Thai beach killings: Even DNA THAI Expert questions DNA evid

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Re: Thai beach killings: Even DNA THAI Expert questions DNA

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Thai and Myanmar govts try to calm anger over death sentences

December 26, 2015

The governments of Thailand and Myanmar yesterday tried their best to calm the anger and dismay that led to protests outside the Thai Embassy in Yangon after a court sentenced two Myanmar migrant workers to death for the murder of two young British backpackers in 2014.

Yesterday, more than 1,000 Yangon residents showed up outside the Royal Thai Embassy from about 10.30am to protest and voice their dissatisfaction over the verdict.At the time of going to press, some 100 protesters were still camped outside the embassy, while monks lit candles in front of the building.

The Criminal Court in Surat Thani province convicted Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun of the brutal murder and rape of Hannah Witheridge, 23, and David Miller, 24, on the island of Koh Tao.

The Dagon township police forces blocked Manawhari Road by deploying more personnel than on Thursday, and also blocked the downtown Pyay Road.

Demonstrators stood on both roads that led to the Thai Embassy, with many holding signs saying "Shameless Thailand government", "Save Myanmar Poor Boys" and "Free Our Innocent Citizens", while others screamed "We want justice".

"This is just discrimination against us," demonstrator Min Thein Khaing told AFP. "There was little evidence, no witnesses and not much DNA proof, but they still got sentenced to death. It is unfair!" Comedian Khin Hlaing, who joined the rally, told reporters: "This cannot be regarded as only two lives of our |citizens. It is the image of our country. It is the dignity of our |government. Most Thai and Myanmar people believe that they did not kill the two Britons. So we believe it is a miscarriage of justice. We want to know the real truth. We need inclusive cooperation. All stakeholders including the government and non-government organisations are encouraged to join campaigns against the court's final decision."

Meanwhile, the Thai Ambassador to Myanmar met five monks, who handed over a letter addressed to His Majesty. The envoy promised the monks that the letter would be delivered and that he would tell the Thai government about the reactions in Yangon. The monks said later that the discussion was very fruitful and satisfactory.

The embassy's deputy chief of mission, who also met with the demonstrators, faced hostility and some protesters threatened to hit him with water bottles.

Separately, the Myanmar Journalists Association wrote an open letter to its Thai counterpart, urging it to seek "the truth behind the bureaucratic and judicial judgement".

The Myanmar Journalists Association thanked the Thai Journalists' Association for assistance during the recent flooding, and said it was time for them to join hands again to fight together for justice, human rights and democratic values.

Meanwhile, Information Minister Ye Htut and President's Office director Zaw Htay posted on Facebook that the Myanmar government would call on Thailand to review the case in line with Thai laws and regulations in order to ensure justice for Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun. They also said that the Myanmar Embassy here would work with other Myanmar organisations in Thailand to ensure justice for the two suspects.

Myanmar's Ambassador to Thailand Win Maung met PM's Office Minister Pannada Diskul yesterday morning to discuss the issue. After the meeting, he told reporters that the verdict would not affect diplomatic ties, adding, "I hope this case will receive special care and won't affect bilateral ties.

"Everyone who is a human, if they hear that they are getting the death sentence, they will be sad, but this is the legal procedure so we have to adhere to it. I told Panadda to look after the foundation of relations between countries," he said. "I very much hope that this case is looked after properly by the Thai government and let me tell you there will no problems affecting diplomatic relations because of this case."

In the meeting, Panadda also handed over US$11,879 (Bt430,613) on behalf of the government and people to the Myanmar envoy to help those affected by disasters in his country. The sum came from public donations in campaigns set up to help Myanmar nationals, the minister said.

Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai said: "The investigations were already examined and certified by UK police about their confidence in our investigation. "I wish the protesters would understand that the ruling was done according to the laws. It is the start of the justice system." ... 75732.html
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Re: Thai beach killings: Even DNA THAI Expert questions DNA

Post by Gaybutton »

Draw your own conclusions:


Re: Thai beach killings: Even DNA THAI Expert questions DNA

Post by Up2u »

This Independent editorial and Comments are a good read.
Dec 30,2015
Thailand backpacker murders: Britain too quick to accept Thai court’s verdict
If two Britons had been sentenced to death row, and this much doubt surrounded their case, the outcry would be huge

On Christmas Eve, a Thai court sentenced two Burmese workers to death for the murder of the young British travellers Hannah Witheridge and David Miller, on a beach in Koh Tao last year. The facts of the case appal: Ms Witheridge was raped before she died, and Mr Miller bludgeoned and left to drown in the sea. The reaction of the families to the verdict, welcoming the conviction and seeking to draw a line under the tragedy, is understandable.

Yet serious questions remain, and they should not be brushed aside in deference to the terrible suffering the parents of Mr Miller and Ms Witheridge have undergone. The bar workers quickly withdrew their initial confession, claiming they had made it after they were tortured. The crime scene was allegedly mishandled; the investigation into a powerful Thai family was dropped, and the commander who led that operation transferred; and the key piece of evidence linking the two men to Ms Witheridge by DNA on a cigarette was never produced for the court. Thailand’s best-known forensic expert was barred from the investigation..... (read more)....... ... 91226.html
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Re: Thai beach killings: Even DNA THAI Expert questions DNA

Post by Bangkokian »

Yes a good balanced op.ed. as are the comments that follow it.

Re: Thai beach killings: Even DNA THAI Expert questions DNA

Post by Up2u »

From We Are Anonymous (go to beginning of video).


Re: Thai beach killings: Even DNA THAI Expert questions DNA

Post by Up2u »

13 January 2016
Anonymous Shuts Down Hundreds of Court Sites
By Sasiwan Mokkhasen
Staff Reporter

BANGKOK — Hacker collective Anonymous has vowed to release information about corrupt members of the Thai judiciary today after taking down hundreds of websites belonging to the Court of Justice in an ongoing response to the conviction of two Burmese men in a 2014 double-murder on Koh Tao.

The self-styled hacktivist group claimed responsibility through associated social media accounts for the downing of 297 websites including those of the Court of Justice and the Appeal Court since Tuesday night. Members of the group also wrote on a Facebook page it uses that they are preparing to release “a huge leak of all Thai officials involved in corruption in Thai Courts.”..... (read more)..... ... section=12

Re: Thai beach killings: Even DNA THAI Expert questions DNA evid

Post by Up2u »

Koh Tao Appeal Case Further Information from Defense
May 24, 2016/0 Comments/in Latest News /
By Nadthasiri Bergman LL.M. Esq – 24th May 2016

Previously undisclosed information has been obtained by Thailand Justice from one of the defense lawyers Nadthasiri Bergman which gives further background details on the appeal that was submitted to Koh Samui court on the 23rd May, some significant area’s of concern have been confirmed.... (read more).... ... n-defense/

Re: Thai beach killings: Even DNA THAI Expert questions DNA evid

Post by Up2u »


Re: Thai beach killings: Even DNA THAI Expert questions DNA evid

Post by readerc54 »

I believe that this investigation was compromised from the beginning and that these two are fall guys. Putting that aside, I very much doubt that they'll ever be executed. Eventually, as the appeal process plays out, I can see the sentence being changed to life and both men being allowed to serve out their sentence in Myanmar.

It ain't over 'til it's over.

From The Irrawaddy

CHIANG MAI, Thailand – The legal defense team representing the two Burmese migrant workers sentenced to death for the 2014 murder and rape of two Britons in Thailand’s Koh Tao island, will next file an appeal with the Thai Supreme Court, after being rejected in the appeal court. ... court.html

Re: Thai beach killings: Even DNA THAI Expert questions DNA evid

Post by Oliver »

Shameful conduct on the part of the Thai authorities- reminsicent of pre-civil Rights US, Apartheid South Africa and Israel today. Racism, pure and smple.
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