Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

What a wonderful administration! Part of the problem is, for reasons that baffle me, Trump has such a huge following. Shortly after Trump won that election, you know - the one that he insisted was rigged - I posted that since he won, let's hope he'll turn out to be one of the greatest presidents the USA has ever had. Whoops! Didn't quite turn out that way, did it? Well, maybe the viewpoint would be a little different if your name happens to be Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong Un . . . or Joe Arpaio.

Now the latest is the immigration policy of separating families. Reporters and even local lawmakers are being denied entry to any of those facilities where children are housed to be able to see for themselves what is going on and how these children are being cared for. WHY? What are they afraid that these people would see?

Nearly everyone is opposed to this policy of separating children from their parents. Even Trump said, "I hate it" while busy trying to blame the situation on Democrats. With Trump, it's always blame somebody else.

The only two people I see supporting this policy are none other than Joe Arpaio, who should never have been pardoned, and Jeff Sessions, who never should have been appointed Attorney General in the first place. Is Sessions the best Trump can find from among the entire USA's legal community to hold that office?

I too believe in a zero tolerance policy when it comes to illegal immigrants trying to sneak their way into the USA. I don't see their countries of origin lifting a finger to stop it. Maybe they're just as glad to get rid of these people.

While I agree with stopping people from entering illegally into the USA, I am opposed to the way it's being done and being enforced. No matter what the policy is or how strictly it should be enforced, the way to enforce it definitely should not include separating children from their parents. It is unnecessary cruelty. It is cruel to the parents and traumatic for the children. The parents don't even know where their children are.

The justification for this, so we're told, is children cannot be held in the same federal facilities where their parents are held.

Isn't the solution obvious? Put these people in facilities where the families can at least be housed together until their status is established. If there is some reason that eludes me as to why that is not possible, then if nothing else, at least give these people frequent visitations. Is there a shortage of buses to be able to transport the parents to visit their children and at least know where they are, whether they're safe, and how they're being cared for?

And don't separate parents and children when the children are too young to even be able to identify themselves. Many children are too young to even know their own names, much less tell anyone their names or the names of their parents. How are such families supposed to even be able to find each other once their status is resolved? And if it takes years, the chances of ever finding each other again become more and more remote. I hope immigration officials at least took DNA samples from all of these people so they have a chance of identifying and finding each other again.

It wouldn't surprise me if Arpaio and Sessions start saying we should put these people on ships and send them to Germany. Dachau still stands and there is plenty of room for them there. Better still, how about reopening Devil's Island . . .

I can hardly wait to see what's next. I said it before and I'll say it again - How would you like to be a history teacher, 50 or 100 years from now, trying to explain the Trump presidency to your class?

Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

Up2u wrote:He divides us from our Allies, is Putin writing this script?l
Putin and Xi are carving up the world with spectacular success!

One wonders what will be Trump's position if Putin, having annexed Crimea with zero opposition, next makes a move on the Baltic States where there remain over a million natural Russian speakers and pro-Russian parties.

Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by firecat69 »

For the first time in 7 years when I decided not to move to Thailand , but rather visit often, I feel I made a mistake.

It is impossible not to turn on the news and hear these children as young as 2 years old, crying for their parents. To say it is disheartening would minimize it.

Trump is a piece of Shit and and every single person around him is no better. I might give James Mattis a pass but certainly no one else.

It is sad to say that I am hoping that the only good that will come out of it will be any woman who is moved by this devastation on children will vote Democratic and throw the Bums out.
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

Gaybutton wrote:The only two people I see supporting this policy are none other than Joe Arpaio, who should never have been pardoned, and Jeff Sessions, who never should have been appointed Attorney General in the first place.
Now we can add Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of Homeland Security, to the list.

These are the people Trump placed in positions of authority. What fabulous choices.

Take a look at the Q&A portion of Nielsen's press conference of June 18. See if you can believe her responses. And don't forget, it's all the fault of previous administrations and the Democrats . . .

firecat69 wrote:It is impossible not to turn on the news and hear these children as young as 2 years old, crying for their parents.
I don't think I am exaggerating when I say I truly believe the exact same kinds of sounds were heard when families got off the trains at Auschwitz.
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by RichLB »

At what point does one arrive at the conclusion that merely voicing anger at Trump is not enough. I've tried to maintain civility when encountering folks who voted for the man while continuing to support him (albeit without knowing why they do so). But, now I've got to accept that their unwillingness to recognize evil is as contemptuous as Trump, himself, is. Act-up had the slogan "Silence = Death". Remaining silent when with Trump supporters is the same as passively allowing their ignorance to embolden the immorality currently dominating the US government.

Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by firecat69 »

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

RichLB wrote:Remaining silent when with Trump supporters is the same as passively allowing their ignorance to embolden the immorality currently dominating the US government.
I think part of the problem is Trump supporters have the same feelings about anti-Trump people. Apparently they can no more understand why people don't support Trump than anti-Trump people can understand why they do.

I can fully understand why people are opposed to letting undocumented immigrants just walk into the USA with virtual impunity, but I can't at all understand why anyone would support forcibly separating these families - and yet many do support that.
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by RichLB »

GB, I think you are undeservedly giving the Trump supporters the benefit of the doubt. When asked why they support Trump, I've yet to receive any answer other than Trump is not Hillary. What's worse, when asked what they disliked about Hillary, they just don't know and resort to rejecting her personal style (and ignoring any substantive policy positions). What troubles me is the degree to which their emotional reaction to a candidate who "lost" the election is used to blind them to the very real horrors of Trump.
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

RichLB wrote:GB, I think you are undeservedly giving the Trump supporters the benefit of the doubt.
Your post is precisely the point. I don't give them the benefit of the doubt and that's for one simple reason - as far as I'm concerned there isn't any doubt. None.

What I'm saying is despite everything Trump does and everything Trump stands for, a huge number of people support him anyway. And they don't understand why anti-Trump people don't support him. "Crooked Hillary" can't hold a candle to Trump's crooked activities. And yet, his supporters don't seem to give a damn and just overlook all of it, as if none of it even matters. I wish I could understand why, but I don't.
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by RichLB »

Gaybutton wrote: "Crooked Hillary" can't hold a candle to Trump's crooked activities. And yet, his supporters don't seem to give a damn and just overlook all of it, as if none of it even matters. I wish I could understand why, but I don't.
I suspect it might be because those of us disgusted by Trump are just too damn polite and civil. I know I tend to avoid raising their ire and try to appear respectful. I'm afraid that the plight of the children now makes that impossible for me.
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