Wave of Republicans leaving Congress

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Wave of Republicans leaving Congress

Post by Gaybutton »

Great! I'll help them pack.

There is a wave of Republicans leaving Congress

By Sam Petulla and Jennifer Hansler, CNN

November 10, 2017

(CNN) - Republicans are leaving office at a higher rate than in recent congresses, suggesting Democrats could pick up seats in the 2018 midterm elections. On Thursday it was Virginia Republican Bob Goodlatte, the influential chairman of the House judiciary committee.

Already, at least 25 Republicans have announced they are retiring, running for another office or resigning outright. They're leaving from all over the map, from southern New Jersey to southern New Mexico.

Democrats need to pick up 24 seats to retake the majority from Republicans, who've had control of the House since 2011.
Republican leadership has acknowledged the issue.

"We've got to find better ways to empower people where they feel like this is worth their time," Rep. Pete Sessions of Texas, a former two-term National Republican Congressional Committee chair who met with several members to discuss retirements, told the National Journal in September.
But more retirements came shortly after -- and then more after that.

While midterm elections are historically tough for the party of the President in power, it's too early to tell how things will unfold next year. But seats are opening up all over the map. A few seats will be filled by Special Elections before next November. But most won't.

Full story and graphics: http://us.cnn.com/2017/11/10/politics/h ... index.html
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