USA Protests/Riots

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Re: USA Protests/Riots

Post by DragonMaster »

firecat69 wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:18 pm As usual a bunch a people posting who are ignorant. I live in Atlanta , 1 block from Centennial Olympic Park. In case you are ignorant about where that is . it is the main area of demonstrations . Every day they have been peaceful until night time when rabble rousers come in from out of state . Their mission is to create the sort of ignorance exhibited in this thread .

Really use real bullets for people who are breaking windows and looting . Lethal force is needed to protect life and life only , not Nike shoes .

Again get your heads out of your asses.The only person who has been assassinated is George Floyd and yet some of you would like police to use real bullets for theft. WAKE UP!!!!!
Seems that the only poster with their head up their ass is you.

It's pretty rich for you to claim other posters are ignorant. Why don't you enlighten all of us with your solution to stop the destruction of the cities being carried out by lawless anarchists. Instead you want to post race baiting diatribes, which have little to do with the issue of George Floyd, being murdered by a Minneapolis police officer. Peaceful protests are certainly warranted in this instance, but not for the crap you're spewing.

A Supreme Court decision in 1985 states in part, that the use of deadly force is justified, if the officer believes a suspect is a threat to himself or others. While the theft of "Nike shoes" as you put it, is not in itself justifiable use of deadly force, the throwing of bricks, Molotov cocktails, and the shooting of 2 Federal Protective agents and 4 St. Louis police officer today certainly does. At last report, 60+ Secret Service Officers in DC have been injured by bricks and other objects, where do you draw the line? Perhaps you should invite some of these folks over to your house and serve them some tea and cookies.

So wise man, what is your solution, send the cops home, and let the lawless looters and shooters have their way. Tell the business owners who have lost their businesses and everything they own to these people to just suck it up and live with it? Perhaps you are ignorant of the fact that many of these businesses are in minority neighborhoods, and are owned by minorities. Insurance normally will not pay for destruction caused by civil unrest, and this certainly qualifies. The police are severely outnumbered and are at a disadvantage when politicians tell them to stand down and let the protestors vent. How long should we let people burn and loot businesses, vehicles, and public buildings?
firecat69 wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:56 am So much garbage in this post it is hard to know where to begin. I just can't imagine where all those people are that are getting bitten and killed by gangs of Black Thugs. That would be Zero. Last time I checked the only person that has been killed is George Floyd in Minnesota and he was killed by a bunch of white cops. There are no huge gangs of Black Thugs. There are unfortunately some people looting stores and of course there is no excuse for that .

I am not in peaceful Thailand but rather right in the middle of what is happening in Atlanta, Ga where I live and posts like this could only be from a Trumpster which of course is what is wrong with everything in the USA. He let 40,000 Chinese in after he finally restricted them. He did not seal off Europe and he did none of the things that anyone of the last 20 Presidents would have done and the loss of life and economy would have been a fraction of what has taken place. He is a complete Moron and will be run out of town in November , but the damage he has done will be around for years!
I know you are in the South, but they actually do have television there in Atlanta, I've been there and saw it for myself. Perhaps you should try watching a bit of it.

So, who cares that you live in Atlanta near Centennial Park. What does that have to do with anything? These riots are happening all over the country. I think most of us are smart enough to figure out that the problems come at night, not in the daytime. I also think most of us also realize that the trouble is being encouraged by outside actors and not legitimate protesters. If you watch the news footage, there are plenty of young whites involved in this as well, not just blacks.

Peaceful protest is protected by the U.S. Constitution as is the right to assembly, but it does not protect against violence in the process, regardless of your attempt to justify it with a history of racial inequity.

Perhaps you are the one who needs to pull your head out of your ass and offer some constructive commentary rather than berate others.

Re: USA Protests/Riots

Post by firecat69 »

DragonMaster wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:07 pm It is time to stop this violence now. Trade the rubber bullets for lead ones and warn the rioters that lethal force will be used if they are caught looting, shooting, or starting fires. Self preservation is a very strong deterrent.
This is your solution. Definitely someone who has no idea what the USA was founded on and would not know where to find the Constitution or understand the history of the USA. Kill people for stealing shoes! Yes that is what I would expect from the Moron who currently resides in the White House. Nobody thinks that these thieves should be praised, rather they should be put in jail. That is actually the system in a Democracy with a framework of Laws that protect everyone . You get to use Lethal Force to protect life and for no other reason.

