Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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fountainhall wrote:Can't it be denied funding?
No. It is a private, not public, school. Tuition funds it. The can do what it wants.

It's not only the school that makes me sick, but also the parents who, by virtue of placing their children there, advocate teaching bigotry.
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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I hope Congress does not give in to Trump. Along with being the worst president the USA has ever had, he is also a bully, a sociopath, attempting to be an autocrat, and he is blackmailing the entire country for his absurd, useless wall. If congress gives in to a blackmailer, like all blackmailers there will be no end to it.

If Congress gives in, what does anyone think will happen the next time Trump wants something Congress doesn't want to grant? The answer is obvious - another shutdown. And maybe another and another.

Congress needs to do either of two things. Impeach and convict him or invoke the 25th Amendment. I don't care which they do, but they but they better do something before Trump manages to destroy the entire country. The man who is supposed to be working for the best interests of the country and its people is instead ruining people's lives.

The USA has an unstable, dangerous man in the White House. Congress needs to get rid of him - and fast.
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

I would add to Maher's description - "President Trump who suffers from being a cynical narcissist - and is a congenital liar."
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

Trump's wall seems to be backfiring on him. Even a lot of ultra-conservative Republicans are against it. Good!

When even Ann Coulter makes it clear she is opposed to Trump's proposals, you know Trump is in real trouble. Again GOOD!

100 miles of border wall in exchange for amnestying millions of illegals. So if we grant citizenship to a BILLION foreigners, maybe we can finally get a full border wall.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 19, 2019

Trump proposes amnesty. We voted for Trump and got Jeb!
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 19, 2019
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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Trump says he'll sign bill to reopen government for 3 weeks - live updates

By Grace Segers

January 25, 2019

President Trump announced Friday he'll back a move to reopen the government for a few weeks, so government workers can get paid while the debate over border security continues.

"I am very proud to announce that we have reached a deal to end the shutdown and reopen the federal government," Mr. Trump said in an address from the White House Rose Garden, adding that he had the opportunity to declare a national emergency to build the wall but decided not to do so at this time. He also thanked the federal workers who had been furloughed or working without pay.

"In many cases you encouraged me to keep going because you care so much about our country and our border security," he said to federal workers. He said federal workers would receive back pay "very quickly," or "almost immediately."

Mr. Trump is backing a continuing resolution (CR) -- which would fund the government at current levels for three weeks, until Feb. 15. Congress will also go to conference on a bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). No money for a border wall is included in this deal. The CR, which contains seven temporary funding bills for the remaining departments that have not yet been funded for 2019, will also include a furloughed employees back-pay provision.

The president said that he expects Democrats and Republicans to cooperate on a bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security, although he reiterated that building a wall was important to border security.

"I really feel that in working with Democrats and Republicans, we can make a truly great and secure deal for everyone," he said. "Walls should not be controversial." He added that the wall he wanted to build were not "medieval," as Democrats have contended, but that it would be a "smart wall."

"We do not need 2,000 miles of concrete wall from sea to shining sea," Mr. Trump said, although he has previously explicitly supported a concrete wall. However, he said that the wall he supports would be made of steel and see-through. He then discussed illegal immigration in stark terms to justify why the wall was needed.

But the president isn't ruling out a national emergency if Congress can't reach a deal in the next three weeks.

"We'll work with the Democrats and negotiate and if we can't do that, then we'll do a--obviously we'll do the emergency because that's what it is. It's a national emergency," the president told reporters later in the afternoon.

The president announced the deal as the government shutdown reached its 35th day, the longest in American history. Around 800,000 federal workers missed their second paycheck this week, with roughly half of them working without pay. Several workers in critical agencies have been calling out sick due to financial difficulties.

Flights in and out New York City's LaGuardia airport were delayed on Friday morning due to staffing shortages among air traffic controllers, according to a notice issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. Elsewhere, a flight was canceled due to a lack of sufficient TSA staff at the Monroe Louisiana airport Friday morning.

In his White House remarks, the president said nothing about former campaign adviser and associate Roger Stone, who was indicted by the federal government, arrested early Friday and appeared in federal court.

Stone was indicted by a federal grand jury and arrested. The indictment, unsealed Friday, lists seven counts: one count of obstruction of an official proceeding; five counts of false statements; and one count of witness tampering. Stone made his first appearance in federal court Friday morning in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and was to be released on a $250,000 bond.

Mr. Trump tweeted a response to Stone's indictment, questioning how CNN had obtained footage of the arrest. The CNN reporter said that its crew staked out Stone's house Friday morning after reporters noticed unusual grand jury activity in Washington, D.C., on Thursday and thought something could happen.

"Greatest Witch Hunt in the History of our Country! NO COLLUSION! Border Coyotes, Drug Dealers and Human Traffickers are treated better. Who alerted CNN to be there?" Mr. Trump wrote.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said earlier on CNN that Stone's arrest and court appearance was completely unrelated to Mr. Trump. ... 019-01-25/
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

I fully agree with this piece by Jonathan Allen. Trump, the great deal maker who always knows better than everyone else, tangled with top, experienced politicians who know what they're doing.

