Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

I did say "if".

Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by firecat69 »

I am so sick of people that call these 4 Women names such as Marxists or Socialists .. They are not and Trump and his minions will not have any success doing this if the Democrats wake up.
Just ask all those people at Trumps rallies and some members of this Board if they would like Social Security abolished or Medicare or Medicaid abolished .

How about food stamps or prescription drugs being covered under Medicare and the list goes on. These programs are all Socialism and there is not a single one of those people at Trumps rallies who would not scream bloody murder if they were discarded .

Time for the Democrats to stand up and tell the truth about all these programs they helped create. Just like they created Obamacare .

Now if only we can get rid of Trump and take back the Senate . First order of business should be to go after the crooked insurance companies and drug companies who are responsible for the Opioid disaster . Ban any member of Congress from ever accepting a job where they are back in Washington as lobbyists . Dreams sometimes happen I keep telling myself and JFK's dream of going to the moon is proof of that.

Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

As a non-American, I just chip this in as a thought. I never paid much attention to US elections until Clinton won in 1992. It was not gossip about his womanising or his common touch that attracted me, though. It was actually Ross Perot. On his regular Larry King Live appearances, Perot usually turned up with all manner of charts. It has always struck me as odd that political candidates do not do this much more frequently.

'Fake news' has become such a common refrain that telling an audience verbally that this fact is wrong or that fact has been mangled has precious little effect, in my view. Show them a chart with the same information, though, and the "fact" will both register much more clearly and stay in the mind for a great deal longer. It's all very well proposing new plans like getting rid of all student loans or medical insurance for all and then telling the electorate that it will all be paid for over a number of years by a small tax on the rich. Let's see it on a large chart so that it can be visualised. Trump touts his tax cut as the best thing ever to happen to America. Illustrate how this is "fake" by showing income comparisons and whatever. It's the old truth: I'm sure a picture is worth thousands of words on debate stages and in town hall meetings.

Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Up2u »

gera wrote: Thu Jul 18, 2019 1:05 pm I am sorry for not being politically correct but 4 Marxist bitches on display may very well help to reelect Trump. The whole Trump tactics is to portray Democrats as moving towards Marxist wing of the party. I hope that Democrats choose somebody on moderate side (like Mayor Pete).
There is no Marxist wing in the Democratic party, but you are correct about Trump's tactic to use fear mongering tactics.
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »


Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

In an earlier post, I suggested the Dems should use charts to illustrate the effect of their own proposals and the disaster of Trump’s actions.

But why leave it at static visual charts. Why not use videos? It could be something loosely like this. Even though opera is not your interest, this is actually quite fun. It examines a young Welsh classically trained singer named Katherine Jenkins. She has a pleasant voice but she knew it was not big enough for opera stages. So she has made a good career as a sort of middle-of-the-road singer. David Foster even worked with her on one of her CDs.

But she sometimes branches into the opera repertoire and many opera snobs don’t like it. So someone made this short video comparing her to some of the great opera singers in the same aria. I’m sure this sort of thing could be adapted with Trump as the subject and shown at Dem rallies. It would make for a pleasant even fun change from constant talk, talk, talk!


Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

I watched Mueller's testimony last night (when the channels were not switching to London for the change in Prime Minister). I was surprised. I found him tentative, frequently uncerrtain and confused, he either played for time or had real difficulty understanding some of the rapid fire questions. I thought the Democrats achieved their objective in getting key issues of the Report out into the pubic gaze for probably the first time. The Republicans' attempts to discredit him achieved little.

But I hope the idea of Impeachment now vanishes. It would never get past the dreadful Mitch McConnell so it would be a wasted exercise.

Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

Trump never realised he'd been made to look a fool!

At a meeting of adoring young Republicans. Turning Point USA, the Presidential Seal appeared on the back drop. Only it was not the real Presidential seal. Some wag had doctored it.

Instead of a single-headed eagle, there was the Russain double-headed eagle!
Instead of "E pluribus unum" were the words "45 Es Un Titere", which being translated mean "45 Is a Puppet"!
Instead of the 13 arrows representing the 13 original states, there is a bunch of golf clubs.

And Trump never noticed any difference! You have to laugh!


Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

I have never liked Lindsey Graham. I cannot name one specific reason for it. I just don't like him. As long as he was a friend of John McCain - a man he stated at McCain's funeral he "loved" - I assumed he had to be a reasonable man under all his partisan bluster and rhetoric. Since he became Trump's lapdog - the very man who has consistently trashed his friend McCain even when mortally ill without Graham coming out to defend him - I loathe him. Not my country, I know, But the way in which he broke Senate sub-committee rules and tradition last week is a new low. I hope he is voted out at the next election.

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

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