Not sure where you grew up but I am sure you are a despicable person if you want the police to shoot some 16 year old coming out of a shoe store with some Nike shoes!!!
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Re: USA Protests/Riots

Post by Gaybutton »

Ok, looks like it's time once again for me to intervene (Did anyone really think I wouldn't?). Personal attacks are verboten on this board. I'll leave the existing posts in place, but anyone who does that again, expect your post to be deleted as soon as I see it.

Just stick to the issue. Leave the insults and attacks out of it.

Re: USA Protests/Riots

Post by Jun »

If this were my country (& my country sometimes does have social disorder), I would like to see:

1 The original offending police officers to be arrested and prosecuted. If guilty, apply severe sentences.
2 Measures to be taken to ensure there is a racially diverse police force in all regions.
3 Peaceful protestors to be allowed to protest in peace.
4 Following a suitable warning, brutal suppression of violent protests and related criminal activity, such as looting. Prosecution of all looters.

Re: USA Protests/Riots

Post by Up2u »

Just for the ignorant, the relevance of Centennial Olympic Park is it is home to the CNN Complex. It is as important and symbolic to the protest movement as St. John's Episcopal was for Trump's photo-op, holding a Bible above his head, and where protesters were tear gassed to clear the way for his Royal Highness.
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Re: USA Protests/Riots

Post by Moses »

Owner of this Pushkin restaurant in San Diego has Russian friends (with gun licenses)


Owner of this restaurant has not

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Re: USA Protests/Riots

Post by RichLB »

News reports frequently mention a loosely organized group called "antifah". I must have been living under a rock some place since I've never heard of them. A Google search reveals that they are a left wing coalition of people opposed to fascist tendencies in the US government. They do not adhere to non-violent interventions and it appears they are not merely some tiny splinter group. Has anyone else heard of them?
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Re: USA Protests/Riots

Post by Gaybutton »

RichLB wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 5:29 pm I must have been living under a rock some place since I've never heard of them.
I think I've been living under a similar rock. I had never heard of them either. From what I just read, it's an extremest group. In my opinion extremism is the wrong way to accomplish anything, no matter which side you're on.

I certainly have no dispute with appropriate action, but extremism? Include me out . . .
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Re: USA Protests/Riots

Post by @DM »

RichLB wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 5:29 pm News reports frequently mention a loosely organized group called "antifah". I must have been living under a rock some place since I've never heard of them. A Google search reveals that they are a left wing coalition of people opposed to fascist tendencies in the US government. They do not adhere to non-violent interventions and it appears they are not merely some tiny splinter group. Has anyone else heard of them?
It's usually just spelled "anitfa" (no "h"). = Anti-fascists. There's no doubt that they exist but it's a favorite tool used by some to dismiss any protesters that might fall on the more liberal side of the spectrum. It's a right-wing "dog-whistle."

It's just as bad as saying all Trump supporters are Nazis. Some certainly are - and Trump calls them "fine people" - but of course most certainly are not Nazis.

The group (or label) that I just learned about is "accelerationists." They are a real thing and they are "White supremacists are using the ongoing protests to accelerate civil disorder in an attempt to tear apart the current political system." There have been many videos from Minnesota and elsewhere showing heavily masked but identifiably-white people who are not part of the protest groups -- and who actually run away and hide from the other protesters - smashing windows and similar acts of vandalism. One rather notorious YouTuber was pretty much nailed for doing this. Accelerationists: ... rationism/

By no means is all of the looting or damage attributable to "accelerationists" -- actually probably only a little bit of it is. But it's something to be aware of and another reason for calm and not rushing to judgment or "brutal" suppression.
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Re: USA Protests/Riots

Post by Gaybutton »

Now all 4 of those police officers are under arrest with bail set at 1-million dollars each. The prosecutor says the investigation will take several months, which means there will be no trial until the investigation is complete.

Those police officers now have time to get used to the view from behind bars - a view, if convicted, will be theirs for as much as 40 years each. If they're convicted, I can't imagine a judge being lenient with them unless he wants to spark another series of protests.

One message I think is appropriate for those police officers comes from an old John Wayne movie:

"He was kind of an old man. It shouldn't have taken 4 of you."
- James Caan (Mississippi), 'El Dorado'
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