Roe vs Wade about to be overturned

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Roe vs Wade about to be overturned

Post by Gaybutton »

Since it is all over the news, I'm not going to paste in any of the articles. I think by now at least most Americans know that leaked information indicates that the famous Roe vs Wade Supreme Court decision, permitting women to make up their own minds whether or not to get an abortion, is about to be overturned.

What does this actually mean? From what I'm reading, my understanding is it would become up to each individual state to make its own laws about abortion.

The abortion issue has been a highly contentious issue in the USA for many years. My own opinion is, by consensus of doctors, and or the NIH, and or the Surgeon general, abortion should be the woman's decision and permitted until it is likely the fetus could survive outside the womb. I understand that is about the beginning of the fifth month. After the beginning of the fifth month, I believe abortions should no longer be permitted. I believe the exceptions to that should include women who are the victims of rape or incest pregnancies. I believe exceptions should include whether the fetus is shown to have birth defects. And of course I believe exceptions should include whether the pregnancy would endanger the woman's health or her life.

It is also controversial about what overturning Roe vs Wade could mean for use of the abortion pill and access to it.

I also believe that until the beginning of the fifth month, if a woman chooses to have an abortion, if it is her first she should be required to receive counseling so that she understands all the options - including issues involving unwanted babies. But I believe in the end it should be the woman's personal decision.

Of course, a great many people would disagree with my opinions. What are YOUR opinions?
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Re: Roe vs Wade about to be overturned

Post by Undaunted »

I don’t think anyone with the exception of the father should have anything to say about what a woman chooses to do. This potential decision by the court will mark the beginning of future right wing decisions as was evident with the three judges put on the bench by Trump, having said this it should be understood that this decision simply puts it in the state’s hands to decide for themselves, if a woman wants an abortion she needs to be in or go to a state where it is legal. This likely decision is advantageous for democrats that face a nightmare in the midterm elections, they should keep driving home that republicans took away a woman’s right to choose which should energize the female turnout not necessarily to vote democratic but vote against republicans.
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Re: Roe vs Wade about to be overturned

Post by Gaybutton »

"Have you ever noticed that most of these people against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?"
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Re: Roe vs Wade about to be overturned

Post by Gaybutton »

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Re: Roe vs Wade about to be overturned

Post by Gaybutton »

One of the aspects of this that bothers me is if the Supreme Court is willing to overturn a momentous decision such as Roe vs Wade, which has been in place for nearly half a century, how long will it be before they start making decisions that destroy LGBTQ rights?

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Re: Roe vs Wade about to be overturned

Post by Gaybutton »

Somehow I doubt many of us are going to be directly affected if Roe vs. Wade is overturned, but there are many implications that eventually could cause problems for us. We now have 3 Supreme Court Justices - Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett - who lied when questioned about overturning Roe vs. Wade during their confirmation hearings - literally committing perjury under oath, probably because they knew damned well that if they said they would overturn it, they would never have made it to the court. And now these are the most powerful people in the USA's Judicial branch of government.

Obviously whoever leaked the draft opinion was someone who had access to it. I think it was a wrong thing to do, but I'm glad he did it. Whoever it was may soon be on a plane taking him somewhere to have to live like another Edward Snowden.

If they try any cases, when a witness is asked if he swears to tell the truth, seems to me it would be perfectly legitimate for the response to be, "I will if you will."

Not only have they shown they cannot be trusted and apparently have no problem about not keeping their word, but there might even be grounds for impeachment, although I haven't seen any of the talking heads mention impeachment.

The only time an American Supreme Court Justice, Samuel Chase, was ever impeached was in 1805. He was accused of refusing to dismiss biased jurors and limiting defense witnesses in politically charged court cases. He was acquitted.

Meanwhile, none of the current justices make me think we now have another Oliver Wendell Holmes or Louis Brandeis. I believe history will remember this Supreme Court as the most schmuck the USA ever had, stacked by the most schmuck president the USA ever had.

I'll ask a rhetorical question I've asked several times before - How would you like to be a history teacher 50 or 100 years from now, trying to explain the Trump administration to your students?
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