US Senate Votes to Repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

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US Senate Votes to Repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Post by Gaybutton »

Senate Votes to Repeal Ban on Gays Openly Serving in Military

By the CNN Wire Staff
December 18, 2010

Washington (CNN) -- The military's prohibition of openly gay people serving within its ranks is one step closer to ending, after the Senate voted Saturday to repeal the armed forces' "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

Eight Republicans and independent Joe Lieberman of Connecticut joined the chamber's Democrats to back the legislation, which passed around 3 p.m. by a 65-31 margin. The bill needed a simple majority -- meaning support from 51 of the Senate's 100 members -- to pass.

"I want to thank all of the gay men and women who are fighting for us today," said Sen. Susan Collins, a Maine Republican who pushed hard for the measure. "We honor your service, and now we can do so openly."

President Barack Obama will sign the bill into law next week, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said in a Twitter post moments after the Senate vote. ... google_cnn
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Re: Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repealed

Post by Bob »

Although somewhat lost in the process, the DADT legislation was actually a compromise piece of legislation that actually was targeted at improving the chance of gay men and women to serve in the military in the US (it was designed to prevent witch hunts of gay service members and allow them to serve without being interrogated over their sexual preference); nevertheless, it was a somewhat dark-ages piece of legislation that singled out a minority class of people for discriminatory treatment. Thankfully, this chapter of history can be closed.

Re: US Senate Votes to Repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Post by Jomtienbob »

It's the law of the land. DADT is dead!

Barack has managed to shock the shit out of me and pull off what I thought would not happen for another decade.

Thank you President Obama. You have earned my vote in two years.
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Re: US Senate Votes to Repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Post by lvdkeyes »

This is a great day in the history of the US!
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