Is a New "Rule" Necessary?

Anything and everything about Thailand

Message Board Rule

Things are fine the way they are and I don't want any new rule
Responses should not contain the screen names of other posters.
Personal inputs should be sent via PM and not posted publicly.
Other - please explain.
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Re: Is a New "Rule" Necessary?

Post by Gaybutton »

Bob wrote:why don't we just let him run it?
Thank you! I was hoping somebody would say that. I have quite a number of people who want to tell me how to run this board. Anybody who knows me also knows that I run my board my way, not somebody else's way. I'll listen and I'll try to accommodate where I can, but I can't have a rule for every little thing and I don't think it's necessary in the first place. Bao-bao said, "I'm a big boy now . . ." He's right. I think we all know the difference between legitimate posts and some trouble maker coming here to write nothing but meaningless nonsense. When it comes to those kinds of posts I don't ask questions. I just wipe the posts. Very simple.
don tang

Re: Is a New "Rule" Necessary?

Post by don tang »

This is a hard question to answer for the members who don't agree we need a new rule.It is almost impossible to answer without getting personal to the OP which would be against the rules we have already.
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Re: Is a New "Rule" Necessary?

Post by Gaybutton »

don tang wrote:It is almost impossible to answer without getting personal to the OP which would be against the rules we have already.
I don't know why, but if that is the case, you are at liberty to send him a PM.
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Re: Is a New "Rule" Necessary?

Post by Dodger »


In your opening comments on this post you stated the following:
I hope a lot of you will respond to this poll with comments - serious comments as RichLB requested. I'm stuck right in the middle of this and it would be very helpful to me to know what most of you think and what most of you want. I can't read minds, so I would really appreciate as much input from all of you as I can get.
Following the mature and meanigful feedback you received you went on to make the comments below which seems a bit contradictory:
I have quite a number of people who want to tell me how to run this board. Anybody who knows me also knows that I run my board my way, not somebody else's way.
My question is - which way do you want it? Do you want constructive feedback on this matter or not?

If the answer is YES, then it's possible I'm misinterpreting your last set of comments. If the answer is NO, than it's possible I'm misinterpreting your first set of comments.

Maybe you'd care to clarify...or should this be done in secret via PM.
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Re: Is a New "Rule" Necessary?

Post by Gaybutton »

Dodger wrote: If the answer is YES, then it's possible I'm misinterpreting your last set of comments.
You are. Part of "my way" is seeking out this feedback and acting on it. This thread is about whether a rule is needed, which the vast majority says is not necessary, and whether to allow topics to evolve, which so far the vast majority wants to do. But when it comes to frivolous bullshit, such as the post flooding that just occurred on the Gay Thailand site, or that sort of thing, I don't think I need a consensus to know what to do with those kinds of posts. That's where common sense comes into play.

I also get PMs every day from people who want to tell me how to run this board. There's a big difference between constructive feedback and demands.
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Re: Is a New "Rule" Necessary?

Post by catawampuscat »

gaybutton, you are doing something right..

The pm feature is very useful, as is the 'reporting' feature available on every posting..
I am certain many of us are using it and reporting what we find objectable and pming when an open posting
would not be appropriate or of general interest.
gaybutton seems to have the patience of a saint and is willing to run this forum as a labor of
love.. Too many rules might be counterproductive and ruin a very good thing..

The rapid responses from our moderator have spoiled me and 'set the bar' of moderating
very high..
My only advise to gaybutton is NOT to bend over backwards to try to please everyone. It just isn't possible..
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Re: Is a New "Rule" Necessary?

Post by Gaybutton »

beachlover wrote:Does he respond to reports or does he prefer members to let him spot problem posts himself?
He does both. If someone reports a post to me, of course I take a look, but I make my own decisions about what, if anything, to do about those. I also act if I spot problem posts. Part of getting this board going includes getting some people to understand what is and is not acceptable and culling out the people who come here to cause problems. Fortunately there aren't very many people who came here to be trouble makers, but there's been a few. When it's quite clear to me who they are, I get rid of them.
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Re: Is a New "Rule" Necessary?

Post by Gaybutton »

beachlover wrote:Ok thanks... I know the report button is there, I just wasn't sure if people were welcome to use it.
I can't monitor the board 24/7. Often, when I check in there are loads of new posts and it takes time to wade through them all. If somebody has spotted a post that I need to know about, I'll see the topic highlighted in red when I check in, so that would be the first post I look at. As long as people are reporting posts that really need to be reported, that can be very helpful to me.
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Re: Is a New "Rule" Necessary?

Post by Gaybutton »

It appears to me that everyone who intends to vote in this poll already has. The results are certainly clear. I will do my best to adhere to the wishes of the majority.
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