For those of us craving to travel.

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For those of us craving to travel.

Post by Daleinpattaya »

Here is an interesting article about the so-called "vaccine passport" from Axios.

EU moves toward vaccine passports

The EU unveiled its proposal for vaccine passports this week, offering the most detailed picture yet of how international travel might resume in the coming months.

Why it matters: People are desperate to travel, and tourism-reliant countries like Greece are desperate to receive them. Vaccines should provide a path out of closed borders and mandatory quarantines, but there’s no universal way to track who has actually been vaccinated.

Driving the news: The EU “Green Certificate” — available in digital or paper form — would allow all EU residents to prove that they’ve been vaccinated, recently tested negative, or already recovered from COVID-19. The aim is to roll out the passports before the summer travel season.

The European Commission suggests that those who’ve had an EU-approved vaccine be free to cross borders without any quarantine requirements.
People from outside the EU, including Americans, could also potentially benefit from the system when traveling to Europe.
Yes, but: Some EU members, including the Czech Republic and Hungary, are using Chinese or Russian vaccines, which won’t automatically be covered by the passport.

It’s also not clear how long immunity lasts or how effective vaccines are at preventing transmission, further complicating the passport picture.
There are also ethical concerns about opening up travel to people fortunate enough to be vaccinated when access varies so widely around the world.
But some airlines and airports are already starting to roll out a global platform called CommonPass, which allows people to digitally document their COVID-19 status — through test results and, eventually, vaccinations — while protecting their health data privacy, Axios transportation correspondent Joann Muller notes.

Several other such systems are currently in development.
What to watch: While vaccine passports have a clear application in international travel, it’s less clear if and how they’ll feature in day-to-day life.

Israelis can already show a QR code at bars, gyms and theaters to reveal their vaccination status and enter if they’ve received both doses.
But the barriers to such a system being widely rolled out in the U.S. are probably too high, Axios’ Bryan Walsh writes.
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Re: For those of us craving to travel.

Post by pong »

Note: this are by now just ideas/proposals. In this country there have been month long discussions about all possible types of covid-clearance and any time there was an outcry as it was deemed ´discriminatory´. You cannot exclude those refusing to be injected or whatever! being the main argument
As the EU now has 27 countries each with different opinions, it most likely will take the usual monthes before there will be any way acceptable to all-health is a national issue and not EU-and thus most likely only be there when summer holdiays have finished and anyone who wanted has been injected-day oct/nov. As for me the main reason of wanting to be injected ASAP is the chance to travel again!

BTW: does anyone know how the USA deals with this?
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