N Korea

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Re: N Korea

Post by Captain Kirk »

Rudi Giuliani now butting in saying "Kim got down on his hands and knees begging for a summit which is the position you want to put him in".
Quite unbelievable the number of absolute arseholes crawling around the White House right now.
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Re: N Korea

Post by Gaybutton »

Captain Kirk wrote:Quite unbelievable the number of absolute arseholes crawling around the White House right now.
Especially the one living in it. Seems to me the swamp has been drained, as promised, but replaced with an ocean - and every drop of it is polluted water.

I'm still hoping for a positive outcome of the "summit," but I'll believe it only when I see it.

Considering the two "leaders", what worries me is "Garbage in. Garbage out."

Re: N Korea

Post by fountainhall »

The clips of footage we are getting from Singapore are fascinating. Kim arriving in President Xi's private 747. So much for China being kept out of the loop. Trump arriving for lunch with Prime Minister Lee today and looking exhausted, barely smiling. We know he hates long distance flights. Between Montreal and Singapore his 747 had to make a refuelling stop in Crete. So even with the advantage of the west-east jet stream, that journey will still have taken 22 hours with a 12-hour time change. Any man of 72 is going to find that tough. And with probably three consecutive nights without proper sleep before he meets Kim tomorrow morning, how will he handle his one-on-one? Kim, on the other hand, only had to fly around 6 hours with no time change. He should be a fresh as a daisy! Kim has won round one by getting the summit. I reckon he's also won round 2 - the battle for alertness.

Re: N Korea

Post by firecat69 »

All true but it makes no difference for this Dope. He only had to fly 2 1/2 hours to Quebec and he completely screwed that up. There is no chance he will get anything from Kim , because Kim is smarter then him and in addition he is being fed all steps by Xi.

Kim is not going to give up his Nuclear Weapons IMHO and thus all that will come out of this meeting is BS.

Re: N Korea

Post by firecat69 »

The Moron Trump is even a bigger Joke then I could imagine.

Zero Hard accomplishments!. China is in love with the ridiculous assertion that US would stop joint military exercises when they have gotten nothing from N Korea.

Xi will release some of the pressure of sanctions even more then he has in recent weeks .

Big Winners N Korea and China. Losers Japan,S Korea , rest of SE Asia. If I had $1 for every time that Moron Trump says very strongly, I would be a very rich man.

Complete Disaster!
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Re: N Korea

Post by Gaybutton »

If you missed it, here's Trump's post-summit press conference. There is a bunch of propaganda crap first. The press conference starts at minute 16.

Firecat69 has already posted his opinion of the summit. What's yours?


Re: N Korea

Post by fountainhall »

Firecat69 and I rarely agree on China, but in this case he is spot on. Having got rid of the regular joint US/South Korea military exercises, President Xi will be even happier than Kim. The return on his investment in letting Kim use his personal 747 has been huge. The statement from South Korea just now shows that that government was again blindsided by Trump''s concession. It clearly had no idea it was on the table. So yet again Trump has stiffed his allies in preference to being a chum of another murderous dictator. When will Americans realise what a dangerous man they elected to the highest office in the land?

Re: N Korea

Post by firecat69 »

I can't imagine how S Korea must feel. Trump got nothing from N Korea while Kim got promises of stopping Military exercises as well as the hope of pulling out troops.

We can all argue about the Korean War and the mistakes made but anyone who thinks that So Korea would have become the 11th richest Country in the world without the protection of the USA and its Allies is smoking dope. And anyone who does not realize S Korea will continue to be in danger as long as a despot rules N Korea just does not understand the Kim Family and Regime.

As far as Americans realizing what a dope they elected. Trump has proved to be a genius in flooding the news media in the USA with BS and thus if the election was held again tomorrow , I believe he would lose but not because of Trump voters deserting him but rather by increased voting by those who failed to cast any ballot in the past election.

We are stuck with him until the next election I am afraid , I just hope and pray ( well I really don't pray but it sounds good) we can get rid of him and not elect in some ways an even more dangerous person like Pence.
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Re: N Korea

Post by Gaybutton »

Why do I think Trump is not going to return home to a New York Ticker Tape victory parade?

Here is the agreement Trump and Kim signed

CBS News

June 12, 2018

Following their private meeting, President Trump and Kim Jong Un signed a "comprehensive" agreement with a commitment to work towards the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Here's the full text of what they signed:

Joint Statement of President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea at the Singapore Summit

President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) held a first, historic summit in Singapore on June 12, 2018.

President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un conducted a comprehensive, in-depth, and sincere exchange of opinions on the issues related to the establishment of new U.S.–DPRK relations and the building of a lasting and robust peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. President Trump committed to provide security guarantees to the DPRK, and Chairman Kim Jong Un reaffirmed his firm and unwavering commitment to complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

Convinced that the establishment of new U.S.–DPRK relations will contribute to the peace and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula and of the world, and recognizing that mutual confidence building can promote the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un state the following:

1. The United States and the DPRK commit to establish new U.S.–DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity.
2. The United States and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.
3. Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
4. The United States and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified.

Having acknowledged that the U.S.–DPRK summit—the first in history—was an epochal event of great significance in overcoming decades of tensions and hostilities between the two countries and for the opening up of a new future, President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un commit to implement the stipulations in this joint statement fully and expeditiously. The United States and the DPRK commit to hold follow-on negotiations, led by the U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, and a relevant high-level DPRK official, at the earliest possible date, to implement the outcomes of the U.S.–DPRK summit.

President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea have committed to cooperate for the development of new U.S.–DPRK relations and for the promotion of peace, prosperity, and security of the Korean Peninsula and of the world.

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/north-kore ... 018-06-12/

Re: N Korea

Post by Up2u »

Although the summit broke the ice between the countries, which of course is great, let's put the Nobel Peace Prize on ice. It was a nice photo op.
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