UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by RichLB »

Bob wrote: As concerns encounters with aliens here, no movie or alleged private encounter has ever surfaced to my knowledge that didn't include a description of an alien somewhat looking like man (couple of eyes, couple of legs and arms, a head on top, etc.).
I think there may be a couple possible explanations for that. The most obvious is that any intelligent life that was not humanoid in configuration just might not be recognizable as such. Let's hope these aliens aren't some form of mold, we'd never believe it. Another possibility is that the human form is closer to evolution's solution to survival and therefore ubiquitous (not very likely I grant you due to likely differences in environmental conditions on other planets). A third possibility is that these aliens are actually migrated ancestors of ours or creatures who have solved time travel. And still another possibility is that aliens may have the ability to form themselves into whatever shape they wish. But, the point is a valid one. Those who claim to have witnessed aliens do seem to all come up with something resembling a Steven Spielberg version.
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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by RichLB »

Gaybutton wrote:Even if someone has absolute belief in the Bible, nothing I'm aware of in the Bible says Earth is the only place God created life. Maybe God has a few things He's never told us . . .
Related to this is the fact that several ancient texts present stories of creatures from the heavens coming down to earth to either battle or help human kind. Even the Bible talks about Ezekial (damn, spell check doesn't help with that one) and the flying saucer like thing along with other loosely interpreted alien interventions. And, these ancient reports are not limited to Western civilizations. The Mayans, Teotejuacans, Incas and even several American Indians have tales of extraterrestrial encounters.
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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by Alex »

RichLB wrote:Shopenhaur (spelling?) in the early 20th century argued that time, space, gravity, and thought are a singularity
I assume that you refer to the German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schopenhauer ). A brilliant thinker, no doubt, but traveling through space and time wasn't really his field of expertise or interest, to the best of my knowledge -- and what you insinuate probably wasn't even what he meant (i.e. it has been interpreted in this particular way by others, later on). What he probably actually meant was something like that the "human spirit" constitutes an existence of its own that is independent from the human body it is physically located in, and therefor isn't bound to (or limited by) time, space or causality. Of course many if not all religions have very similar concepts.

Let me say that I find this thought interesting, and if you've watched the recent movie "Host", that might be somewhat related (as there are "old souls" who travel the universe to "inhabit" the memory-wiped bodies of species found on conquered planets such as, surprise surprise, humans on Earth!). Still, these souls need to be transported by rather regular means, but they can survive traveling long distances in a suspended state, so they don't face similar challenges like e.g. humans on a mission to Mars (and Mars is only a laughably short distance away!).

Fascinating stuff to think about, no doubt, but as far as proof or practicalities are concerned, I'd still side with Einstein for the time being. It should also be noted that Schopenhauer died about 20 years before Einstein was even born, so he certainly didn't contrast his thoughts with Einstein's theories.
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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by Gaybutton »

Alex wrote:
RichLB wrote:Shopenhaur (spelling?) in the early 20th century argued that time, space, gravity, and thought are a singularity
I assume that you refer to the German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer
I read the article. Maybe that's the wrong Schopenhauer. RichLB's Schopenhauer did whatever he was doing in the early 20th century. The Schopenhauer you refer to died in 1860 - a little too soon to be thought of as a 20th century thinker. In the article, there is quite a bit of detail about him, but not a word about time, space, gravity or anything related to it.
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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by RichLB »

Alex wrote: I assume that you refer to the German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schopenhauer ).
Thanks, Alex. I'm sure that is the same guy that was referenced to me. GB is also correct that I got his birth and death dates wrong - I just made a guess and missed it by 50 years or so. Sorry, guys.
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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by christianpfc »

I am indifferent towards UFOs. I think it might well be possible that there are UFOs, but most or all events that are displayed as UFOs have natural causes that can be explained by physics.

Even if it can't be explained by current science, this could just mean that our understanding of nature is still at a low level. Compare the ancient Greeks and Romans, who had no idea about electricity and therefore could not explain thunder and lightning in other ways than as the action of Gods. Now we can make lightning and thunder in the laboratory.
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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by RichLB »

christianpfc wrote:Compare the ancient Greeks and Romans, who had no idea about electricity and therefore could not explain thunder and lightning in other ways than as the action of Gods. Now we can make lightning and thunder in the laboratory.
At the risk of going askew of our current discussion, you might want to open http://illuminanet.tripod.com/id6.html. It seems the ancients were not as backwards as we think. They did, in fact, possess devices capable of producing electricity, they had invented the steam engine long before James Watt, they had perfected drilling technology at a level superior to our 21st century abilities, hydraulic power was used to open temple doors, and, of course their astronomical knowledge. The aforementioned devices exist today not only in ancient texts, but also in physical objects housed in several museums. One might argue how the ancients discovered this technology and couple that with their fascination with stars.
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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by Gaybutton »

RichLB wrote:It seems the ancients were not as backwards as we think.
And I don't think they thought aliens were visiting Earth either. Good! The crackpots didn't come along until alchemy became popular . . .

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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by RichLB »

Gaybutton wrote:
RichLB wrote:It seems the ancients were not as backwards as we think.
And I don't think they thought aliens were visiting Earth either. Good! The crackpots didn't come along until alchemy became popular . . .
GB, I don't claim the ancients were correct, but almost all texts from that period referenced alien visitations. It seems they had no doubt that "gods" arrived in craft from the stars.
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Re: UFOs - The Disclosure Project:Sirius

Post by Gaybutton »

RichLB wrote:but almost all texts from that period referenced alien visitations. It seems they had no doubt that "gods" arrived in craft from the stars.
What on earth (or space) is your source for that claim? The only time I recall reading anything claiming that was when Erich von Daniken's books were popular - right up until he was forced to admit he had not been to any of these places himself and had simply made it all up.

I know one ancient text that never made such a claim - perhaps the most widely accepted ancient text of all - the Bible. What ancient texts did reference alien visitations?

Even if that is precisely what ancients believed, are you suggesting that the aliens landed, taught them whatever they taught them, then left never to land again and communicate directly with us earthlings?
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