China is Laughing at the USA

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China is Laughing at the USA

Post by firecat69 »

China provided some useless pomp and circumstance for Idiot Trump and then watched as Asia moved closer to them and along the way picked the pocket of the USA with the Asian Countries by putting tough tariffs on US imports such as Beef.

When will the 34% of the Idiots who voted for this Dunce admit how wrong they were? Do we have to wait until he starts a Nuclear War ?

Anyone who continues to support this fool is a Fool themselves.
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Re: China is Laughing at the USA

Post by Gaybutton »

firecat69 wrote:When will the 34% of the Idiots who voted for this Dunce admit how wrong they were?
I doubt they will ever say they were wrong. The best I think they might do is say they believed in what Trump promised he would do, but instead of delivering on his promises, he betrayed them and doesn't live up to their expectations.

They might see Trump's failures as betrayal. I see it as "Thank God." But I can't see how anyone, even his staunchest supporters, can still be saying he's a wonderful president and they're delighted with him. Unfortunately, the one staunch Trump supporter we had on this board no longer posts here, but I wonder if he still sees Trump now the way he did a year ago.

I can't help but repeat my rhetorical question: How would you like to be a future history teacher, trying to explain Trump to your class ?

Re: China is Laughing at the USA

Post by lukylok »

If you are a history teacher, to explain Trump, you will have to explain US society.

And if you are a citizen of the USA, that will call for a lot of humility to recognize the truth.
He still represents 35% of the people....

And they are bigots, racists, white supremacists, ......

Re: China is Laughing at the USA

Post by fountainhall »

I agree with firecat's premise! The Chinese played Trump as they would with a pet cat. They know he adores being flattered, and they flattered him bigger than ever.

One of Trump's first actions was to get out of the Trans Pacific Partnership. This has the objective of reducing and eliminating tariff barriers between the 12 nations intended to be part of the TPP. I suspect the Trump regime assumed the TPP would collapse without it. That now seems unlikely as Australia has led the movement to resurrect it. But by quitting the TPP, Trump handed the initiative directly from the USA to China as, apart from Japan, all the other economies have said they wish to continue with a revised TPP. Even without the USA and Japan, countries in a revised TPP will still have vastly more consumers than the EU. I am sure the original version had its flaws as well as its benefits, but had the USA remained as part of agreement, tariffs on almost all US agricultural products would have immediately been eliminated immediately by all TPP countries! I wonder what those in his mid-west base would think about that - if they were ever aware of it!

By withdrawing from internationalisation into his "America First" policy, Trump has handed another 'trump' (oops) card to China. China is pressing ahead with its "Belt and Road" initiative to bridge the infrastructure gap and the enhance economic cooperation between countries on the "road" = essentially the old Silk Road countries stretching though Central Asia, West Asia, the Middle East and Europe with a side track to South Asia. The initiative calls for the integration of the region into a cohesive economic area through building infrastructure, increasing cultural exchanges, and broadening trade.

By believing he can do a deal directly with China without having to bother with others in a partnership, Trump shows he has little clue how Asia now works economically. He may well get some gains, but he will lose out on much, much more. China knows where it is going decades into the future. Trump is making things up as he goes along.
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Re: China is Laughing at the USA

Post by Gaybutton »

fountainhall wrote:Trump shows he has little clue how Asia now works economically.
I don't see much of anything Trump does have a clue about. As far as I can tell, Trump's primary interest as president is simply his ego trip.

Everything is always everybody else's fault or everybody else's wrongdoing - but never his own.

I'm hoping that by the next presidential election, the USA somehow manages to at least simply survive until then - but I'm not taking any bets.

Re: China is Laughing at the USA

Post by firecat69 »

Time for people to realize that Communist China is responsible for Kim still having the money to launch bigger and better missiles.

Any other explanation makes no sense. Xi played Dump like the fool he is and turned right around and continues to be the reason that Kim has the money and the protection to threaten the World.

