Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by firecat69 »

Not so Fast.

This has been going on for some time with real news anchors like Shep Smith, Bret Baird etc. But until something is done about Fox and Friends, Hannity . Laura Ingram etc , I won't be praising Rupert.. These are the ones who purposely spread lies and make money off of them. They are the scum of grown up Talk Radio . They are the shows that the Moron Trump Voters watch at night.
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

This man is just unbelievable. Every day it's something else - and it's almost never about anything other than himself. It's always all about Donald Trump. Maybe he thinks the role of the President is to be on a permanent ego trip and he can't handle the least bit of criticism.

President Harry Truman said, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." Mr. Trump seems to be unable to stand the heat.

Now it's "Google search is rigged."

"There will be violence if the GOP loses the midterm elections." And the midterms are "A referendum on your religion."

Puerto Rico just announced 2975 lives were lost due to Hurricane Maria - and all Trump ever did to help was to hand out rolls of paper towels. Nothing else that I know of. Just that. Did he forget that Puerto Rico is part of the USA? He doesn't even ever talk about it, much less do anything.

That's just today. I can hardly wait for what he'll do tomorrow - and the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that, and so on until the day he finally is out of office.

Will anyone be surprised if Trump pardons Manafort?

I'm surprised he hasn't advocated reinstating slavery - at least not yet . . .
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

Thank you to RichLB for telling me about Randy Rainbow. He has several videos on YouTube and these two typify them:

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

Sometimes people say, "Just when you thought nothing more could happen . . ." But few would say that when it comes to Trump because it is virtually a given that something more will happen and will happen every day.

Has the USA now become a country in which the government gets to make a case against you, penalize and punish you, and provide supporting evidence later - if at all?

How foolish of me. I had actually thought that before your rights can be denied and your citizenship virtually revoked, first there has to be some sort of credible, tangible evidence against you along with due process, and the burden falls on the government to prove its case. Apparently that's not the way it works - not anymore.

"I love America. I love all the freedom and rights we used to have"
- George Carlin

Here's the latest:

Washington Post: US denying passports to Hispanic Americans in South Texas

By Maegan Vazquez, CNN

August 30, 2018

Washington (CNN) - A growing number of Hispanics along the Texas-Mexico border with birth records showing they were born in the United States are being denied American passports, held in immigration detention centers, and entered into deportation proceedings, immigration attorneys and individuals affected told the Washington Post.

According to the Post report, the issue stems from a government allegation that from the 1950s through the 1990s, midwives and physicians working along the border issued American birth certificates to babies born in Mexico, which some birth attendants have admitted to in court.

The State Department, the Post said, denies changing its "policy or practice regarding the adjudication of passport applications." The agency also said the border region "happens to be an area of the country where there has been a significant incidence of citizenship fraud."

But immigration attorneys and cases identified by the Post suggest a "dramatic" change in passports issued and how immigration laws are enforced.

Though scrutiny of these individuals' citizenship began during the George W. Bush administration and continued into the Obama administration, the passport denials came mostly came to an end around 2009 following a settlement with the American Civil Liberties Union. But the denials have seen a dramatic uptick since the start of the Trump administration, immigration attorneys told the Post.

The evidence the federal government has requested to otherwise prove citizenship is often obscure. One individual affected named Juan, a former soldier, told the Post that some of documents the State Department requested included "evidence of his mother's prenatal care, his baptismal certificate, (or) rental agreements from when he was a baby." Once Juan provided some of the documentation, he was still denied a passport.
Some of the individuals affected are suing the government over the matter. According to the Post, they typically win those cases. ... index.html

Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

A billboard appeared last week in New Jersey advertising a documentary film. Since billboards in that state are privately owned, the city can do nothing about it apparently. Shades of that excellent movie "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri"!


Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

CNN is reporting amazing revelations from Bob Woodward's new book "Fear: Trump in the White House" due out in the next few days. Trump's top officials inside the White House talk about total chas inside the building. They talk of Trump being "erratic, impulsive and" - should we be surprised? - "a danger to national security". Some documents were secretly whisked off his desk to make sure he could not see or sign them. Basically the staff are alleging he is unfit for the Presidency.

Chief of Staff John Kelly describes Trump as "an idiot" and "unhinged". Other Kelly quotes include "he's gone off the rails" and "we're in crazy town!" Defense Secretary James Mattis is alarmed and describes him as having the intelligence of a "fifth or sixth grader". John Dowd, Trump's former lawyer, took him though a mock interview with Mueller. Trump failed. If he took such an interview he would perjure himself, said Dowd.

This book will inevitably be a massive bombshell. Woodward's credibility in hie previous books about Presidents is very high.

Even though some of the allegations and assumptions have been heard before, they have never been condensed in one volume as will be the case in "Fear".
Woodward's book takes readers inside top-secret meetings. On July 27, 2017, Trump's national security leaders convened a gathering at "The Tank" in the Pentagon. The goal: an intervention to try to educate the President on the importance of allies and diplomacy.

Trump's philosophy on diplomacy was personal. "This is all about leader versus leader. Man versus man. Me versus Kim," he said of North Korea.

His inner circle was worried about "The Big Problem," Woodward writes: Trump's lack of understanding that his crusade to impose tariffs could endanger global security.

But the meeting didn't go as planned.

Trump went off on his generals. "You should be killing guys. You don't need a strategy to kill people," Trump said of Afghanistan.

He questioned the wisdom of keeping US troops in South Korea.

"So Mr. President," Cohn said to Trump, "what would you need in the region to sleep well at night?"

"I wouldn't need a fucking thing," the President said. "And I'd sleep like a baby."

After Trump left the Tank, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson declared: "He's a fucking moron." ... index.html
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Captain Kirk »

I'm looking forward to this book, got my pre-order in.
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

fountainhall wrote:CNN is reporting amazing revelations from Bob Woodward's new book "Fear: Trump in the White House" due out in the next few days.

Just in case anyone does not know who Bob Woodward is, he and Carl Bernstein are the two Washington Post newspaper reporters who investigated and reported on the Watergate break-in and cover-up which eventually led to the downfall of Richard Nixon. I, for one, would certainly be pleased if Woodward's work produces similar results with Trump.

If you have never seen the film, "All the President's Men," it is an excellent film that tells the story of how Watergate came about.

You might also find the following documentary very interesting:

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

One of these men is lying. Either Bob Woodward is or Trump is.

Three guesses which of the two is the liar . . .

Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

As stated in the thread about Pence, with Trump's inexperience as he prepared to enter the White House, Pence put a lot of his own right-wing evangelical conservatives into White House positions. It is known that Pence is ruthless. It is looking quite likely that he is also the puppet-master within its walls with his people fomenting the revolution against his boss.
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