Asst. Attorney General of Michigan vs. gay guy

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Asst. Attorney General of Michigan vs. gay guy

Post by RichLB »

This is all over CNN but strangely not a mention on Fox. You might find it a boost to your adrenalin. ... l-on-ac360

Re: Asst. Attorney General of Michigan vs. gay guy

Post by Jomtienbob »

I caught that.

Not surprising Fixed News would not cover it. The Asst AG deserves to be fired for his harassment of the Student. Clear and arbitrary abuse of power by an unhinged maniac.
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Re: Asst. Attorney General of Michigan vs. gay guy

Post by Gaybutton »

It's just amazing how somebody like him managed to reach the position he holds. But he missed his calling. It's not too late. He should resign and become an attorney for the good Reverend Phelps. He's perfect for the job. I'd love to see the young man take him before Judge Judy for harassment. She'd make mincemeat out of him.
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Re: Asst. Attorney General of Michigan vs. gay guy

Post by Bob »

Jomtienbob wrote:The Asst AG deserves to be fired for his harassment of the Student. Clear and arbitrary abuse of power by an unhinged maniac.
I'd never defend anything this asshole has to say but I would note that he cannot be fired for what he says in private about non-office matters, regardless of how abhorent it may be. This case is especially troubling because the guy, on official time, is in a position where he had to swear under oath to protect the civil rights of the guy he's privately bashing.

if Cox (the Michigan Attorney General) fires him for this, the bastard would likely win a large money judgment against the State of Michigan for violating HIS constitutional rights. How ironic....and sad.

Re: Asst. Attorney General of Michigan vs. gay guy

Post by Jomtienbob »

The Supreme Court has recently moved in the direction of letting employers fire employees over issues such as engaging in inappropriate behaviors such as those exhibited here. Obviously the guy has deep seated hatred for gays, and that should be considered as something that would prevent him from performing his job in a fair and professional manner.
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Re: Asst. Attorney General of Michigan vs. gay guy

Post by Bob »

Jomtienbob wrote:The Supreme Court has recently moved in the direction of letting employers fire employees over issues such as engaging in inappropriate behaviors such as those exhibited here. Obviously the guy has deep seated hatred for gays, and that should be considered as something that would prevent him from performing his job in a fair and professional manner.
The cases you mention generally involve private employees and not government/public employees. Private employees are much more vulnerable to being lawfully discharged - unless you break the law and specifically fire them for an "illegal" reason (because of race, religion, gender, etc.), you're generally allowed to fire them without cause for any other reason regardless of how silly it might be. That wouldn't be the case, of course, if there was an employment contract that said otherwise.

But this idiot is a governmenetal employee and the Supreme Court ruled decades ago that a public (government) entity cannot take action against them - especically termination of a job - absent following a process that is accord with "due process." That generally implies a reasonable hearing opportunity. And this particular case would be tough because the guy is doing whatever on his private time and is exercising rights under the First Amendment's provision of free speech. Even (actually, "especially") abhorent speech is protected by the constitution.

But....regardless....I'd fire the asshole anyway and just take my chances. I'd hate to see the guy get a load of money in a lawsuit but I might consider it a worse situation that a crackpot like that is allowed to be in charge of enforcing the civil rights of others (i.e., I just sure this dickhead would be most sincere in his efforts to go after some person or entity who violated the law by discriminating against somebody because they were gay.......NOT!).

Re: Asst. Attorney General of Michigan vs. gay guy

Post by Khortose »

As noted in some of the CNN comments about the interview, this man is a classic case of latent homosexuality. I may be in the minority here, but I actually fill a little sorry for this poor soul. However, I would definitely keep an eye on him as he may choose to resolve his conflict with some kind of spectacular violent act.
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Re: Asst. Attorney General of Michigan vs. gay guy

Post by Bob »

Khortose wrote:As noted in some of the CNN comments about the interview, this man is a classic case of latent homosexuality. I may be in the minority here, but I actually fill a little sorry for this poor soul. However, I would definitely keep an eye on him as he may choose to resolve his conflict with some kind of spectacular violent act.
That too was my immediate impression of the guy. Some serious personality problems were rather evident and I wouldn't be surprised if his ego isn't able to handle the onslaught of criticism he's justifiably getting.

Re: Asst. Attorney General of Michigan vs. gay guy

Post by monsoon »

The asst. Attorney General has likely not been fired yet because he was the campaign manager for the current Attorney General during his last election. The creep has finally been place on administrative leave pending a hearing as to whether the student can get a restraining order against him. Should the student prevail then the current Attorney General would have no choice but to fire him.
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Re: Asst. Attorney General of Michigan vs. gay guy

Post by RichLB »

It seems to me there is sufficient reason to legally fire the loon. Free speech has limits. I'm not sure about the law in Michigan, but in California (and I assume elsewhere) hate speech is against the law. There are also laws against cyber bullying. In addition to swearing to uphold the rights of all citizens of Michigan, the guy appears to have violated both these laws. Certainly worthy of being fired.
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