A few riddles just for fun!

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Re: A few riddles just for fun!

Post by Gaybutton »

Since nobody else seems to be trying, here's the solutions to my riddles.

For the doctor riddle, how can this be? Simple. The doctor is the boy's mother.

The Princess or the Tiger riddle is a little more complex. First choosing the guard. Since the prince has no idea which guard always tells the truth and which one is the liar, then the question has to be exactly the same for both guards. The question is: "Which door would the other guard say the princess is behind?" When he gets the answer, he goes through whichever door is not the door the guard tells him the princess is behind.

Can you see why?

Suppose the princess happens to be behind Door 1. If the prince has posed the question to the liar, then the liar will say the other guard will tell him the princess is behind Door 2. That's whey the prince will go through Door 1 instead.

If the prince has posed the question to the guard who always tells the truth, remember he didn't ask which door the princess is behind. He asked which door the other guard will say the princess is behind. The guard who tells the truth will tell the prince the other guard will say the princess is behind Door 2 - not because that's where the princess actually is, but because that's what the guard will say.

Both guards will tell him Door 2, but that's the wrong door to actually go through. So, he'll open Door 1, the princess will be there, they'll marry, and live happily ever after . . .
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Re: A few riddles just for fun!

Post by Alex »

Gaybutton wrote: For the doctor riddle, how can this be? Simple. The doctor is the boy's mother.
Simple indeed, but I have to admit that this solution didn't come to my mind at all. Some kind of mental block?!
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Re: A few riddles just for fun!

Post by Gaybutton »

Alex wrote:I have to admit that this solution didn't come to my mind at all.
Now you've got my curiosity up. Until I revealed it, what did you think the solution was?
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Re: A few riddles just for fun!

Post by Alex »

Gaybutton wrote:
Alex wrote:I have to admit that this solution didn't come to my mind at all.
Now you've got my curiosity up. Until I revealed it, what did you think the solution was?
Two things come to mind when reading the riddle again:
Gaybutton wrote: A father and son are in a car accident. The father is killed, but the son is seriously injured. They rush the son to the hospital and take him right into surgery. When the doctor comes in he takes one look at the patient and says. "You need another doctor. I can't operate on that boy. He's my son."
"A father and son" could be interpreted as "A father (of someone) and a son (of someone)", although that's counter-intuitive and should read "A father and a son", so my initial thought was that these two persons aren't necessarily related. In this case, the doctor at the hospital could well be the boy's father, as the father who is killed in the accident is someone else's father.

But regarding your solution, I find the "he takes one look at the patient" part odd. If the doctor is the boy's mother, why "he" instead of "she"? It also cannot just be a typo, because "she" would have given away the solution too easily.

Edited to add: I just found a slightly different version of this riddle online that makes more sense. It reads, "A father and his son are in a car accident. The father dies at the scene and the son is rushed to the hospital. At the hospital the surgeon looks at the boy and says "I can't operate on this boy, he is my son" .... How can this be??".

So, no "she" here and no ambiguity regarding the father-son relationship.
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Re: A few riddles just for fun!

Post by lvdkeyes »

I hadn't noticed that Alex. You are very astute.
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Re: A few riddles just for fun!

Post by Gaybutton »

lvdkeyes wrote:I hadn't noticed that Alex. You are very astute.
I suppose in this day and age "he" could actually have been correct if Mommy had a sex change . . .

If you want to see some more, click here: http://www.bigriddles.com/lateral-thinking-riddles

Re: A few riddles just for fun!

Post by thaiworthy »

I hope you have a movie dialogue riddle again sometime soon, GB. I don't know anybody who knows as many movie lines as you do. I'm not very good at riddles anyway. I am still trying to figure out who is buried in Grant's tomb.
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Re: A few riddles just for fun!

Post by Gaybutton »

thaiworthy wrote:I am still trying to figure out who is buried in Grant's tomb.
If you think the answer is simply "Grant," then you'll have the answer wrong.

