What becomes of Trump once he leaves office?

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Re: What becomes of Trump once he leaves office?

Post by Gaybutton »

2lz2p wrote: Mon Jan 04, 2021 10:37 am How about both, a prison for the criminally insane.
I wouldn't mind seeing him go to a Supermax. He can have a cell nearby Ramzi Yousef and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
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Re: What becomes of Trump once he leaves office?

Post by Gaybutton »

Here 'tiz - Trump's call to Raffensperger

I wouldn't be surprised if this asinine phone call exceeded the total amount of time during Trump's entire presidency that he spent doing anything at all about the Covid crisis.

Re: What becomes of Trump once he leaves office?

Post by Up2u »

Get ready for a self pardon.
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Re: What becomes of Trump once he leaves office?

Post by Gaybutton »

Up2u wrote: Tue Jan 05, 2021 3:22 pm Get ready for a self pardon.
I'm sure he'll try it, but will that stand up in court? If it does, that would mean a president can commit any federal crime he wants and then get out of it by pardoning himself. I hope judges won't allow it. I hope judges take the position that no man is above the law.

But even if he can get away with pardoning himself for federal crimes, he cannot pardon himself for state crimes. They are already talking about criminally charging him for that phone call to Raffensperger. One piece of good news - in Georgia the governor is not empowered to issue pardons.
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Re: What becomes of Trump once he leaves office?

Post by Gaybutton »

Riots in the US Capitol building. That's a first. The rioters are all there because they swallow Trump's bullshit. Even his plea for them all to go home was filled with lies.

I hope Trump can at least be charged for inciting a riot. I can think of even more serious crimes he ought to be charged with. As far as I can tell, that is exactly what he did.

I also hope at the very least the senate censures Josh Hawley for encouraging the riot.

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Re: What becomes of Trump once he leaves office?

Post by Gaybutton »

Here he is. If this isn't inciting a riot, what is?

Congress needs to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Trump from office - NOW! - before Trump can do anything worse.
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Re: What becomes of Trump once he leaves office?

Post by Dodger »

Not only did he incite a riot...the bastard refused to station extra DC security or the National Guard around the Capitol with the full intention of allowing his radical supporters to enter the Capitol Building and disrupt the Congressional Electoral-College.

They are tossing around the idea of invoking Article 25 and/or impeachment, but both would take longer to administer than the asshole has left in office, making the next 13 days a ticking time bomb.

According to several press releases this morning (Thai time), those working in the White House (who haven't fled with their suitcases in hand yet) say "he has totally lost it"..."he's going berserk"..."he's sheltering himself alone in the West Wing ranting and raving".

Too bad this "Trump Attack" has overshadowed, what should have been the top story today, and that's that Warnock and Ossoff both won their Senate runoff elections in Georgia and the Democrats will now take control of the Senate. There is a God!

Biden won't have a clean-sweep of things when he's in office, but staffing his administration the way he wants, getting legislation passed, assigning federal judges in the future, etc., will be a hell of a lot easier.

Maybe...just maybe, America can start moving in the right direction again. But what's going to happen in the next 13 days is beyond anyone's imagination. Maybe Dickhead will summons his family to the West Wing and give them all pills to shallow. His of course, would be a placebo.
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Re: What becomes of Trump once he leaves office?

Post by Gaybutton »

Dodger wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 1:43 pm They are tossing around the idea of invoking Article 25 and/or impeachment, but both would take longer to administer than the asshole has left in office, making the next 13 days a ticking time bomb.
Actually, the 25th Amendment could be invoked in a day, but by the time they finish arguing about it and by the time everyone involved would have the guts to do it, the 13 days will be gone. And if it is invoked, next will be the debate about who and how he is escorted out of the White House.

With the odds against anyone doing anything to get Trump out, you never know. Hey Donald, you better get to pardoning yourself before it's too late.

I don't care if he walks out, is escorted out in handcuffs, or escorted out in a straitjacket - as long as he's out.

Optimistically, I hope he will spend his last 13 days focused on raving about the election and playing golf instead of doing anything to cause even more damage. But with Trump, who can count on anything? I just hope if he does order anything damaging, whoever is supposed to implement it refuses to obey him.

Don't forget, the only other time the US Capitol building was invaded was in the War of 1812 - by a foreign military force. Today, thanks to Trump, it was invaded by the USA's own people.

I hope the incoming administration will not let Trump get away with his crimes. He needs to be tried, convicted, and imprisoned just like any other criminal. And I mean a real prison, not home confinement with an ankle bracelet at Mar a Lago.

I forget how many times I've said it, but once again - How would you like to be a history teacher 50 or 100 years from now trying to explain Trump to your class?
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Re: What becomes of Trump once he leaves office?

Post by Gaybutton »

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Re: What becomes of Trump once he leaves office?

Post by ceejay »

If this YouGov poll is to be believed, 45% of Republican voters believe that this mayhem was justified. Words fail me.

https://today.yougov.com/topics/politic ... trump-poll

Clearly, sadly, the USA has problems deeper than can be solved by merely getting rid of Trump.
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