Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

For more than a generation, conventional wisdom has portrayed Republicans as the sole defenders of the American flag, the great stewards of patriotism, the gun-toting, tough-talking party of law and order . . . It has long been presented as fact by the traditional media, putting Democrats on the defensive as they have struggled to shake ingrained perceptions that they are meek and unpatriotic . . .

That is, until Donald Trump came along. With his unshakable fealty to the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, and the GOP’s wholesale surrender to Russia’s 2016 cyber-invasion, Trump and his enablers are single-handedly shattering the myth that Republicans have a monopoly on patriotism. If anything, Republican politicians are showing a traitorous streak that has shocked even the most level-headed of political observers . . .

Reacting to Trump’s stupefying defense of Putin at the Helsinki summit, former presidential adviser David Gergen ‏tweeted: “The fact that Trump chose a thug over the American people and his own officials captures just how unpresidential and unpatriotic he is. Never have I seen a president so badly betray his own country on the world stage” . . .

Former CIA director John Brennan was the bluntest of all: “Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors’. It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???”

Brennan’s question has no good answers. The Republican party’s cravenness appears to be bottomless. Republicans have decided to follow Trump off a cliff of treachery. ... -treachery
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

Nice try. I see Trump's damage control people are about as competent and clever as the rest of the people working for Trump. That's the best they can come up with?
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by RichLB »


Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

Trump invites Putin to White House - and the first his own appointee as Director of National Intelligence learns about it is in a TV interview! Intelligence in the White House is clearly not spread to those who should know.

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

It is reassuring to know Trump is a "stable genius."

Don Rickles might have said, "I know he's a genius. He's told me that many many times."

You know who else genuinely believed he was a genius - and said so? None other than Adolf Hitler. Yet another similarity.

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

I believe Trump seized on an opportunity to divert attention from his Helsinki fiasco.

Trump warns Iran's president in all-caps tweet to stop threatening U.S.

July 23, 2018

WASHINGTON -- President Trump warned Iranian President Hassan Rouhani early Monday that he will face dire consequences for threatening the United States. Mr. Trump tweeted about the dangers to Iran of making hostile threats after Rouhani said Sunday, "American must understand well that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace and war with Iran is the mother of all wars."

Mr. Trump earlier this year pulled the United States out of the international deal meant to prevent Tehran from developing a nuclear weapon and ordered increased American sanctions.

Rouhani had warned Mr. Trump Sunday to stop "playing with the lion's tail" and threatening Iran, "or else you will regret it."

Mr. Trump has suggested Iranian leaders are "going to call me and say 'let's make a deal'" but Iran has rejected talks.

Rouhani has previously lashed out against Mr. Trump for threatening to re-impose the sanctions, as well as for moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and banning travel to the U.S. from certain Muslim-majority countries.

Mr. Trump's early Monday tweet suggested he has little patience with the trading of hostile messages with Iran, using exceptionally strong language and writing an all-capitalized message:
Mr. Trump has a history of firing off heated tweets that seem to quickly escalate long-standing disputes with leaders of nations at odds with the U.S.

In the case of North Korea, the public war of words cooled quickly and gradually led to the high profile summit and denuclearization talks.

The Reuters news service says, "The escalation in rhetoric came as the Trump administration has launched an offensive of speeches and online communications meant to foment unrest and help pressure Iran to end its nuclear program and its support of militant groups, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter."

In California Sunday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was strongly critical of Tehran.

He called the religious leaders of Iran "hypocritical holy men" who amassed vast sums of wealth while allowing their people to suffer, part of a highly critical broadside issued as the republic approached the 40th anniversary of its Islamic revolution and the U.S. prepared to reimpose the economic sanctions.

In a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, Pompeo castigated Iran's political, judicial and military leaders, too, accusing several by name of participating in widespread corruption. He also said the government has "heartlessly repressed its own people's human rights, dignity and fundamental freedoms."

He said despite poor treatment by their leaders, "the proud Iranian people are not staying silent about their government's many abuses."

"And the United States under President Trump will not stay silent either. In light of these protests and 40 years of regime tyranny, I have a message for the people of Iran: The United States hears you," he said. "The United States supports you. The United States is with you." ... tening-us/
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

I thought this was well worth watching and very well said:

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

Migrants describe frigid, hungry days in "ice boxes" and "dog pounds"

by Graham Kates

July 24, 2018

In exhibits filed in federal court this month, more than 200 migrants detained at the Mexican border this year describe "hieleras" and "perreras" -- Spanish for "ice boxes" and "dog pounds" -- nicknames for the facilities where they were initially taken after being apprehended by federal authorities.