I truly believe if Trump had his way, he would love to do the same thing Mussolini did - post signs all over Italy that said, "The Duce is always right." Of course, anyone who opposed Mussolini was at worst tortured and murdered or at best got the shit beat out of him.

At least with Trump it hasn't come to that - yet . . .

Trump held government workers hostage for a month — and walked away with nothing

Analysis: The self-described deal-maker president gave up the ransom and the hostage for... a conference committee.

by Jonathan Allen

January 26, 2019

WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump promised a wall. He got a procedural death trap.

More than that, he undermined the brand he's tried to build as an indefatigable fighter, a master strategist and the world's savviest deal-maker. On all those counts, he lost — and lost big — Friday.

Usually, the loser in Washington gets some sort of policy fig leaf to cover up for the fact that they were defeated. Trump got nada.

The deal he cut boils down to this: He gave up the $5.7 billion wall-money ransom he'd sought and the hostage he'd taken — his own government's operations — in exchange for Democrats agreeing to participate in a "conference committee," which is the legislative equivalent of a firing squad for his wall.

He did gain one more thing he probably didn't want — a lesson in messing with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. She stared him down over the border wall, the five-week partial government shutdown and the question of who decides whether and when he can deliver a State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress.

Trump gamely tried to declare victory by portraying Democrats as willing to acknowledge that some sort of border barrier is "part of the solution" to stopping illegal immigration and the flow of contraband across the southern border.

No one else is particularly confused about the fact that Trump swung for the fences and whiffed.

"Trump is the Babe Ruth of our era: he doesn't practice and he takes big, bold swings," said Dan Eberhart, a Republican donor who supports the president. "Sometimes he hits dramatic home runs. Shutting down the government over the border wall is a game-ending strikeout for his team."

Ann Coulter, the conservative commentator who has grown increasingly disillusioned with Trump, was less forgiving in comparing Trump to the president who famously broke his "no new taxes" pledge.

"Good news for George Herbert Walker Bush: As of today, he is no longer the biggest wimp ever to serve as President of the United States," she tweeted.

And Rep. Dan Kildee, a Michigan Democrat, said Trump's remarks from the Rose Garden Friday were a first in his memory.

"I've seen a lot of presidents take a victory lap before," he said. "But this is the first time I've seen a president go to the Rose Garden and take a defeat lap."

Usually, Congress is willing to give a defeated president a fig leaf so that he can claim that a policy capitulation didn't come without some tangible concession from the other side. But there's no real deal here for Trump.

Democrats were already happy to increase funding for drug-detection technology and other enhancements to ports of entry — new spending that not only addresses border security in ways they approve of but also increases the base level of funding for domestic programs heading into next year's budget battles with the White House and Senate Republicans.

As for the conference committee, there's almost zero chance that it produces money for a border wall.

For a Schoolhouse Rock refresher, here's how it works: A group of senators and House members will meet to resolve the differences between the two chambers, with the majority of the Senate's set Republicans, and the majority of the House's Democrats, appointed by Pelosi. In order for the conference to write legislation that can be voted on in both chambers, a majority of each chamber's conferees have to sign it.

That means Pelosi's appointees can unilaterally block anything that funds a wall. So, the greatest likelihood is that the conference committee will either fail to come to an agreement, or will produce legislation that funds the Homeland Security Department but prohibits the money from being used for a wall.

Rachel Bovard, a former Republican Senate aide and policy director at the Conservative Policy Institute, said Democrats should be willing to discuss wall money in a conference committee.

"Dozens of Democrats have voiced support for a border wall, including [House Majority Leader] Steny Hoyer, but complained that it couldn't be negotiated in a shutdown," she said. "Trump is calling their bluff, and now Democrats have no excuse. They should help the GOP fund the border wall or be exposed as 'open borders radicals.' Democrats have a chance to do this in conference, otherwise the GOP should force votes in the Senate on these issues."

But the early signals on that front aren't good.

"Not a dime for his medieval border wall," House Democratic Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., wrote on Twitter, using a castle emoji.

Even as he proclaimed a deal to temporarily end the shutdown, Trump nodded to the possibility that it could be short-lived.

"We really have no choice but to build a powerful wall or steel barrier," he said. "If we don’t get a fair deal from Congress, the government will either shut down on February 15th, again, or I will use the powers afforded to me under the laws and the Constitution of the United States to address this emergency."

In the interim, he may be allowed to deliver his State of the Union address from the House chamber, which Pelosi had said he could not do if government agencies were still closed Jan. 29.

His gains on Friday were modest. He got Congress to agree to go to conference on the Homeland spending bill, he might have resurrected his State of the Union speech and he stopped any further self-inflicted pain from a government shutdown that he could have ended in the same fashion at any time in the last five weeks.

His defeat was profound. ... nt-n963006

Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

So does this mean that Trump and his policy-makers at Fox News have finally fallen out? Love this one from the ghastly Ann Coulter -
Ann Coulter Calls Trump the ‘Biggest Wimp’ in Presidential History After Shutdown Ends ... down-ends/
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

fountainhall wrote:Love this one from the ghastly Ann Coulter
This is from Bill Maher's Real Time show - Friday, January 25

And I definitely like Michael Moore:

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