Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

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Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by fountainhall »

Yes, I know. It's a rather silly headline. But with Clarence Thomas now having been on the Supreme Court for over a quarter of a century and in the light of the allegations being made about Kavanaugh, this time again by a Professor, it's a question that has to be asked. Thomas has been the most silent member of the Court ever since his elevation, in sharp contrast to the rage he exhibited as he defended himself against Anita Hill's allegations. Wait, he did not defend himself. He merely claimed over-aggressively and angrily that it was beneath his dignity to do so! As I and others thought at the time, "Methinks he doth protest too much!" Perhaps his silence since 1991 is out of fear that someone within his hearing will mention pubic hairs and coke cans :lol:

Kavanaugh's accuser has already passed a lie detector test. Will Kavanaugh now submit to one? When the world is rid of typhoons, perhaps. :lol: Like Thomas he'll either have to weather this out with anger or find some way to prove that the Professor is making it all up.

Thomas was bulldozed through the process. Bush 41 had said publicly he was the best man for the job, an assertion that surely wreaks eerily of Trumpism. But we're in the age of the "Me Too" movement now and one Republican on the Committee, Jeff Flake, has already started to voice doubts. Will the nomination even get past the Committee? If not, is there time for Trump to get another nominee through the process before the November mid-terms?

A Vanity Fair online article has the heading, "Is Brett Kavanuagh Cooked?" ... reme-court
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Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by Gaybutton »

What Kavanaugh might have done 30 years ago while in high school doesn't bother me very much. It is not exactly uncommon for kids in high school to do stupid things, especially sexually aggressive things.

However, if Kavanaugh really did what he is being accused of, but is now trying to deny it, that is what would bother me and that should be enough for his nomination to the Supreme Court to be rejected.

For me, my opinion will depend on the credibility of the allegation and the credibility of Kavanaugh's denial. I already have a very negative opinion of him because of his evasive responses to specific questions during the confirmation hearings.

This guy definitely does not come across to me as the right choice to be a Supreme Court Justice - and with the kinds of people in a position to make these decisions, I'd be betting the smart money on him easily getting confirmed. I sure hope I'm wrong.

Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by fountainhall »

If he really did do what has been alleged, then he has lied - and that surely is enough to kill his nomination. With full open hearings now scheduled for next Monday, it looks like we are in for another Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas battle. At least this time the Republican senators will surely not harass nor dare to treat the Professor with the same degree of contempt they openly showed to Professor Hill, and Kavanaugh is unlikely to be as over-dramatic and supposedly white hot angry as Clarence Thomas. But it should make for fascinating television.
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Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by Gaybutton »

fountainhall wrote:that surely is enough to kill his nomination.
With this president and this congress? I hope so, but I'm not so sure.

If it does kill the nomination, I shudder to think who Trump will nominate next.

Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by fountainhall »

One individual who must be absolutely loathing this whole new development is surely Justice Thomas. Since his confrontation with his accuser Anita Hill and his accession to the Supreme Court, there seems to have developed much greater sympathy for Professor Hill and a greater feeling that her allegations were indeed true. But that all took place a generation ago. He might have thought that that episode in his life was pretty much buried. That coffin is not only out up on the ground again, it is wide open.

Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by fountainhall »

It's often forgotten that when Anita Hill was called to testify, another woman could have corroborated her allegations. Angela Wright had alleged that Thomas had behaved in a similar fashion towards her. She was subpoenaed to give evidence to the Judiciary Committee. She spent three days holed up in a Washington Hotel but was finally never called. More than 10 years later, the Boston Globe uncovered the reason why she was never called. During the hearings there was collision between top Republicans and Democrats on the Committee to avoid further political chaos that would have doomed the Thomas nomination.

As has been further illustrated in the Kavanaugh hearings - even before the recent sexual assault allegation, and given the massive volume of material on his background that has been kept secret, the system for appointing judges for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court has to be deeply flawed.
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Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by Gaybutton »

fountainhall wrote:the system for appointing judges for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court has to be deeply flawed.
Many things about the USA's Constitution made perfect sense in the late 1700s when it was adopted, but no longer make sense. The "Founding Fathers" had the presence of mind to realize that the future is likely to necessitate changes. They allowed for that by permitting constitutional amendments. Somehow I find it difficult to believe they hoped the USA would become they way it is now or would ever have a president the likes of which occupies the White House now.

Unfortunately actually getting constitutional amendments passed is at least as difficult as getting Trump to tell the truth every time he speaks (or tweets).

The Second Amendment could certainly do with revision so that sensible gun laws can be put into place.

The electoral college system made sense in the late 1700s, but is for sure obsolete now.

The system by which Supreme Court justices are appointed and approved is not working well anymore.

I don't think anyone needs me to predict the chances of any such changes coming about during our lifetimes.

Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by fountainhall »

With The New Yorker magazine now reporting that a second woman has come forward with allegations of being molested sexually, this time during his first year at Yale University, the Republican Party looks to have an even greater mess on its hands with the Kavanaugh confirmation.
The New Yorker said 53-year-old Deborah Ramirez described the incident in an interview after being contacted by the magazine. Ramirez recalled that Kavanaugh exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party, thrust his penis in her face, and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away, the magazine reported.

In a statement provided by the White House, Kavanaugh said the event "did not happen" and that the allegation was "a smear, plain and simple." A White House spokeswoman added in a second statement that the allegation was "designed to tear down a good man." ... story.html

Last night Jill Abramson, the co-author of "Strange Justice: The Selling of Clarence Thomas", spoke on the case involving the first accuser. She reminded tv viewers that the exhaustive research for their book took 3 years, only at the end of which they were able to prove that Anita Hill had told the truth, that the Senate had manipulated the FBI Report and misled the American public, and that as a result a sexual molester guilty of perjury has been sitting on the Supreme Court for 27 years.

PS: Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for Stormy Daniels, has recently tweeted:
"I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugj and Mark Judge. We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify. The nomination must be withdrawn."
He is also asking for Kavanaugh to explain before the Senators an entry in his school yearbook:
"FFFFFFFourth of July. We believe that stands for: Find them, French them, Feel them, Finger them, F'ck them, Forget them . . . Perhaps Sen. Grassley can ask him.
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Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by Gaybutton »

The part on my "I Don't Get It" list is why anyone, including Congress - partisan politics or not - would want people like that as a Supreme Court justice.

What is wrong with these people? Do they actually believe Kavanaugh is the right choice and best choice to be appointed for life to a position as important as that?

And if indeed it has been proven that Clarence Thomas perjured himself under oath, then why hasn't he been impeached? Regarding Supreme Court justices, the Constitution requires "good Behavior." That's all it says. That's good behavior? Not from my point of view.

When will Congress actually start supporting the Constitution under which it is supposed to operate instead of worrying about undermining the opposing party all the time? That's not why any Congressmen or Senators ever got my vote.

If they want a good Supreme Court justice, I'd rather see them appoint Judge Judy. She'd be a hell of a lot better choice than Kavanaugh . . .
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Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by Gaybutton »

'How to Be Evasive' - by Brett Kavanagh:

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