Dump is owned by Putin and now by Xi as well as Erdogan. Dump is selling out the USA to the despots of the world . When will the Idiot Republicans wake up.

Time to let China know who the Boss is in our trades. Yes we would have to pay more for 60 inch tv's but the Communists would have uprisings that would destroy their model of theft of intellectual properties and causing problems through out Asia.
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Re: China is Laughing at the USA

Post by Gaybutton »

firecat69 wrote:When will the 34% of the Idiots who voted for this Dunce admit how wrong they were? Do we have to wait until he starts a Nuclear War?
I doubt that people stupid enough to have voted for him in the first place would admit it if their lives depended on it.

Trump won't even listen to his advisors, not that any of them impress me as any great shakes either.

It isn't just China laughing. I think much of the world, a lot more than any 34%, are doing plenty of laughing too - that is when they can pause a moment from concerns about him really starting a nuclear war. And I'll be surprised if he doesn't.

China may have signed on to the UN sanctions, but their signature seems to me to have about the same value as Hitler's had at Munich.

Much of the world used to at least have respect for US presidents. I think that has now morphed into what is this mental case going to do next?

Re: China is Laughing at the USA

Post by Jun »

This is a tricky little problem.

With the benefit of hindsight, Fat Kim should have been taken out BEFORE North Korea got nuclear weapons.

Now they need to think of a way to take him out BEFORE he has the means to deliver them to the US. The clock is ticking. In an ideal world, the US, Europe, Japan & South Korea would (perhaps) act as a bloc & request China to come on side in solving the problem.
Firstly with a polite request, then one stating it's a must, if they want to continue to trade freely with us.

Solving the problem = executing fat Kim & eliminating his military programmes.
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Re: China is Laughing at the USA

Post by Gaybutton »

Jun wrote:With the benefit of hindsight, Fat Kim should have been taken out BEFORE North Korea got nuclear weapons.
That is what I had been saying all along - that if they're going to take out the missiles, do it before they become operational. Apparently it's a little late for that now, although what we don't know yet is, even if their missiles can reach wherever, whether the nukes could work as nuclear warheads. Testing them underground is one thing, but putting them on a missile is a different story. But I certainly wouldn't want the have to find out the hard way if they would work.

Now, assuming it is no longer possible to take out their missiles, all that I know of we can do is just hope North Korea isn't stupid enough to actually try to use them and just hope if they ever do, we're capable of shooting them down before they can harm anybody.

I can't help but be reminded, of all things, of The Wizard of Oz. The witch's soldiers are all loyal to the witch. Then, when Dorothy throws water on the witch, killing the witch, the soldiers suddenly change their tune and thank Dorothy for killing her and setting them free. Of course, if North Korea's head witch is ever taken out, the trouble is they have many more witches to replace him - many of whom have been taught from birth to hate the USA and anyone who stands with the USA.

For some strange reason, a trip to North Korea is not among my travel plans.

Re: China is Laughing at the USA

Post by firecat69 »

Jun wrote:This is a tricky little problem.

With the benefit of hindsight, Fat Kim should have been taken out BEFORE North Korea got nuclear weapons.

Now they need to think of a way to take him out BEFORE he has the means to deliver them to the US. The clock is ticking. In an ideal world, the US, Europe, Japan & South Korea would (perhaps) act as a bloc & request China to come on side in solving the problem.
Firstly with a polite request, then one stating it's a must, if they want to continue to trade freely with us.

Solving the problem = executing fat Kim & eliminating his military programmes.
If only it was so simple!. How would you have taken him out? Start a non nuclear war where at least hundreds of thousands or millions will be killed by conventional weapons including tens of thousands of Americans.

We can do all the history of mistakes made on both sides etc, and yet for 50 years Communist China has been the key and has done nothing and the Western World has not created the hardships needed on Communist China to act . Along the way the West has allowed Communist China to get more intertwined with the West Economies and has demanded very little from them.

So yes ultimately the blame is on the US and Western Democracies. What can they do other than war is the question and with Idiot Trump in the WH, there are infinitely fewer options.
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