Their testimonies speak of food "not fit for consumption," overcrowding and abuse.

The statements, which were given to attorneys who interviewed detained migrants and inspected detention sites in June and July, are the latest salvo in the decades-old Flores v Reno case, which in 1997 led to national standards for facilities holding migrant children. Attorneys at the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law say the federal government is currently violating those standards.

The 223 statements describe Customs and Border Protection facilities in Texas, Arizona, and California. They show families being separated and held in overcrowded, cold cages, where moments of sleep are hard to come by. Many said even after being apprehended in wet clothes, they were not given a chance to change before being placed in "ice boxes" or the "dog pounds" that some said were even colder.

Lidia S. is one immigrant who gave testimony. The 21-year-old, detained in Texas last month, said she came to the U.S. from El Salvador with her four year old son after witnessing a decapitation, and later learning that the perpetrators had been asking about her.

"I was scared for my life and the life of my little boy," Lidia told lawyers in the United States.

Soon after crossing the border in Texas on or around June 13, she and her son were apprehended and taken to one of the nearby holding facilities.

Their first American night was "so cold that my son and I shivered the entire time." She says they were given sandwiches that were frozen, foul-smelling and inedible.

She and her son were kept in separate cages, "so overcrowded that we could not walk around or sleep," she said.

"The female guards were yelling at the mothers separated from their children not to look at their children in separate cages. The female guards told the mothers and children that they would be punished for looking at each other," she said.

In statement after statement, migrants recounted similar details about the "ice boxes" and "dog pounds."

Ana V, a 26-year-old woman from El Salvador, said she was escaping threats from people who promised to kill her for being gay when she came to the United States with her six-year-old daughter. She said those same people had already beaten her transgender friend to death.

She was apprehended soon after crossing the Mexican border with the United States on or around May 4 this year. Soon, she and her daughter were taken to a "dog pound."

"The guards called me and my daughter lazy and kicked me with their boots in order to keep me awake so that my daughter and I could not sleep. If the children did fall asleep the guards would wake them up," she told lawyers.

Keylin, M, a 16-year-old girl from Honduras, was one of many who recalled rotten food.

"We were given food, but the food was frozen and not fit for consumption. It smelled so bad that we went hungry instead of eating it," she said.

Keylin described being held for four days after being separated from her mother.

"I was scared for the guards and scared I would be deported without my mother," she said. "I did not know where she was. I am still depressed. I also have nightmares and a lot of anxiety because of the separation."

She said guards made her and other girls strip naked in front of them "and leered at us" before they could shower.

In a report filed in the Flores case last month, CBP juvenile coordinator Henry Moak Jr. said that the department makes extensive efforts "to ensure all minors in CBP custody are treated with dignity, respect, and special concern for their particular vulnerability as minors."

But Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law attorney Peter Schey said in a July 16 filing that the testimonies paint "a picture not just of forcibly separating thousands of children from their parents, but on a much broader level of a program of forced hunger, forced thirst, forced sleep deprivation, coupled with routine insults, threats, and physical assault, that leave [children] crying, trembling, hungry, thirsty, sleepless, sick, and terrified."

A spokesman for CBP declined to comment on the allegations.

"As a matter of policy, U.S. Customs and Border Protection does not comment on pending litigation. However, lack of comment should not be construed as agreement or stipulation with any of the allegations. CBP takes all allegations seriously, and investigates all formal complaints," the spokesman said in an email to CBS News.

However, in a June 1 court filing, Moak wrote that he conducted more than three dozen interviews with minors in custody during recent site visits and concluded that the agency was complying with the Flores agreement.

"During the interviews, minors and/or their parents confirmed that, in general, minors received meals and snacks; had access to drinking water, functioning toilets, and functioning sinks; and were held in rooms that were maintained at an appropriate temperature," Moak wrote. ... og-pounds/
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

The Trump White House is at it again - this time banning a reporter because they didn't like her questions. Every day it's something with Trump. I can only hope the polls have it right this time about the expected Democrat wins in this Fall's elections.

Even Fox News stood with the reporter on this one.

President Trump, the White House does not belong to you. It belongs to the American people. Remember them - the ones supposedly are protected by freedom of the press? You have no business banning an accredited White House reporter from an open press invitation to a White House gathering simply because you didn't appreciate her questions.

Since when does a president get to decide that press questions are "inappropriate" and get to punish the reporter?

Trump supporters, are you ever going to take off the blinders? Can't you understand what's going on?

Fascism coming to the USA. Get out and vote, Americans, while you still can before Trump forms a dictatorship and you can't vote at all.

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