Ok, you want movie lines? Here's a few. Some are easy and some, well, you need to really know your movies:

Who said the line and what was the name of the movie? (you can answer with the the name of the movie and the name of the actor or the name of the character. If you want a gold star - name the movie, name the actor and name the character)


1. I love you, Spartacus.
2. As an actor, nobody could touch him. As a human being, nobody wanted to touch him.
3. Not Slytherin. Not Slytherin.
4. You can't handle the truth!
5. Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night.
6. Houston, we have a problem.
7. But you are, Blanche. You are in that chair.
8. I told you. Kill him. Kill him. It would have been so easy!
9. My officers will not do manual labor.
10. What we've got here is failure to communicate.
11. Attica! Attica! Attica!
12. Bligh, you've given your last command on this ship!
13. Fiddle-dee-dee! War, war, war. This war talk's spoiling all the fun at every party this spring.
14. Open the pod bay doors, HAL.
15. That would be much too vulgar a display of power, Karras.
16. I didn't know 'till this day - it was Barzini all along.
17. You're going to need a bigger boat.
18. Hercules, Hercules, Hercules.
19. I am going to be allowed to fulfill my destiny!
20. I don't know you. But you? I never forget a face - Mr. Chekov.
21. Go ahead. Make my day.
22. Made it, Ma! Top of the World!
23. I'll get you, my pretty - and your little dog too.
24. What a dump.
25. I'll be back.

How many can you answer?
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Re: A few riddles just for fun!

Post by christianpfc »

6. Houston, we have a problem.
Apollo 13 (the movie about the accident during the spaceflight in an US-American spaceship)

14. Open the pod bay doors, HAL.
Most probably 2001: A Space Odyssey

21. Go ahead. Make my day.
I think I remember this quote, but not which movie it was in.

25. I'll be back.
Arnold Schwarzenegger as Terminator in Terminator 2 (I'm not sure about 2 or 3)
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Re: A few riddles just for fun!

Post by Bob »

I'll take a stab at a few:
1. I love you, Spartacus. The movie Spartacus, spoken by the female lead (Deborah Kerr maybe?) to Spartacus (Kirk Douglas).
3. Not Slytherin. Not Slytherin. Likely spoken by somebody in one of the Harry Potter movies.
4. You can't handle the truth! Spoken by Jack Nicholson to Tom Cruise. Name of movie? A Few Good Men?
5. Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night. Smells like something Kate Hepburn or Bette Davis would say.
6. Houston, we have a problem. Apollo 13, spoken by Tom Hanks (as Jim Lovell?) over the radio to Houston (NASA).
9. My officers will not do manual labor. Guessing it's spoken by Alec Guiness to the camp commander in Bridge Over the River Kwai.
10. What we've got here is failure to communicate. Smells like another Jack Nicholson line.
12. Bligh, you've given your last command on this ship! Guessing this was spoken by Marlon Brando in the Mutiny on the Bounty. Don't remember who played Bligh.
14. Open the pod bay doors, HAL. 2001 Space Odyssey....spoken by the main actor (not sure who) to HAL the computer.
16. I didn't know 'till this day - it was Barzini all along. Spoken by Marlon Brando as the Godfather (Vito Corleone) in the first Godfather movie. Not sure who he said it to....maybe to Michael (Al Pacino) or one of the other characters.
17. You're going to need a bigger boat. Jaws (I), spoken by whatever character Roy Scheider played to the other two guys (Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfus).
20. I don't know you. But you? I never forget a face - Mr. Chekov. Has to be from Star Trek....and my guess it's spoken by Spock (Leonard Nimoy) to Chekov.
21. Go ahead. Make my day. Spoken by Dirty Harry (Clint Eastwood) in the movie named Dirty Harry (somehow that doesn't sound right). Spoken to the bank robbery idiot.
23. I'll get you, my pretty - and your little dog too. Wizard of Oz, spoken by the wicked witch (Margaret Hamilton) to Dorothy (Julie Garland).
24. What a dump. Sounds like something said by either Kate Hepburn or, more likely, Bette Davis, would say.
25. I'll be back. Arnold Swarzenegger as the Terminator in the first movie. Not sure who he said it to....the kid or Linda Hamilton?
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