N Korea

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Re: N Korea

Post by fountainhall »

Give Kim's regime a degree of intelligence for the recent statement by Choe Son Hui, a vice-minister specialising in the US-NK relationship in the North Korean Foreign Ministry. Ms. Choe referred back to the patently infamatory comments by Bolton and Pence about Libya being the model for North Korea. How stupid can these people get? Of course that was alway going to be a massive red rag to an over-egoed bull! But Ms. Choe's specific comment about Pence is spot on. He's a "political dummy!"

https://edition.cnn.com/2018/05/23/poli ... index.html
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Re: N Korea

Post by Gaybutton »

Trump cancels Kim Jong Un summit.


Re: N Korea

Post by fountainhall »

And this is the man who was bragging about how nice it would be to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. As serious career diplomats would tell him if he bothered to listen to them, he can thank his appointees Bolton and Pence for unnecessarily and stupidly ratcheting up the property developer's rhetoric with references to Libya! Bye bye Nobel!

Re: N Korea

Post by Up2u »

So an opportunity for world peace falls apart because of two "political dummies" (Pence, Bolton). North Korea destroyed a nuclear test site while the world is watching and the news of the summit cancelation is delivered by a CNN reporter. Iran, the Paris Accord and now NK; this is what happens when you a cabinet and advisors full of Yes men pandering to the ego of a nut. Perhaps the two Koreas can still salvage something.

Re: N Korea

Post by Doug »

North Korea staged the destruction of its nuclear facility just to bait trump and the news media. And they fell for it forgetting that just a month ago the facility was reported destroyed as the mountain cave and tunnels collapsed. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/ ... tion-china

Re: N Korea

Post by fountainhall »

Up2u wrote:So an opportunity for world peace falls apart because of two "political dummies" (Pence, Bolton). North Korea destroyed a nuclear test site while the world is watching and the news of the summit cancelation is delivered by a CNN reporter. Iran, the Paris Accord and now NK; this is what happens when you a cabinet and advisors full of Yes men pandering to the ego of a nut. Perhaps the two Koreas can still salvage something.
Worse, Trump has yet again shown his total inadequacy to be President. Having stiffed the rest of the world on the Climate Accord, Pacific nations by pulling out of the TPP, his main European partners by unilaterally pulling out of the Iran deal (which may well end up with dire consequences for the region), he now stiffs President Moon of South Korea who is almost solely responsible for having created the opening with North Korea. To announce the break-off to the talks without first having a dialogue with the President of the country most affected is not only idiocy - it is downright dangerous. The South Korean President must be livid - and rightly so!

Blowing up a nuclear facility was a symbol - whether or not it had previously been destroyed by an earthquake or not. Symbols are hugely important in diplomacy. The release of the three American prisoners was another positive symbol. To have those symbols matched by the one on Libya by Bolton and Pence illustrates ineptitude of the highest order.

Shakespeare had an apt description of Trump's international efforts in the "Scottish" play.

"It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."

Re: N Korea

Post by fountainhall »

With the Singapore summit now back on again, I do not change my attitude on Trump's actions. I don't believe for minute that his letter changed any of the dynamics in play. The prime movers here are surely Moon and Kim, with President Moon receiving most of the kudos for getting it all back on track. Kim is clearly desperate for a meeting to show his people at least a photo-op with Trump. Trump is desperate for a meeting to show his base - and, to be fair, at least some of the rest of the world, that he has some gravitas in foreign policy. If he gets anywhere close to what he wants in terms of complete denuclearisation, there is surely no doubt his stature will get a significant boost. But it will be really interesting to discover what actually will be agreed. My one hope is that Moon is there in Singapore with Trump to keep him on track. The one unknown, I think, is the eminence gris lurking in the background - President Xi Jinping. What he wants will surely be playing a role in the talks.
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Re: N Korea

Post by Gaybutton »

fountainhall wrote:President Xi Jinping. What he wants will surely be playing a role in the talks.
I can't help thinking he probably is the real "prime mover" behind the whole thing. I truly doubt Kim came up with this on his own. I suspect China put a hell of a lot of pressure on him to do this - possibly because he believes Trump is just crazy enough to nuke North Korea no matter what the consequences and retaliation possibilities might be.

Maybe Xi Jinping doesn't think Trump is crazy enough to do that, but I sure do.

Re: N Korea

Post by firecat69 »

By far the most intelligent person working for Trump is Pompeo and even he is so far behind that he did not realize Kim is the family name. No chance anything but a photo op will happen and Trump may even screw that up.

Of course now that Trump works for the Chinese, who knows what will happen.
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Re: N Korea

Post by Captain Kirk »

The tricky bit to getting any sort of agreement is that all parties will want to come out of it saying they "won".
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