Florida High School Shooting and Gun Control

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Re: Florida High School Shooting and Gun Control

Post by lvdkeyes »

When are people going to push the government to do something meaningful about gun control?

Re: Florida High School Shooting and Gun Control

Post by firecat69 »

NRA strikes again. 10 more dead in a school this time in Texas the Home of Guns.

Way to go Trump keep sucking on the NRA!
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Re: Florida High School Shooting and Gun Control

Post by Gaybutton »

firecat69 wrote:10 more dead in a school
Is anyone shocked? Or even surprised? I'm not. There has been so many school shootings that I've come to expect them. And if anyone thinks this will be the last one, keep dreaming.

I'm waiting for the great Senator Marco Rubio to tell us again how gun control is not the answer. Trump, of course, and other politicians, will tell us all about how their thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families - if they even bother making a comment. And even then, it's just a lie. Their thoughts and prayers aren't with the families at all. None of them give a shit about the victims and families. The only important thing is to avoid upsetting the NRA.

I just hope those Parkland kids will eventually be effective. The US government certainly isn't. This news will fade away soon enough - until the next one.
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Re: Florida High School Shooting and Gun Control

Post by Gaybutton »

The sentence that gets to me the most in this story is, "the highest number at this point during any year since 1999."

Since 1999? Mass school shootings have been going on since at least 1999, beginning with Columbine High School - and so far nobody in positions to do something about it have done a thing other than talk and tell us this must stop. How about actually doing something - something truly substantial - to make it stop.

If you're a school age child in the USA, you can no longer take for granted that you're going to come home alive. And if you're a parent, you can no longer take for granted that your child will survive a day in school.

The focus on school problems used to be drugs and gangs. Now it's on some nut coming in and shooting as many people as he can. I say 'he' because as far as I know females doing something like this are quite rare. Nearly all the time it's a male shooter.

At some point there must have been a last day when students could go to school without the thought crossing their minds as to whether they're going to survive the day. Students in schools today have never lived in a time before these school shootings ever occurred.

And only hours after this school shooting, there was yet another one - this time at a high school graduation ceremony. It's still a breaking story. Not much detail just yet. See: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mount-zion ... 018-05-18/

What a way to have to live.

Generation lockdown: There have been 16 school shootings in 2018 alone

By Jim Axelrod, CBS News

May 18, 2018

The victims of Friday's shooting at a Texas high school were in a place where they should always feel safe -- in a time when many do not. For generation lockdown, the question is no longer if it could happen, as much as when it will happen.

"Was there a part of you... that was like, 'This is not real. This would not happen in my school,'" someone asked Paige Curry, a student at Texas' Santa Fe High School.

"No, there wasn't," Curry said. "It's been happening everywhere. I felt -- I've always kind of felt like eventually it was gonna happen here, too. So, I don't know. I wasn't surprised, I was just scared."

It's worth another listen: "no" part of her thought it couldn't happen at her school.

She is the newest member of the heartbreaking chorus formed from voices around the country, from Lexington Park, Maryland, to Benton, Kentucky.

"I didn't really believe that something like this would happen to a school near me," said Makayla Bonds, in Maryland. "And it's really scary."

"There was a lot of blood everywhere it was horrible," said a student in Kentucky.

It's a generation that knows no matter how forcefully they chant "never again," their experience suggests they probably will.

In 2018 alone, there have already been 16 school shootings -- the highest number at this point during any year since 1999.

Rome Shubert, a sophomore at the school, was treated for a gunshot wound to the head. "[The gunman] had fired 10 to 12 shots in the room before he left," he said. "I'm one of the lucky ones and I'm glad that God spared me but I just feel bad they didn't make it. They had no reason to be shot -- they didn't deserve that."

Santa Fe High School was on lockdown less than three months ago. Today, it was for real, which is why one girl no longer thought it couldn't happen at her school.

"I wasn't surprised, I was just scared," she said.

And sadly, she is the voice of this generation.

Story, photo, and video: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/generation ... 018-alone/
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Re: Florida High School Shooting and Gun Control

Post by Gaybutton »

Anderson Cooper, CNN wrote:More people have been killed at schools this year than have been killed while serving in the military

Re: Florida High School Shooting and Gun Control

Post by firecat69 »

I am also getting sick of the Media . Every time they come on asking the same questions which any thinking person knows the answer to. The USA is the only Democracy in the World that has these school shootings.

The reason is the NRA and the Morons across the country that support them meaning the politicians . Not the majority of the gun owners who want assault weapons banned, want universal background checks , want guns locked in cabinets or the parents are liable etc.

When will the dam break?
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Re: Florida High School Shooting and Gun Control

Post by Gaybutton »

firecat69 wrote:When will the dam break?
With the kind of people currently in office, until something happens to their kids, I doubt that the dam will ever break. Even one of their own congress people was shot in the head, and was fortunate enough to survive, and still nothing was done. Only more useless talk and lame excuses.

When it has gotten to a point where a soldier in a combat zone has a better chance of surviving than a typical high school student, they still do nothing.

Congress won't do anything about it whatsoever unless a major grass roots uprising occurs. And even then I won't be holding my breath.

Re: Florida High School Shooting and Gun Control

Post by firecat69 »

Just saw a tv news story that registrations to vote by young people is up 50% . Young people and Mothers are the key for at least slowing down these slaughters.

I am not as pessimistic as I once was but we'll see after the mid terms if people are becoming sick of it.
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Re: Florida High School Shooting and Gun Control

Post by Captain Kirk »

Neither Democrats nor Republicans have any intention of tackling the gun issue seriously. Background checks and such like are minimal actions which will do absolutely nothing to solve the problem. The US is stuck with this problem for many years to come no matter what promises either party makes.
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Re: Florida High School Shooting and Gun Control

Post by Gaybutton »

Captain Kirk wrote:Background checks and such like are minimal actions which will do absolutely nothing to solve the problem.
Background checks might not do much of anything, and it wouldn't have prevented this latest shooting. There was nothing in his background that would have indicated any 'red lights' and apparently he didn't use his own gun in the first place.
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