later that the military changed their story to it being a weather baloon. And live TV has covered the Phoenix Lights and the Mexico City lights extensively. Obviously, TV news coverage is not sufficient for you.
Gaybutton wrote: 4. I agree that it's overkill for a downed balloon. It's also overkill to assume the reason for covering it up, if anything even really has been covered up, must be because they don't want people to know about an alien spacecraft. To me, making the leap from weather balloon to alien spacecraft is about as bizarre an assumption as it gets. It sure is convenient that this particular "spacecraft" just happened to crash in an area that allowed for a military cover-up, isn't it? Too bad it didn't come down in the middle of Central Park, where nobody could have covered it up. That would convince me, for sure.
GB, clearly something is being covered up - if only by tarps. You might note that such military intervention is not an isolated occurrence. It has happened numerous times. Armed troops arrive and cordon off the area, military vehicles arrive and cart off something hidden from view to the public, and then tell the press it was a weather balloon they were retrieving. I don't cliam to know what's under those tarps, but I doubt it is a weather balloon. When whole towns report the sighting of a craft crashing/landing in the vicinity and this is followed by such military overkill, it does not seem to me to be a major leap to accept that a craft of some kind exists.

Re: UFOs

Post by Jomtienbob »

Interesting and timely development for this thread. It appears they found a planet just 3 light years away with the perfect conditions for life. It now gives credence to those who feel that planets which can sustain life must be out there in the vast universe indeed are there, with us but to discover it. If these planets do exist in large numbers, it is not too much of a stretch to consider that with earth no longer the only planet able to sustain life that there most probably exists other planets with life. More or less advanced than our civilization? It is possible. I have seen much on History Channel which supports much of Rich's theory on this issue.

Combining the dots, US Major's testifying to UFO's being seriously (at least for fox) discussed on fox, planet discovered that can sustain life. Very interesting to watch what may be next.

See: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677/ns/ ... /#39449770
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Re: UFOs

Post by RichLB »

Fun reading - especially for those who think I'm nuts. Some of the article appears spot on, but then other parts venture into the ridiculous (even for me). But, it should raise some quesions.
http://www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2010 ... ile-bases/

Re: UFOs

Post by windwalker »

The article read like the script from "Men in Black".

Re: UFOs

Post by windwalker »

RichLB wrote:Fun reading - especially for those who think I'm nuts.
Now I am beginning to understand your fascination with alien lifeforms.
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Re: UFOs

Post by Gaybutton »

Evidence of Salient Extraterrestrial Involvement on Earth

We spoke about the urgency of the moment in our last article ‘The Dawn of Disclosure’ for to quote Victor Hugo - "There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come." Certainly, the need to fully inform the populace of the world about not only the existence of extraterrestrials but the extent to which they have influenced mankind’s whole history is paramount. This point was made by the Director of the Disclosure Project, Dr. Steven Greer, in his briefing on UFO Disclosure to President Obama, requesting that he come clean about both ET-government involvement and the secret US space and ‘black-ops’ programme , estimated to be costing US$100 billion annually.

http://www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2010 ... -on-earth/
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Re: UFOs

Post by RichLB »

Aw c'mon. If I wanted to be convinced a cover up is in process the publication of pap like this does the trick. A time honored method to discredit legitimate inquiry has been to spread stories like this one with a smattering of real information and then fill in the remainder with obvious hokum. This results to the casual reader is the impression that those who believe any part of the thesis believe it all - and thus appear to be hysterical nuts.
An example of how this has been done is the attempt to obfuscate the existence of an installation at Dulce - the true nature of which remains a mystery. But then, the article goes on to make fantastical claims of activities there auch as time portals, escaped aliens, life on Mars, hybrid humans, escaped aliens, potential Armageddon in 2012, and so forth. The reader is then left to weigh how true this document is and rejecting it, also rejects the existence of an installation at Dulce.
Oddly, the previous debunking technique seems to have been abandoned of late. You remember that one, don't you? Some people report seeing some unexplained event. Following that a cast of characters that could have been pulled from central casting and appearing to be obvious loons come forward, elaborate on that sighting, and the public dismisses the whole thing as either vivid imagination by all the witnesses or ignorant misinterpretation of atmospheric phenomena.
For me, though, UFOs demand some explanation and are worthy of revealed scientific inquiry. I don't think the public is going to be distracted by obvious techniques like this one much longer.

Re: UFOs

Post by windwalker »

This guy Dr. (urologist) Steven Greer is a total quack!
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