Plastic Bags - it's Time Thailand Charges for this Pollution

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Plastic Bags - it's Time Thailand Charges for this Pollution

Post by fountainhall »

Perhaps surprisingly, Bangladesh was the first country to do it with a total ban on plastic bags in 2002. Bans, partial bans and charging for plastic bags is now in force in over 40 countries, including China, France, Rwanda and Italy. Now Kenya has gone much further. Kenyans producing, selling or even using plastic bags will risk imprisonment of up to four years or fines of $40,000 (£31,000) from Monday, as the world’s toughest law aimed at reducing plastic pollution came into effect.

It took some time but I now always carry two fabric bags for use at the supermarket. Every time I go I see few others doing the same. I also see check-out clerks and the often cute young bag-fillers fill bags often less than half full so that a customer goes off with goods in 5 bags when 2 would have been sufficient.

Since much of the plastic used in the bags takes centuries to degrade, the damage to the environment is getting much worse. By 2050 it is estimated that there will be more plastic bags in the oceans than fish. Fancy a plastic bag with chips and vinegar?
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Re: Plastic Bags - it's Time Thailand Charges for this Pollution

Post by Dodger »

An environmental improvement in Thailand may be best aimed at developing biodegradable condoms. Are far as outlawing plastic bags goes - the food vendors would go out of business.

Re: Plastic Bags - it's Time Thailand Charges for this Pollution

Post by windwalker »

A better environmental improvement would be to stop flushing condoms down the toilet.

Re: Plastic Bags - it's Time Thailand Charges for this Pollution

Post by Jun »

Charging for plastic bags is a good start.

But why pick on plastic bags, when there are other bigger environmental issues ?

Number 1 in Thailand could be the perverse tax system which encourages the use of pickups for everything, when a little 1500cc saloon would consume a lot less fuel and allow travel in more comfort.
Admittedly the pickups are not quite as bad as the US equivalents, but are still a pretty inefficient alternative to a car.

[Since the UK started charging for plastic bags, I just bring all the free ones acquired in Thailand home with me. Christian PFC would be proud]
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